Financing the water sector
If we are ever to reach the millennium development goals, much greater levels of finance will need to be raised, and sound systems of governance should be in place to manage them. -
Crossfire: ‘Technology development versus capacity building’
In our debate between two experts, Crossfire invites Catarina Fonseca and Pam Minnigh to debate the following: ‘Improving access to safe and sustainable water supplies is primarily a matter of establishing functioning institutions and ensuring that revenues cover operation and maintenance costs. We should not be wasting time and resources on science and technology’. -
Crossfire: ‘We need to fund first those who don't have access rather than fund maintenance for those who already have access’
In this issue’s Crossfire, Rolf Luyendijk and Catarina Fonseca discuss funding priorities and who should be responsible for financing maintenance in order to make WASH services sustainable.