Learning from Change
Issues and experiences in participatory monitoring and evaluation
Learning from Change provides an overview of the common themes and experiences in participatory approaches to monitoring and evaluation across different institutions and sectors. It explores conceptual, methodological, institutional and policy issues which need to be addressed in order to enrich our understanding and practice of Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation (PM&E). The book is in three sections. Section One provides a general overview of PM&E, synthezising literature surveys and regional reviews of PM&E practice around the globe. Section Two presents case studies that illustrate the diverse range of settings and contexts in which participatory monitoring and evaluation is being applied. Section Three raises the key issues and challenges arising from the case studies and the workshop proceedings, and proposes areas for future research and action. Learning from Change will be of significance to readers interested in processes of participatory development, as well as to all development professionals, including fieldworkers, practitioners, researchers and policy makers.
Published: 2000
Pages: 288
eBook: 9781780441214
Paperback: 9781853394690
List of figures | |||
List of tables | |||
Glossary of acronyms and abbreviations | |||
Foreword | |||
Preface | |||
Acknowledgements | |||
Introduction | |||
1 Learning from change | |||
1 Methodological innovations | |||
2 Exploring visions: Self-monitoring and evaluation processes | |||
within the Nepal-UK Community Forestry Project 15 | |||
3 Seeking local indicators: Participatory stakeholder evaluation | |||
of farmer-to-farmer projects, Mexico 32 | |||
4 Adapting participatory methods to meet different stakeholder | |||
needs: Farmers' experiments in Bolivia and Laos 50 | |||
5 Experimenting with participatory monitoring in north-east | |||
Brazil: The case of AS-PTA's Projeto Paraiba 68 | |||
Part 2 Learning with communities | |||
6 Strengthening citizen participation and democratization in the | |||
Philippines: ELF'S impact evaluation 83 | |||
ROY V. ABES | |||
7 Monitoring and evaluating local development through | |||
community participation: The experience of the Association of | |||
Indigenous Cabildos of Northern Cauca, Colombia 95 | |||
8 Monitoring local development with communities: The SISDEL | |||
approach in Ecuador 109 | |||
Marisol Estrella
Marisol Estrella is currently a Project Coordinator under the Disaster Risk Reduction portfolio of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), being managed by the Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch (PCDMB) based in Geneva, Swizerland. She has worked with local NGOs in the Philippines and consulted with the Asian Development Bank, Oxfam, GTZ and the Institute of Development Studies at Sussex University.
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