Disasters and Emergencies
Podręcznik Sfery
Podręcznik Sfery prezentuje oparte na zasadach podejście do jakości i odpowiedzialności w działaniach humanitarnych. Jest to praktyczne wyjaśnienie głównego założenia Sfery, zgodnie z którym wszystkie osoby, które dotknęła klęska lub konflikt mają prawo do godnego życia i prawo do otrzymania pomocy...
Manualul Sphere
Manualul Sphere prezintă o abordare bazată pe principii în ceea ce privește calitatea și asumarea răspunderii în cadrul răspunsului umanitar. Este o transpunere practică a crezului fundamental al organizației Sphere, conform căruia toate persoanele afectate de dezastre sau conflicte au dreptul la o...
The Sphere Handbook Ukrainian
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...
The Sphere Handbook Japanese
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...
Das Sphere Handbuch
Das Sphere-Handbuch stellt einen grundsatzbasierten Ansatz für Qualität und Verantwortlichkeit in der humanitären Hilfe dar. Es beinhaltet eine praktische Anwendung der Grundüberzeugung von Sphere, dass alle von einer Katastrophe oder einem Konflikt betroffenen Menschen ein Recht auf ein Leben in Wü...
Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards 3rd edition
The Livestock Emergency Guidelines and Standards (LEGS) target livestock-owning communities affected by humanitarian crises. Drawing on international evidence-based best practice, LEGS supports practitioners to design and implement emergency responses that protect and rebuild livestock-base... -
Mukanda Wa Sphere Tshiluba
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...
Mukanda Sphère Kikongo
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...
Makambo ya ebandeli - Buku Sphère Lingala
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...
Maneno ya utangulizi ya Kitabu Sphere Congo Swahili
The Sphere Handbook presents a principled approach to quality and accountability in humanitarian response. It is a practical translation of Sphere’s core belief that all people affected by disaster or conflict have a right to life with dignity and the right to receive humanitarian assistance. The...