Training vs. informal financial services for the promotion of financial literacy and inclusion in Uganda
Financial education aims to promote financial inclusion by increasing understanding and use of formal financial services. Despite such training, participation in informal financial practices remains high relative to formal ones in countries like Uganda. A cross-sectional sample survey of economically active urban financial service users is used to test whether financial education through formal training is associated with financial literacy (FL) and FL is associated with increased use of financial services, especially formal ones. The findings indicate that formal financial training is significantly associated with FL, and that higher FL is associated with higher use of both formal and informal financial services. The unexpectedly strong association of the use of informal financial services with financial literacy suggests that informal financial services may have a more complementary role than a simple model of financial formalization would imply. The study suggests that promoting informal financial services may be more efficient in raising financial literacy and inclusion than financial training.Atkinson, A. and Messy, F.A. (2013) Promoting Financial Inclusion through Financial Education: OECD/INFE Evidence, Policies and Practice [online], OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions No. 34 <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Bank of Uganda (2013) Strategy for Financial Literacy in Uganda: Simplify Money, Magnify Life [online], Bank of Uganda, Kampala, Uganda <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Barcellos, S.H., Carvalho, L.S., Smith, J.P. and Yoong, J. (2015) ‘Financial education interventions targeting immigrants and children of immigrants: results from a randomized control trial’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs 50: 263–85 <>.
Blanco, L., Kenrik, D.O. and Mangione, C. (2017) A Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial of an Educational Intervention to Retirement Saving Among Hispanics [online], School of Public Policy Working Paper 76, Pepperdine Digital Commons <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Bruhn, M., Ibarra, G.L. and McKenzie, D. (2014) ‘The minimal impact of a large-scale financial education program in Mexico City,’ Journal of Development Economics 108(C): 184–9 <>.
Chen, H. and Volpe, R.P. (1998) ‘An analysis of personal financial literacy among college students’, Financial Services Review 7(2): 107–28.
Demirgüç-Kunt, A. and Klapper, L. (2013) ‘Measuring financial inclusion: explaining variation in use of financial services across and within countries’, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Spring: 279–340 <>.
Demirgüç-Kunt, A., Klapper, L., Singer, D., Ansar, S. and Hess, J. (2017) The Global Findex Database: Measuring Financial Inclusion and the Fintech Revolution [online], World Bank <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Drexler, A., Fischer, G. and Schoar, A. (2014) ‘Keeping it simple: financial literacy and rules of thumb’, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 6(2): 1–31 <>.
Fernandes, D., Lynch, J.G. and Netemeyer, R.G. (2014) ‘Financial literacy, financial education, and downstream financial behaviors’, Management Science 60(8): 1861–83. <>.
Finscope (2018) Finscope Uganda Topline Findings Report [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Grohmann, A., Klühs, T. and Menkhoff, L. (2017) Does Financial Literacy Improve Financial Inclusion? Cross Country Evidence [online], DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 1682 <>.
Hastings, J., Madrian, B. and Skimmyhorn, W. (2012) Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Economic Outcomes [online], NBER Working Paper Series <>.
Hendricks, L. and Chidiac, S. (2011) ‘Village savings and loans: a pathway to financial inclusion for Africa’s poorest households’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance 22: 134–46 <>.
Hogarth, J.M. and Hilgert, M.A. (2002) ‘Financial knowledge, experience, and learning preferences: preliminary results from a new survey on financial literacy’, paper published in the Consumer Interest Annual, Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests 2002 Annual Conference [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Hogarth, J.M., Anguelov, C.E. and Lee, J. (2004) ‘Why don’t households have a checking account?’ Journal of Consumer Affairs 38(1): 1–34 <>.
Holzmann, R., Mulaj, F. and Perotti, V. (2013) Evaluation Studies of Programs to Enhance Financial Capability in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Summary (English) [online], Financial Literacy and Education Russia Trust Fund, World Bank Group <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Idris, F.H., Krishnan, K.S.D. and Azmi, N. (2013) ‘Relationship between financial literacy and financial distress among youths in Malaysia: an empirical study’ Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 9(4): 106–17 <> [accessed 13 May 2021].
