Does microfinance redefine identity, income and insecurity among rural women? A model of women’s empowerment
This paper describes how JEEViKA, a microfinance project supported by the World Bank and Government of Bihar, has addressed women’s insecurity in the absence of identity and income. JEEViKA’s home-grown model of community resource persons created identity with enhanced income options as a sub-set of micro-finance. This study suggests that the name, norms and network of women created by the project translate into enhanced capacity, choices, and cohesion among the rural women. The paper concludes by recommending microfinance as a means to redefine identity, income, and insecurity for women’s empowerment in the context of rural livelihoods.Chitralekha, D. (2010) ‘Committed, opportunists, and drifters: revisiting the naxalite narrative in Jharkand and Bihar’, Contributions to Indian Sociology 44(3): 299–329.
Deepika, M.G. and Sigi, M.D. (2014) ‘Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: the alternative state-led microfinance model of Kudumbashree in Kerala, India’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 327–40.
Festinger, Leon (1954) ‘A theory of social comparison processes’, Human Relations Vol. 7 No. 2: 117–40.
Hung Minh, T., Minh Duc, N., Santillán, D., Schuler, S.R., Thu Trang, Q., Tu Anh, H. (2004) ‘Developing indicators to assess women’s empowerment in Vietnam’, Development in Practice Vol. 14, No. 4: 534–49.
Jha, C., Prasai, S., Hobley, M. and Bennett, L. (2009) Citizen Mobilisation in Nepal: Building on Nepal’s Tradition of Social Mobilisation to make Local Governance more Inclusive and Accountable, <> (accessed on 12 July 2016)
Kabeer, N. (1999) ‘From feminist insights to an analytical framework: an institutional perspective on gender inequality’, in N. Kabeer and R. Subrahmanian (eds), Institutions, Relations and Outcomes: A Framework and Case Studies for Gender Aware Planning, New Delhi: Kali for Women.
Kabeer, N. (2001) ‘Conflicts over credit: re-evaluating the empowerment potential of loans to women in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 29(1): 63–84.
Kabeer, N. (2005) ‘Is microfinance a ‘magic bullet’ for women’s empowerment? Analysis of findings from South Asia’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 40, No. 44/45: 4709–18.
Kumar, A. (2013) ‘Women entrepreneurs in a masculine society: inclusive strategy for sustainable outcomes’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis 21(3): 373–84.
Lakwo, A. (2006) ‘Microfinance, rural livelihoods, and women’s empowerment in Uganda’, African Studies Centre Research Report 85/2006
Mader, P. (2013) ‘Rise and fall of microfinance in India: the Andhra Pradesh crisis in perspective’, Strategic Change. Second Special Issue on Microfinance Vol. 22: 47–66.
Mahmud, S., Shah, N.M. and Becker, S. (2012) ‘Measurement of women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 40(3): 610–19.
Mayoux, L. (1998) ‘Women’s empowerment and micro-finance programmes: strategies for increasing impact’, Development in Practice 8(2): 235–41.
Ministry of Rural Development (2014) ‘NRLM-Programme Implementation Plan’, New Delhi, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, available at (retrieved 14 November 2015).
Mithaug, D.E. (1996) ‘Fairness, liberty, and empowerment evaluation’, in D.M. Fetterman, S. Kaftarian, and A. Wandersman (eds), Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self – assessment and accountability, pp. 234–58, Sage: Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
Paterson, R. (2008) ‘Women’s empowerment in challenging environments: a case study from Balochistan’, Development in Practice 18(3): 333–44.
Tawney, C. (2014) ‘Measuring development’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 269–70.
World Bank (2001) ‘Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice’, World Bank Policy Research Report, : Oxford University Press.
World Bank (2005) ‘Bihar – Towards a Development Strategy’, Washington, DC: World Bank, available at (retrieved 16 December 2014).
Chitralekha, D. (2010) ‘Committed, opportunists, and drifters: revisiting the naxalite narrative in Jharkand and Bihar’, Contributions to Indian Sociology 44(3): 299–329.
