Realizing the right to water
'The right to water' is now recognized in international law. What does this right mean and how will it ensure that more people come closer to getting an adequate water supply? -
Pandora's water closet: competition, finance and water supplies for the poor
Increasingly, finance for water supplies is being disbursed by inviting private businesses and NGOs to tender a bid for the contract. This new situation raises all kinds of questions, including: will the competition between NGOs and private businesses be fair? Do NGOs and local businesses know what is involved in bidding for a contract? What expertise does local government need to supervise this process? -
Water policy in Puntland State, Somalia
Puntland - the very horn of Africa - has almost no surface water and presents unique challenges when developing water policy. Following a risk assessment and a participatory approach, the Government of Puntland has successfully developed, approved and launched a new policy. The purpose of this paper is to describe how a participatory process and risk assessment led to the successful recognition and implementation of a water policy under testing circumstances.