James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2017) An Introduction to Statistical Learning, 8th edn, Springer Science Business Media, New York.
Kaiser, T. and Menkhoff, L. (2017) ‘Does financial education impact financial literacy and financial behavior, and if so, when?’ The World Bank Economic Review 31(3): 611–30 <>.
Keeter, S., Courtney, K., Dimock, M., Best, J. and Craighill, P. (2006) ‘Gauging the impact of growing nonresponse on estimates from a national RDD telephone survey’, Public Opinion Quarterly 70(5): 759–79 <>.
Krejcie, R.V. and Morgan, D.W. (1970) ‘Determining sample size for research activities’, Educational and Psychological Measurement 30: 607–10 <>.
Lusardi, A. (2019) ‘Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence and implications’, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 155: 1 <>.
Lusardi, A. and Mitchell, O.S. (2006) Financial Literacy and Planning: Implications for Retirement Wellbeing [online], DNB Working Papers 078, Netherlands Central Bank, Research Department <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Lusardi, A. and Mitchell, O.S. (2011) ‘Financial literacy and retirement planning in the United States’, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 10(4): 509–25 <>.
Lusardi, A. and Tufano, P. (2009) Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences, and Over Indebtedness, NBER Working Paper No. 14808, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.
Mandell, L. and Klein, L.S. (2009) ‘The impact of financial literacy education on subsequent financial behavior’, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 20(1) [online] <> [accessed 13 May 2021].
Mien, N.T. and Thao, T.P. (2015) ‘Factors affecting personal financial management behaviors: evidence from Vietnam’, in Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance, and Social Sciences [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Niwaha, M., Schmidt, O. and Tumuramye, P. (2016) ‘Financial literacy and development: experimental insights from rural micro and small entrepreneurs (MSEs) in Western Uganda’, International Journal of Development Research 6(02): 6758–64.
OECD (2017) PISA 2015 Results (Volume IV): Students’ Financial Literacy [online], OECD Publishing, Paris <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
OECD/INFE (2018) Toolkit for Measuring Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion [online], Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Okello, G.C.B., Munene, J.C., Ntayi, J.M. and Malinga, C.A. (2017) ‘Financial literacy in emerging economies: do all components matter for financial inclusion of poor households in rural Uganda?’ Managerial Finance 43(12): 1310–31 [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Peachey, S. and Roe, A. (2004) ‘Access to finance’ (unpublished study), World Savings Banks Institute and World Bank, Washington, DC.
Rhine, S.L. and Greene, W.H. (2013) ‘Factors that contribute to becoming unbanked’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs 47: 27–45 <>.
Robb, C.A. and Woodyard, A.S. (2011) ‘Financial knowledge and “best practice” behavior’, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 22(1): 36–46.
Robb, C.A., Babiarz, P., Woodyard, A. and Seay, M.C. (2015) ‘Bounded rationality and use of alternative financial services’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs 49: 407–35 <>.
Sabri, M.F. and Falahati, L. (2012) ‘Estimating a model of subjective financial well-being among college students’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2(18) [online] <> [accessed 27 November 2020].
Shibia, A.G. and Kieyah, J. (2016) ‘Effects of financial literacy on individual choices among financial access strands in Kenya’, International Journal of Business and Economics Research 5(1): 10–18 <>.
Stuart, G. (2012) Uganda Financial Education Impact Project [online], Microfinance Opportunities <> [accessed 27 November 2020].
Triki, T. and Faye, I. (eds) (2013) Financial Inclusion in Africa [online], African Development Bank, Tunis <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (2017) The National Population and Housing Census 2014: Main Report [online], Kampala, Uganda <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Wachira, M.I. and Kihiu, E. (2012) ‘Impact of financial literacy on access to financial services in Kenya’, International Journal of Business and Social Science 3(19): 42–50 [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Walstad, W.B., Rebeck, K. and MacDonald, R.A. (2010) ‘The effects of financial education on the financial knowledge of high school students’, Journal of Consumer Affairs 44(2): 336–57 <>.
