New Titles
Backyard Bankers
Discover the world of immigrant ‘money clubs’ in the US. Learn how groups of migrants and refugees creatively pool resources to first survive—putting food on the table—then thrive as they expand their businesses and invest in real estate. From modest set-ups in Iowa to intricate systems in Boston, g...
Voices of Activists and Academics
Vicky Johnson, Tessa Lewin, Andrew West
Over the past three decades, research and intervention processes have been left wanting by the lack of the substantive inclusion of children and young people, as well as the challenge of adultism − the ongoing and systematic disregard of many children and youth in decision-making. This book is in...
The Amazon in Times of War
The Amazon in Times of War presents both direct and indirect evidence showcasing the deliberate state policies behind the violence and devastation inflicted upon the Brazilian Amazon and its inhabitants. The collection features firsthand accounts detailing not just physical assaults, but also econom...
Standards for Supporting Crop-related Livelihoods in Emergencies Arabic
Millions of people around the world who are vulnerable to crises rely heavily on crop production to support their livelihoods. Currently, 40% of the global poor live in economies affected by fragility, conflict, and violence. That number is expected to rise to 67% in the next decade (World Bank 2021...
Normas para el apoyo a los medios de subsistencia relativos a cultivos en emergencias
En todo el mundo, millones de personas vulnerables a crisis dependen en gran medida de la producción de cultivos para apoyar sus medios de subsistencia. En la actualidad, el 40% de las personas pobres del mundo viven en economías afectadas por precariedad, confl ictos y violencia. Se espera que esa...
Normes pour l’appui aux moyens d’existence en rapport avec les cultures dans les situations d’urgence
Des millions de personnes à travers le monde sont vulnérables aux crises et dépendent fortement de la production végétale pour assurer leurs moyens d’existence. Actuellement, 40 % des personnes pauvres de la planète vivent dans des économies touchées par la précarité, un confl it ou la violence. Ce...
Hidden Politics in the UN Sustainable Development Goals
This book analyzes the politics of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and counters mainstream feelgood accounts of this agenda. Conventional wisdom says that efforts to achieve the SDGs contribute to building a more inclusive, sustainable and peaceful world. This book counters this orthodox...
Minimum Standards for Education
Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies (INEE)
Since 2004, the INEE Minimum Standards have provided a framework for quality education in emergencies. They have been a key tool for convening education stakeholders around common standards and outcomes. As part of the Humanitarian Standards Partnership, they have further articulated the belief that...
The INGO Problem
International non-governmental organisations (INGOs) have emerged over the past few decades as the dominant institution in the civil society ecosystem, garnering a disproportionate amount of both resources and power in the international arena. Local actors continue to be marginalised and largely exc...
Under Development
Armed with a university degree, the Boy Scout’s solemn oath and a snakebite kit which he left on the plane, Ian Smillie set out more than 50 years ago to confront ignorance, want and war. He taught at a remote school in Sierra Leone, was an aid administrator in Nigeria during the Biafran War and for...