Deepika, M.G. and Sigi, M.D. (2014) ‘Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: the alternative state-led microfinance model of Kudumbashree in Kerala, India’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 327–40.
Festinger, Leon (1954) ‘A theory of social comparison processes’, Human Relations Vol. 7 No. 2: 117–40.
Hung Minh, T., Minh Duc, N., Santillán, D., Schuler, S.R., Thu Trang, Q., Tu Anh, H. (2004) ‘Developing indicators to assess women’s empowerment in Vietnam’, Development in Practice Vol. 14, No. 4: 534–49.
Jha, C., Prasai, S., Hobley, M. and Bennett, L. (2009) Citizen Mobilisation in Nepal: Building on Nepal’s Tradition of Social Mobilisation to make Local Governance more Inclusive and Accountable, <> (accessed on 12 July 2016)
Kabeer, N. (1999) ‘From feminist insights to an analytical framework: an institutional perspective on gender inequality’, in N. Kabeer and R. Subrahmanian (eds), Institutions, Relations and Outcomes: A Framework and Case Studies for Gender Aware Planning, New Delhi: Kali for Women.
Kabeer, N. (2001) ‘Conflicts over credit: re-evaluating the empowerment potential of loans to women in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 29(1): 63–84.
Kabeer, N. (2005) ‘Is microfinance a ‘magic bullet’ for women’s empowerment? Analysis of findings from South Asia’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 40, No. 44/45: 4709–18.
Kumar, A. (2013) ‘Women entrepreneurs in a masculine society: inclusive strategy for sustainable outcomes’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis 21(3): 373–84.
Lakwo, A. (2006) ‘Microfinance, rural livelihoods, and women’s empowerment in Uganda’, African Studies Centre Research Report 85/2006
Mader, P. (2013) ‘Rise and fall of microfinance in India: the Andhra Pradesh crisis in perspective’, Strategic Change. Second Special Issue on Microfinance Vol. 22: 47–66.
Mahmud, S., Shah, N.M. and Becker, S. (2012) ‘Measurement of women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 40(3): 610–19.
Mayoux, L. (1998) ‘Women’s empowerment and micro-finance programmes: strategies for increasing impact’, Development in Practice 8(2): 235–41.
Ministry of Rural Development (2014) ‘NRLM-Programme Implementation Plan’, New Delhi, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, available at (retrieved 14 November 2015).
Mithaug, D.E. (1996) ‘Fairness, liberty, and empowerment evaluation’, in D.M. Fetterman, S. Kaftarian, and A. Wandersman (eds), Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self – assessment and accountability, pp. 234–58, Sage: Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
Paterson, R. (2008) ‘Women’s empowerment in challenging environments: a case study from Balochistan’, Development in Practice 18(3): 333–44.
Tawney, C. (2014) ‘Measuring development’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 269–70.
World Bank (2001) ‘Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice’, World Bank Policy Research Report, : Oxford University Press.
World Bank (2005) ‘Bihar – Towards a Development Strategy’, Washington, DC: World Bank, available at (retrieved 16 December 2014).
Chitralekha, D. (2010) ‘Committed, opportunists, and drifters: revisiting the naxalite narrative in Jharkand and Bihar’, Contributions to Indian Sociology 44(3): 299–329.
Deepika, M.G. and Sigi, M.D. (2014) ‘Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: the alternative state-led microfinance model of Kudumbashree in Kerala, India’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 327–40.
Festinger, Leon (1954) ‘A theory of social comparison processes’, Human Relations Vol. 7 No. 2: 117–40.
Hung Minh, T., Minh Duc, N., Santillán, D., Schuler, S.R., Thu Trang, Q., Tu Anh, H. (2004) ‘Developing indicators to assess women’s empowerment in Vietnam’, Development in Practice Vol. 14, No. 4: 534–49.
Jha, C., Prasai, S., Hobley, M. and Bennett, L. (2009) Citizen Mobilisation in Nepal: Building on Nepal’s Tradition of Social Mobilisation to make Local Governance more Inclusive and Accountable, <> (accessed on 12 July 2016)
Kabeer, N. (1999) ‘From feminist insights to an analytical framework: an institutional perspective on gender inequality’, in N. Kabeer and R. Subrahmanian (eds), Institutions, Relations and Outcomes: A Framework and Case Studies for Gender Aware Planning, New Delhi: Kali for Women.