Zakaria, R.H., Jaafar, N.I.M. and Marican, S. (2012) ‘Financial behavior and financial position: a structural equation modeling approach’, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 12(10): 1396–402.
Atkinson, A. and Messy, F.A. (2013) Promoting Financial Inclusion through Financial Education: OECD/INFE Evidence, Policies and Practice [online], OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions No. 34 <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Bank of Uganda (2013) Strategy for Financial Literacy in Uganda: Simplify Money, Magnify Life [online], Bank of Uganda, Kampala, Uganda <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Barcellos, S.H., Carvalho, L.S., Smith, J.P. and Yoong, J. (2015) ‘Financial education interventions targeting immigrants and children of immigrants: results from a randomized control trial’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs 50: 263–85 <>.
Blanco, L., Kenrik, D.O. and Mangione, C. (2017) A Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial of an Educational Intervention to Retirement Saving Among Hispanics [online], School of Public Policy Working Paper 76, Pepperdine Digital Commons <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Bruhn, M., Ibarra, G.L. and McKenzie, D. (2014) ‘The minimal impact of a large-scale financial education program in Mexico City,’ Journal of Development Economics 108(C): 184–9 <>.
Chen, H. and Volpe, R.P. (1998) ‘An analysis of personal financial literacy among college students’, Financial Services Review 7(2): 107–28.
Demirgüç-Kunt, A. and Klapper, L. (2013) ‘Measuring financial inclusion: explaining variation in use of financial services across and within countries’, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Spring: 279–340 <>.
Demirgüç-Kunt, A., Klapper, L., Singer, D., Ansar, S. and Hess, J. (2017) The Global Findex Database: Measuring Financial Inclusion and the Fintech Revolution [online], World Bank <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Drexler, A., Fischer, G. and Schoar, A. (2014) ‘Keeping it simple: financial literacy and rules of thumb’, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 6(2): 1–31 <>.
Fernandes, D., Lynch, J.G. and Netemeyer, R.G. (2014) ‘Financial literacy, financial education, and downstream financial behaviors’, Management Science 60(8): 1861–83. <>.
Finscope (2018) Finscope Uganda Topline Findings Report [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Grohmann, A., Klühs, T. and Menkhoff, L. (2017) Does Financial Literacy Improve Financial Inclusion? Cross Country Evidence [online], DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 1682 <>.
Hastings, J., Madrian, B. and Skimmyhorn, W. (2012) Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Economic Outcomes [online], NBER Working Paper Series <>.
Hendricks, L. and Chidiac, S. (2011) ‘Village savings and loans: a pathway to financial inclusion for Africa’s poorest households’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance 22: 134–46 <>.
Hogarth, J.M. and Hilgert, M.A. (2002) ‘Financial knowledge, experience, and learning preferences: preliminary results from a new survey on financial literacy’, paper published in the Consumer Interest Annual, Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests 2002 Annual Conference [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Hogarth, J.M., Anguelov, C.E. and Lee, J. (2004) ‘Why don’t households have a checking account?’ Journal of Consumer Affairs 38(1): 1–34 <>.
Holzmann, R., Mulaj, F. and Perotti, V. (2013) Evaluation Studies of Programs to Enhance Financial Capability in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Summary (English) [online], Financial Literacy and Education Russia Trust Fund, World Bank Group <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Idris, F.H., Krishnan, K.S.D. and Azmi, N. (2013) ‘Relationship between financial literacy and financial distress among youths in Malaysia: an empirical study’ Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 9(4): 106–17 <> [accessed 13 May 2021].
James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2017) An Introduction to Statistical Learning, 8th edn, Springer Science Business Media, New York.
