Poor women entrepreneurs – lessons from Asian countries
What are the obstacles faced by women entrepreneurs, and how may training programmes effectively address their wider need for confidence-building as well as business orientation? A workshop sponsored by the British Council on the development of microenterprises by women in Asian countries, held at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad in August 1992, focused on some of these issues. The important conclusions that emanated from the discussions are summarized in this article. -
Promoting small enterprises – an interventionist mechanism
In order to promote economic development in backward areas, many developing countries have offered incentives to businesses starting up or moving to these regions. This article surveys the kind of regional incentives offered in several developing countries, and then takes India as a case study, and examines the schemes available there. It asks whether there is widespread knowledge of the incentives in the business community, and whether they are sufficiently attractive to overcome the disadvantages of moving business location.