Partnerships to Improve Access and Quality of Public Transport: Guidelines and Compilation CD
This book presents finding from the DFID-funded projects 'Partnership to Improve Access and Quality of Urban Public Transport for the Urban Poor'. The purpose of the project was to identify, explore, and document critical issues in the provision of transport services for and in low-income settlements in developing countries. The identifies issues can be used at policy and operational levels to provide better transport services to low-income communities in urban areas. In the research methodology, a sustainable livelihoods framework was used.
This pubication comes with a CD containing pdf files of all the publication I nthis series, includeing case studies from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.
Published: 2003
Pages: 148
Paperback: 9781843800354
This pubication comes with a CD containing pdf files of all the publication I nthis series, includeing case studies from Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Tanzania.
Diana Mitlin
Dr Diana Mitlin is Senior Research Associate, International Institute for Environment and Development and Lecturer, Institute for Development Policy and Management, University of Manchester