Social support and new venture initiation with resilience as a mediating factor
The study empirically examined the link between social support and new venture initiation with resilience as a mediating factor. The study sought to determine the sources of social support influencing new venture initiation; the extent to which resilience influences new venture initiation; and whether resilience mediates the sources of social support influence on new venture initiation. These objectives were evaluated from a gender-based view. The study utilized the multi-group partial least square approach in testing the data collected from 327 trainees from the youth skill acquisition and entrepreneurship programme, designed for rural nascent entrepreneurs, organized by the Delta State Ministry of Youth Development. In line with the objectives, the study found that support from family and friends, but not significant other, influenced new venture initiation for men. While support from family, friends, and significant other influenced that of women. Resilience significantly influenced new venture initiation for men and women. Resilience mediated all the social support sources influence on new venture initiation for men and women.Anderson, J. and Gerbing, D. (1988) ‘Structural equation modelling in practice: A review and recommended two-step approach’, Psychological Bulletin 103: 411–23 <>.
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