Last Resorts 2nd Edition
The Cost of Tourism in the Caribbean
The Caribbean has the fortune--and the misfortune--to be everyone's idea of a tropical paradise. Its sun, sand and scenery attract millions of visitors each year and make it a profitable destination for the world's fastest growing industry. Tourism is increasingly touted as its only hope of creating jobs and wealth--literally, the island's last resort.Last Resorts examines the real impact of tourism on the people and landscape of the Caribbean. It explores the structure of ownership of the industry and shows that the benefits it brings to the region do not live up to its claims. New developments in ecotourism, sex tourism, and the burgeoning cruise industry are not changing this pattern of short-term exploitation of the region's resources. The book shows how Caribbean societies are corrupted by tourism and its culture turned into floorshow parody.This new edition has been extensively revised and updated.
Series: Latin America Bureau Books
Published: 2005
Pages: 280
eBook: 9781909013759
Paperback: 9781899365647
Prelims - Last Resorts - 2nd Edition (Title Page, Copyright Information, Contents, Map of the Caribbean, Acknowledgements) | |||
1. The Lock and the Key: History and Power | |||
2. Linkages and Leakages: The Planning Factor | |||
3. From Banana Farmer to Banana Daiquiri | |||
4. 'Like an alien in we own land': The Social Impact | |||
5. Green Crime, Green Redemption: The Environment and Ecotourism | |||
6. The Holiday and its Makers: The Tourists | |||
7. Sailing Into the Sunset: The Cruise Ship Industry | |||
8. Reclaiming the Heritage Trail: Culture | |||
9. New Footprints in the Sand: The Future | |||
Back Matter - Last Resorts - 2nd Edition (Photographs, Selected Bibliography, Index) |
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