Kabeer, N. (2001) ‘Conflicts over credit: re-evaluating the empowerment potential of loans to women in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 29(1): 63–84.
Kabeer, N. (2005) ‘Is microfinance a ‘magic bullet’ for women’s empowerment? Analysis of findings from South Asia’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 40, No. 44/45: 4709–18.
Kumar, A. (2013) ‘Women entrepreneurs in a masculine society: inclusive strategy for sustainable outcomes’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis 21(3): 373–84.
Lakwo, A. (2006) ‘Microfinance, rural livelihoods, and women’s empowerment in Uganda’, African Studies Centre Research Report 85/2006
Mader, P. (2013) ‘Rise and fall of microfinance in India: the Andhra Pradesh crisis in perspective’, Strategic Change. Second Special Issue on Microfinance Vol. 22: 47–66.
Mahmud, S., Shah, N.M. and Becker, S. (2012) ‘Measurement of women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 40(3): 610–19.
Mayoux, L. (1998) ‘Women’s empowerment and micro-finance programmes: strategies for increasing impact’, Development in Practice 8(2): 235–41.
Ministry of Rural Development (2014) ‘NRLM-Programme Implementation Plan’, New Delhi, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, available at (retrieved 14 November 2015).
Mithaug, D.E. (1996) ‘Fairness, liberty, and empowerment evaluation’, in D.M. Fetterman, S. Kaftarian, and A. Wandersman (eds), Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self – assessment and accountability, pp. 234–58, Sage: Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
Paterson, R. (2008) ‘Women’s empowerment in challenging environments: a case study from Balochistan’, Development in Practice 18(3): 333–44.
Tawney, C. (2014) ‘Measuring development’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 269–70.
World Bank (2001) ‘Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice’, World Bank Policy Research Report, : Oxford University Press.
World Bank (2005) ‘Bihar – Towards a Development Strategy’, Washington, DC: World Bank, available at (retrieved 16 December 2014).
Chitralekha, D. (2010) ‘Committed, opportunists, and drifters: revisiting the naxalite narrative in Jharkand and Bihar’, Contributions to Indian Sociology 44(3): 299–329.
Deepika, M.G. and Sigi, M.D. (2014) ‘Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: the alternative state-led microfinance model of Kudumbashree in Kerala, India’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 327–40.
Festinger, Leon (1954) ‘A theory of social comparison processes’, Human Relations Vol. 7 No. 2: 117–40.
Hung Minh, T., Minh Duc, N., Santillán, D., Schuler, S.R., Thu Trang, Q., Tu Anh, H. (2004) ‘Developing indicators to assess women’s empowerment in Vietnam’, Development in Practice Vol. 14, No. 4: 534–49.
Jha, C., Prasai, S., Hobley, M. and Bennett, L. (2009) Citizen Mobilisation in Nepal: Building on Nepal’s Tradition of Social Mobilisation to make Local Governance more Inclusive and Accountable, <> (accessed on 12 July 2016)
Kabeer, N. (1999) ‘From feminist insights to an analytical framework: an institutional perspective on gender inequality’, in N. Kabeer and R. Subrahmanian (eds), Institutions, Relations and Outcomes: A Framework and Case Studies for Gender Aware Planning, New Delhi: Kali for Women.
Kabeer, N. (2001) ‘Conflicts over credit: re-evaluating the empowerment potential of loans to women in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 29(1): 63–84.
Kabeer, N. (2005) ‘Is microfinance a ‘magic bullet’ for women’s empowerment? Analysis of findings from South Asia’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 40, No. 44/45: 4709–18.
Kumar, A. (2013) ‘Women entrepreneurs in a masculine society: inclusive strategy for sustainable outcomes’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis 21(3): 373–84.
