Managing Mobility in African Rangelands
The legitimization of transhumance
This publication shows how land tenure laws, decentralization policies, institutional capacity building, common property management, conflict resolution and participatory development can be made more responsive to the needs of those practising transhumance today, or pastoralists, for ecologically and economically sustainable development in arid Africa. The scope of the book is holistic: social, economic, political and environmental issues are discussed in each contribution. The case studies focus on four key constraints to managed mobility: appropriate institutions at the local level; land use; land tenure and appropriate legislation; and conflict resolution. Although the case studies are from Africa, the issues and conclusions are just as relevant to pastoralism and common property management in other continents. Scientists, students, development experts, government officials and bilateral and multi-lateral development organizations will find new rsearch presented in this book of relevance to their work. Published in association with the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the Beijer International Institute of Ecological Economics.
Published: 1999
Pages: 328
eBook: 9781780442761
Paperback: 9781853394737
List of Tables | |||
List of Maps | |||
List of Figures | |||
Foreword | |||
Acknowledgements | |||
Contributors | |||
1 Introduction 1 | |||
2 A review of recent literature on pastoralism and transhumance in Africa 18 | |||
3 Le role des institutions provisoires dans la gestion des ressources a propriete commune des terres arides en Mauritanie 47 | |||
4 Les regles d'acces des troupeaux peuls aux paturages du Delta central du Niger (Mali) 76 | |||
5 The role of social networks, indefinite boundaries and political bargaining in maintaining the ecological and economic resilience of the transhumance systems of Sudano-Sahelian West Africa 97 | |||
6 Customary law and ways of life in transition among the Nuer of south Sudan 124 | |||
7 Conflict management and mobility among pastoralists in Karamoja, Uganda 149 | |||
8 Stock movement and range management in a Himba community in north-western Namibia 184 | |||
9 Ecological dynamics and grazing-resource tenure: a case study from Zimbabwe 217 | |||
10 Gestion de la mobilite et resistance des organisations pastorales des eleveurs du Haut Atlas marocain face aux transformations de contexte pastoral maghrebin 236 | |||
11 Toward a synthesis of guidelines for legitimizing transhumance 266 | |||
References 291 | |||
Index 312 |
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