Development studies
Peanut Roaster
The design and construction of a peanut roaster
Removing Arsenic From Water
This brief outlines the different arsenic removal methods and technologies that are available for use with small-scale supplies in developing countries.
A Collection of Contemporary Toilet Designs
This collection is the result of the findings of EOOS research which was supported by Sandec, the Department of Water and Sanitation in Developing Countries at the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology (Eawag). It covers a wide range of contemporary toilet designs along with a va...
Contribution au changement
Roger Few, Daniel McAvoy, Marcela Tarazona, Vivien Margaret Walden
Alors que le nombre de personnes touchées par des catastrophes augmente, il en va de même pour les attentes placées dans les organisations humanitaires par les bailleurs de fonds, le public et les populations touchées. Les organisations doivent à présent fournir des preuves de l’impact de leurs inte...
Una contribución al cambio
Roger Few, Daniel McAvoy, Marcela Tarazona, Vivien Margaret Walden
El número de personas afectadas por desastres va en aumento, y con él las expectativas que los donantes, el público general y las poblaciones afectadas tienen puestas en las organizaciones humanitarias. Las organizaciones deben ahora presentar pruebas del impacto de sus intervenciones, pero la aplic...
Community-Based Adaptation to Climate Change
Jonathan Ensor, Rachel Berger, Saleemul Huq
As climate becomes less predictable and extreme weather events become more frequent, there is an urgent need for support that will help communities to prepare and adapt to changing conditions. This support is needed at the local level as well as the national, and must be framed by appropriate policy...
ICT Pathways to Poverty Reduction
Edith Ofwona Adera, Timothy M. Waema, Julian May, Ophelia Mascarenhas, Kathleen Diga
This book provides new empirical evidence on access to and use of ICTs and their effect on poor households in East African and Southern African countries. It addresses the questions: Under what conditions do women benefit economically from using ICTs? How are the livelihoods of rural users affected?...
Peasants and the Art of Farming
Peasants and the Art of Farming: A Chayanovian Manifesto focuses on the structure and dynamics of peasant farms and the historically highly variable relations that govern the processes of labour and production within peasant farms. Jan Douwe van der Ploeg argues that peasant agriculture can play an...
Small-Scale Papermaking
Paper making is a good example of how a small-scale industry can be developed to make use of local resources and cater for local markets while keeping capital investment down.
Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technologies in Bangladesh
Renewable energy practices in Bangladesh.