Lakwo, A. (2006) ‘Microfinance, rural livelihoods, and women’s empowerment in Uganda’, African Studies Centre Research Report 85/2006
Mader, P. (2013) ‘Rise and fall of microfinance in India: the Andhra Pradesh crisis in perspective’, Strategic Change. Second Special Issue on Microfinance Vol. 22: 47–66.
Mahmud, S., Shah, N.M. and Becker, S. (2012) ‘Measurement of women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 40(3): 610–19.
Mayoux, L. (1998) ‘Women’s empowerment and micro-finance programmes: strategies for increasing impact’, Development in Practice 8(2): 235–41.
Ministry of Rural Development (2014) ‘NRLM-Programme Implementation Plan’, New Delhi, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, available at (retrieved 14 November 2015).
Mithaug, D.E. (1996) ‘Fairness, liberty, and empowerment evaluation’, in D.M. Fetterman, S. Kaftarian, and A. Wandersman (eds), Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self – assessment and accountability, pp. 234–58, Sage: Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
Paterson, R. (2008) ‘Women’s empowerment in challenging environments: a case study from Balochistan’, Development in Practice 18(3): 333–44.
Tawney, C. (2014) ‘Measuring development’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 269–70.
World Bank (2001) ‘Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice’, World Bank Policy Research Report, : Oxford University Press.
World Bank (2005) ‘Bihar – Towards a Development Strategy’, Washington, DC: World Bank, available at (retrieved 16 December 2014).
Chitralekha, D. (2010) ‘Committed, opportunists, and drifters: revisiting the naxalite narrative in Jharkand and Bihar’, Contributions to Indian Sociology 44(3): 299–329.
Deepika, M.G. and Sigi, M.D. (2014) ‘Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: the alternative state-led microfinance model of Kudumbashree in Kerala, India’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 327–40.
Festinger, Leon (1954) ‘A theory of social comparison processes’, Human Relations Vol. 7 No. 2: 117–40.
Hung Minh, T., Minh Duc, N., Santillán, D., Schuler, S.R., Thu Trang, Q., Tu Anh, H. (2004) ‘Developing indicators to assess women’s empowerment in Vietnam’, Development in Practice Vol. 14, No. 4: 534–49.
Jha, C., Prasai, S., Hobley, M. and Bennett, L. (2009) Citizen Mobilisation in Nepal: Building on Nepal’s Tradition of Social Mobilisation to make Local Governance more Inclusive and Accountable, <> (accessed on 12 July 2016)
Kabeer, N. (1999) ‘From feminist insights to an analytical framework: an institutional perspective on gender inequality’, in N. Kabeer and R. Subrahmanian (eds), Institutions, Relations and Outcomes: A Framework and Case Studies for Gender Aware Planning, New Delhi: Kali for Women.
Kabeer, N. (2001) ‘Conflicts over credit: re-evaluating the empowerment potential of loans to women in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 29(1): 63–84.
Kabeer, N. (2005) ‘Is microfinance a ‘magic bullet’ for women’s empowerment? Analysis of findings from South Asia’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 40, No. 44/45: 4709–18.
Kumar, A. (2013) ‘Women entrepreneurs in a masculine society: inclusive strategy for sustainable outcomes’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis 21(3): 373–84.
Lakwo, A. (2006) ‘Microfinance, rural livelihoods, and women’s empowerment in Uganda’, African Studies Centre Research Report 85/2006
Mader, P. (2013) ‘Rise and fall of microfinance in India: the Andhra Pradesh crisis in perspective’, Strategic Change. Second Special Issue on Microfinance Vol. 22: 47–66.
Mahmud, S., Shah, N.M. and Becker, S. (2012) ‘Measurement of women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 40(3): 610–19.
Mayoux, L. (1998) ‘Women’s empowerment and micro-finance programmes: strategies for increasing impact’, Development in Practice 8(2): 235–41.
Ministry of Rural Development (2014) ‘NRLM-Programme Implementation Plan’, New Delhi, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, available at (retrieved 14 November 2015).
