Making Safe Food
A guide to Safe Food Handling and Packaging for Small-scale Producers
Peter Fellows, Vishaka Hidellage, Emma Judge
This booklet is intended for use by extension workers and trainers in food processing and provides simple illustrated interpretations of the regulations relating to aspects of food production.
Published: 1998
Pages: 36
eBook: 9781780442730
9781780442730.000 |
Peter Fellows
Dr Peter Fellows is a food technologist with over 20 years experience in small-scale food processing in Africa and Asia. He has been Senior Technical Manager with ITDG and Senior Lecturer at Oxford Polytechnic.
Emma Judge
Emma Judge is a freelance writer and photographer, based in Malawi. She set up Dawa Productions as a private development consultancy in 2004 to assist with the social and economic development of Southern, East and Central Africa through providing high quality promotional materials, consultancy and training services for governmental, non-governmental and community based organisations.