Practical Action Publishing
Sustainable Small-Scale Brick Production
Increasing efficiency in small-scale brick production without reducing quality or under-firing.
Toddy and Palm Wine
Virtually any sugary plant sap can be processed into alcoholic drinks. The process is essentially fermentation of sugars making alcohol and carbon dioxide.
Tomato Farming
Tomato farming is one of the most popular farming practices that is being practiced by farmers around the world. This technical brief will help farmers on optimizing the production of tomatoes by giving attention at various stages of tomato farming. As tomato is one of the most popular crops that ca...
Training Manual for Eco-Toilet Construction
A manual covering the different designs of eco san toilet from Bangladesh.
Treadle Pumps
A treadle pump is a human-powered low-cost pump designed to lift shallow water sources for irrigation.
Wind Pumping
This document examines the principles of wind energy conversion and looks at the types and characteristics of rotors, as well as the importance of matching rotor with pump.
Terre Fertile
La planète compte environ 2,5 milliards de personnes impliquées dans l’agriculture familiale et la production alimentaire qui sont réparties sur 500 millions de fermes. Leur capacité créative à exploiter leurs terres de manière productive et durable en accord avec la nature, et non contre elle, est...
Tierra Fértil
En el mundo hay cerca de 2500 millones de personas, en 500 millones de granjas, dedicadas a la agricultura familiar y a la producción de alimentos a pequeña escala. Su capacidad creativa para cultivar de manera productiva y sostenible con la naturaleza, en lugar de en contra de ella, es tal vez la f...
Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilience in Humanitarian Action
Nature-based solutions (NbS) are actions that hold the twin objectives of providing for human well-being and protecting the environment. They are a tangible solution that can build immediate and long-term resilience for those affected by crisis. This Unpacked Guide focuses on NbS for resilience i...
The INGO Problem
International non-governmental organisations (INGOs) have emerged over the past few decades as the dominant institution in the civil society ecosystem, garnering a disproportionate amount of both resources and power in the international arena. Local actors continue to be marginalised and largely exc...