Mithaug, D.E. (1996) ‘Fairness, liberty, and empowerment evaluation’, in D.M. Fetterman, S. Kaftarian, and A. Wandersman (eds), Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self – assessment and accountability, pp. 234–58, Sage: Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
Paterson, R. (2008) ‘Women’s empowerment in challenging environments: a case study from Balochistan’, Development in Practice 18(3): 333–44.
Tawney, C. (2014) ‘Measuring development’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 269–70.
World Bank (2001) ‘Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice’, World Bank Policy Research Report, : Oxford University Press.
World Bank (2005) ‘Bihar – Towards a Development Strategy’, Washington, DC: World Bank, available at (retrieved 16 December 2014).
Chitralekha, D. (2010) ‘Committed, opportunists, and drifters: revisiting the naxalite narrative in Jharkand and Bihar’, Contributions to Indian Sociology 44(3): 299–329.
Deepika, M.G. and Sigi, M.D. (2014) ‘Financial inclusion and poverty alleviation: the alternative state-led microfinance model of Kudumbashree in Kerala, India’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 327–40.
Festinger, Leon (1954) ‘A theory of social comparison processes’, Human Relations Vol. 7 No. 2: 117–40.
Hung Minh, T., Minh Duc, N., Santillán, D., Schuler, S.R., Thu Trang, Q., Tu Anh, H. (2004) ‘Developing indicators to assess women’s empowerment in Vietnam’, Development in Practice Vol. 14, No. 4: 534–49.
Jha, C., Prasai, S., Hobley, M. and Bennett, L. (2009) Citizen Mobilisation in Nepal: Building on Nepal’s Tradition of Social Mobilisation to make Local Governance more Inclusive and Accountable, <> (accessed on 12 July 2016)
Kabeer, N. (1999) ‘From feminist insights to an analytical framework: an institutional perspective on gender inequality’, in N. Kabeer and R. Subrahmanian (eds), Institutions, Relations and Outcomes: A Framework and Case Studies for Gender Aware Planning, New Delhi: Kali for Women.
Kabeer, N. (2001) ‘Conflicts over credit: re-evaluating the empowerment potential of loans to women in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 29(1): 63–84.
Kabeer, N. (2005) ‘Is microfinance a ‘magic bullet’ for women’s empowerment? Analysis of findings from South Asia’, Economic and Political Weekly Vol. 40, No. 44/45: 4709–18.
Kumar, A. (2013) ‘Women entrepreneurs in a masculine society: inclusive strategy for sustainable outcomes’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis 21(3): 373–84.
Lakwo, A. (2006) ‘Microfinance, rural livelihoods, and women’s empowerment in Uganda’, African Studies Centre Research Report 85/2006
Mader, P. (2013) ‘Rise and fall of microfinance in India: the Andhra Pradesh crisis in perspective’, Strategic Change. Second Special Issue on Microfinance Vol. 22: 47–66.
Mahmud, S., Shah, N.M. and Becker, S. (2012) ‘Measurement of women’s empowerment in rural Bangladesh’, World Development 40(3): 610–19.
Mayoux, L. (1998) ‘Women’s empowerment and micro-finance programmes: strategies for increasing impact’, Development in Practice 8(2): 235–41.
Ministry of Rural Development (2014) ‘NRLM-Programme Implementation Plan’, New Delhi, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, available at (retrieved 14 November 2015).
Mithaug, D.E. (1996) ‘Fairness, liberty, and empowerment evaluation’, in D.M. Fetterman, S. Kaftarian, and A. Wandersman (eds), Empowerment Evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self – assessment and accountability, pp. 234–58, Sage: Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi.
Paterson, R. (2008) ‘Women’s empowerment in challenging environments: a case study from Balochistan’, Development in Practice 18(3): 333–44.
Tawney, C. (2014) ‘Measuring development’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance Vol. 25 No. 4: 269–70.
World Bank (2001) ‘Engendering Development: Through Gender Equality in Rights, Resources, and Voice’, World Bank Policy Research Report, : Oxford University Press.
World Bank (2005) ‘Bihar – Towards a Development Strategy’, Washington, DC: World Bank, available at (retrieved 16 December 2014).
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