Living with Uncertainty
New directions in pastoral development in Africa
The last few years have seen a major rethinking of some of the hallowed assumptions of range ecology and range management practice. This book examines the management of policy implications of this new ecological thinking for pastoral development in dryland areas. With examples drawn from all over Africa, the contributors examine the consequences of living with uncertainty for pastoral development planning, range and fodder management, drought responses, livestock marketing, resource tenure, institutional development and pastoral administration.
Published: 1995
Pages: 224
eBook: 9781780445335
Paperback: 9781853392351
Contributors vi | |||
Preface ix | |||
Acknowledgements xiii | |||
1 New directions in pastoral development in Africa 1 | |||
2 Climate variability and complex ecosystem dynamics: | |||
implications for pastoral development 37 | |||
3 New directions in range management planning in Africa 47 | |||
4 Forage alternatives from range and field: pastoral forage | |||
management and improvement in the African drylands 58 | |||
5 Livestock marketing in pastoral Africa: policies to increase | |||
competitiveness, efficiency and flexibility 79 | |||
6 Tracking through drought: options for destocking and restocking 95 | |||
7 New directions in rangeland and resource tenure and policy 116 | |||
8 Pastoral organizations for uncertain environments 134 | |||
9 Dynamic ecological systems and the administration of pastoral | |||
development 153 | |||
10 Improving the efficiency of opportunism: new directions for | |||
pastoral development 174 | |||
References 183 | |||
Index 207 |
Ian Scoones Ian Scoones is co-director of the ESRC STEPS Centre at Sussex and joint convenor of the IDS-hosted Future Agricultures Consortium. He is an agricultural ecologist whose interdisciplinary research links the natural and social sciences.
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