Kaiser, T. and Menkhoff, L. (2017) ‘Does financial education impact financial literacy and financial behavior, and if so, when?’ The World Bank Economic Review 31(3): 611–30 <>.
Keeter, S., Courtney, K., Dimock, M., Best, J. and Craighill, P. (2006) ‘Gauging the impact of growing nonresponse on estimates from a national RDD telephone survey’, Public Opinion Quarterly 70(5): 759–79 <>.
Krejcie, R.V. and Morgan, D.W. (1970) ‘Determining sample size for research activities’, Educational and Psychological Measurement 30: 607–10 <>.
Lusardi, A. (2019) ‘Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence and implications’, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 155: 1 <>.
Lusardi, A. and Mitchell, O.S. (2006) Financial Literacy and Planning: Implications for Retirement Wellbeing [online], DNB Working Papers 078, Netherlands Central Bank, Research Department <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Lusardi, A. and Mitchell, O.S. (2011) ‘Financial literacy and retirement planning in the United States’, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 10(4): 509–25 <>.
Lusardi, A. and Tufano, P. (2009) Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences, and Over Indebtedness, NBER Working Paper No. 14808, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.
Mandell, L. and Klein, L.S. (2009) ‘The impact of financial literacy education on subsequent financial behavior’, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 20(1) [online] <> [accessed 13 May 2021].
Mien, N.T. and Thao, T.P. (2015) ‘Factors affecting personal financial management behaviors: evidence from Vietnam’, in Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance, and Social Sciences [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Niwaha, M., Schmidt, O. and Tumuramye, P. (2016) ‘Financial literacy and development: experimental insights from rural micro and small entrepreneurs (MSEs) in Western Uganda’, International Journal of Development Research 6(02): 6758–64.
OECD (2017) PISA 2015 Results (Volume IV): Students’ Financial Literacy [online], OECD Publishing, Paris <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
OECD/INFE (2018) Toolkit for Measuring Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion [online], Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Okello, G.C.B., Munene, J.C., Ntayi, J.M. and Malinga, C.A. (2017) ‘Financial literacy in emerging economies: do all components matter for financial inclusion of poor households in rural Uganda?’ Managerial Finance 43(12): 1310–31 [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Peachey, S. and Roe, A. (2004) ‘Access to finance’ (unpublished study), World Savings Banks Institute and World Bank, Washington, DC.
Rhine, S.L. and Greene, W.H. (2013) ‘Factors that contribute to becoming unbanked’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs 47: 27–45 <>.
Robb, C.A. and Woodyard, A.S. (2011) ‘Financial knowledge and “best practice” behavior’, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 22(1): 36–46.
Robb, C.A., Babiarz, P., Woodyard, A. and Seay, M.C. (2015) ‘Bounded rationality and use of alternative financial services’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs 49: 407–35 <>.
Sabri, M.F. and Falahati, L. (2012) ‘Estimating a model of subjective financial well-being among college students’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2(18) [online] <> [accessed 27 November 2020].
Shibia, A.G. and Kieyah, J. (2016) ‘Effects of financial literacy on individual choices among financial access strands in Kenya’, International Journal of Business and Economics Research 5(1): 10–18 <>.
Stuart, G. (2012) Uganda Financial Education Impact Project [online], Microfinance Opportunities <> [accessed 27 November 2020].
Triki, T. and Faye, I. (eds) (2013) Financial Inclusion in Africa [online], African Development Bank, Tunis <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (2017) The National Population and Housing Census 2014: Main Report [online], Kampala, Uganda <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Wachira, M.I. and Kihiu, E. (2012) ‘Impact of financial literacy on access to financial services in Kenya’, International Journal of Business and Social Science 3(19): 42–50 [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Walstad, W.B., Rebeck, K. and MacDonald, R.A. (2010) ‘The effects of financial education on the financial knowledge of high school students’, Journal of Consumer Affairs 44(2): 336–57 <>.
Zakaria, R.H., Jaafar, N.I.M. and Marican, S. (2012) ‘Financial behavior and financial position: a structural equation modeling approach’, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 12(10): 1396–402.
