The MSP Guide
How to design and facilitate multi-stakeholder partnerships
In recent years, multi-stakeholder partnerships (MSPs) have become popular for tackling the complex challenges of sustainable development. This guide provides a practical framework for the design and facilitation of these collaborative processes that work across the boundaries of business, government, civil society and science. The guide links the underlying rationale for multi-stakeholder partnerships, with a clear four phase process model, a set of seven core principles, key ideas for facilitation and 60 participatory tools for analysis, planning and decision making.
The guide has been written for those directly involved in MSPs – as a stakeholder, leader, facilitator or funder – to provide both the conceptual foundations and practical tools that underpin successful partnerships.
What’s inside draws on the direct experience of staff from the Centre of Development Innovation (CDI), at Wageningen University & Research Centre, in supporting MSP processes in many countries around the world. The guide also compiles the ideas and materials behind CDI’s annual three week international course on facilitating MSPs and social learning.
This work has been inspired by the motivation and passion that comes when people dare to “walk in each other’s shoes” to find new paths toward shared ambitions for the future.
Published: 2016
Pages: 188
eBook: 9781780446691
Paperback: 9781853399657
The guide has been written for those directly involved in MSPs – as a stakeholder, leader, facilitator or funder – to provide both the conceptual foundations and practical tools that underpin successful partnerships.
What’s inside draws on the direct experience of staff from the Centre of Development Innovation (CDI), at Wageningen University & Research Centre, in supporting MSP processes in many countries around the world. The guide also compiles the ideas and materials behind CDI’s annual three week international course on facilitating MSPs and social learning.
This work has been inspired by the motivation and passion that comes when people dare to “walk in each other’s shoes” to find new paths toward shared ambitions for the future.
1 Introduction | |||
2 Multi-stakeholder partnerships | |||
What are Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships? | |||
Characteristics of an MSP | |||
Different MSPs for different purposes | |||
Who is involved in an MSP? | |||
Designing and facilitating an MSP process | |||
When is an MSP the right choice? | |||
3 Designing the process | |||
Process matters | |||
The process model | |||
Phase 1: Initiating | |||
Phase 2: Adaptive planning | |||
Phase 3: Collaborative action | |||
Phase 4: Reflective monitoring | |||
Process design in practice | |||
4 Seven principles that make MSP effective | |||
Principle 1: Embrace systemic change | |||
Principle 2: Transform institutions | |||
Principle 3: Work with power | |||
Principle 4: Deal with conflict | |||
Principle 5: Communicate effectively | |||
Principle 6: Promote collaborative leadership | |||
Principle 7: Foster participatory learning | |||
5 From design to practice | |||
Facilitation | |||
The human dimension | |||
Getting organised | |||
6 Choosing tools | |||
Tools for connection | |||
Tools for shared language | |||
Tools for divergence | |||
Tools for co-creation | |||
Tools for convergence | |||
Tools for commitment | |||
7 MSPs in action | |||
A civil society perspective | |||
A business platform perspective | |||
A public sector perspective | |||
A producer organisation’s perspective | |||
A science perspective | |||
8 Additional Resources | |||
Notes | |||
References |
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