Building resilience to crisis through digital financial services with a gender lens
The vulnerability of populations with limited resources and either in or at risk of poverty to a myriad of crises continues to increase. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has further highlighted the inadequate resilience to crisis that such populations hold, and the rising prevalence of climatic variation is an existential risk factor that will continue to rise. In Mozambique, most livelihoods depend on natural resources and there is a high threat of extreme climate-related events. By drawing lessons from the Financial Services Deepening Mozambique (FSDMoç) programme, we highlight ways in which greater resilience has been built among fragile populations through innovative uses of digital financial services (DFS), and how resilience has been built with an explicit gender lens in order to mitigate existing inequalities. Lessons are drawn in relation to challenges faced and their application to wider programming.Agur, I., Martinez Peria, S. and Rochon. C. (2020) Digital Financial Services and the Pandemic: Opportunities and Risks for Emerging and Developing Economies [online], IMF, Washington, DC <> [accessed 20 October 2021].
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