Atkinson, A. and Messy, F.A. (2013) Promoting Financial Inclusion through Financial Education: OECD/INFE Evidence, Policies and Practice [online], OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions No. 34 <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Bank of Uganda (2013) Strategy for Financial Literacy in Uganda: Simplify Money, Magnify Life [online], Bank of Uganda, Kampala, Uganda <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Barcellos, S.H., Carvalho, L.S., Smith, J.P. and Yoong, J. (2015) ‘Financial education interventions targeting immigrants and children of immigrants: results from a randomized control trial’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs 50: 263–85 <>.
Blanco, L., Kenrik, D.O. and Mangione, C. (2017) A Community-Based Randomized Controlled Trial of an Educational Intervention to Retirement Saving Among Hispanics [online], School of Public Policy Working Paper 76, Pepperdine Digital Commons <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Bruhn, M., Ibarra, G.L. and McKenzie, D. (2014) ‘The minimal impact of a large-scale financial education program in Mexico City,’ Journal of Development Economics 108(C): 184–9 <>.
Chen, H. and Volpe, R.P. (1998) ‘An analysis of personal financial literacy among college students’, Financial Services Review 7(2): 107–28.
Demirgüç-Kunt, A. and Klapper, L. (2013) ‘Measuring financial inclusion: explaining variation in use of financial services across and within countries’, Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Spring: 279–340 <>.
Demirgüç-Kunt, A., Klapper, L., Singer, D., Ansar, S. and Hess, J. (2017) The Global Findex Database: Measuring Financial Inclusion and the Fintech Revolution [online], World Bank <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Drexler, A., Fischer, G. and Schoar, A. (2014) ‘Keeping it simple: financial literacy and rules of thumb’, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 6(2): 1–31 <>.
Fernandes, D., Lynch, J.G. and Netemeyer, R.G. (2014) ‘Financial literacy, financial education, and downstream financial behaviors’, Management Science 60(8): 1861–83. <>.
Finscope (2018) Finscope Uganda Topline Findings Report [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Grohmann, A., Klühs, T. and Menkhoff, L. (2017) Does Financial Literacy Improve Financial Inclusion? Cross Country Evidence [online], DIW Berlin Discussion Paper No. 1682 <>.
Hastings, J., Madrian, B. and Skimmyhorn, W. (2012) Financial Literacy, Financial Education and Economic Outcomes [online], NBER Working Paper Series <>.
Hendricks, L. and Chidiac, S. (2011) ‘Village savings and loans: a pathway to financial inclusion for Africa’s poorest households’, Enterprise Development and Microfinance 22: 134–46 <>.
Hogarth, J.M. and Hilgert, M.A. (2002) ‘Financial knowledge, experience, and learning preferences: preliminary results from a new survey on financial literacy’, paper published in the Consumer Interest Annual, Proceedings of the American Council on Consumer Interests 2002 Annual Conference [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Hogarth, J.M., Anguelov, C.E. and Lee, J. (2004) ‘Why don’t households have a checking account?’ Journal of Consumer Affairs 38(1): 1–34 <>.
Holzmann, R., Mulaj, F. and Perotti, V. (2013) Evaluation Studies of Programs to Enhance Financial Capability in Low and Middle-Income Countries: Summary (English) [online], Financial Literacy and Education Russia Trust Fund, World Bank Group <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Idris, F.H., Krishnan, K.S.D. and Azmi, N. (2013) ‘Relationship between financial literacy and financial distress among youths in Malaysia: an empirical study’ Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 9(4): 106–17 <> [accessed 13 May 2021].
James, G., Witten, D., Hastie, T. and Tibshirani, R. (2017) An Introduction to Statistical Learning, 8th edn, Springer Science Business Media, New York.
Kaiser, T. and Menkhoff, L. (2017) ‘Does financial education impact financial literacy and financial behavior, and if so, when?’ The World Bank Economic Review 31(3): 611–30 <>.
Keeter, S., Courtney, K., Dimock, M., Best, J. and Craighill, P. (2006) ‘Gauging the impact of growing nonresponse on estimates from a national RDD telephone survey’, Public Opinion Quarterly 70(5): 759–79 <>.
Krejcie, R.V. and Morgan, D.W. (1970) ‘Determining sample size for research activities’, Educational and Psychological Measurement 30: 607–10 <>.
Lusardi, A. (2019) ‘Financial literacy and the need for financial education: evidence and implications’, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 155: 1 <>.
Lusardi, A. and Mitchell, O.S. (2006) Financial Literacy and Planning: Implications for Retirement Wellbeing [online], DNB Working Papers 078, Netherlands Central Bank, Research Department <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Lusardi, A. and Mitchell, O.S. (2011) ‘Financial literacy and retirement planning in the United States’, Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 10(4): 509–25 <>.
Lusardi, A. and Tufano, P. (2009) Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences, and Over Indebtedness, NBER Working Paper No. 14808, National Bureau of Economic Research, Cambridge, MA.
Mandell, L. and Klein, L.S. (2009) ‘The impact of financial literacy education on subsequent financial behavior’, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 20(1) [online] <> [accessed 13 May 2021].
Mien, N.T. and Thao, T.P. (2015) ‘Factors affecting personal financial management behaviors: evidence from Vietnam’, in Proceedings of the Second Asia-Pacific Conference on Global Business, Economics, Finance, and Social Sciences [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Niwaha, M., Schmidt, O. and Tumuramye, P. (2016) ‘Financial literacy and development: experimental insights from rural micro and small entrepreneurs (MSEs) in Western Uganda’, International Journal of Development Research 6(02): 6758–64.
OECD (2017) PISA 2015 Results (Volume IV): Students’ Financial Literacy [online], OECD Publishing, Paris <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
OECD/INFE (2018) Toolkit for Measuring Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion [online], Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Paris, France <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Okello, G.C.B., Munene, J.C., Ntayi, J.M. and Malinga, C.A. (2017) ‘Financial literacy in emerging economies: do all components matter for financial inclusion of poor households in rural Uganda?’ Managerial Finance 43(12): 1310–31 [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Peachey, S. and Roe, A. (2004) ‘Access to finance’ (unpublished study), World Savings Banks Institute and World Bank, Washington, DC.
Rhine, S.L. and Greene, W.H. (2013) ‘Factors that contribute to becoming unbanked’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs 47: 27–45 <>.
Robb, C.A. and Woodyard, A.S. (2011) ‘Financial knowledge and “best practice” behavior’, Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning 22(1): 36–46.
Robb, C.A., Babiarz, P., Woodyard, A. and Seay, M.C. (2015) ‘Bounded rationality and use of alternative financial services’, The Journal of Consumer Affairs 49: 407–35 <>.
Sabri, M.F. and Falahati, L. (2012) ‘Estimating a model of subjective financial well-being among college students’, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 2(18) [online] <> [accessed 27 November 2020].
Shibia, A.G. and Kieyah, J. (2016) ‘Effects of financial literacy on individual choices among financial access strands in Kenya’, International Journal of Business and Economics Research 5(1): 10–18 <>.
Stuart, G. (2012) Uganda Financial Education Impact Project [online], Microfinance Opportunities <> [accessed 27 November 2020].
Triki, T. and Faye, I. (eds) (2013) Financial Inclusion in Africa [online], African Development Bank, Tunis <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Uganda Bureau of Statistics (2017) The National Population and Housing Census 2014: Main Report [online], Kampala, Uganda <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Wachira, M.I. and Kihiu, E. (2012) ‘Impact of financial literacy on access to financial services in Kenya’, International Journal of Business and Social Science 3(19): 42–50 [online] <> [accessed 26 November 2020].
Walstad, W.B., Rebeck, K. and MacDonald, R.A. (2010) ‘The effects of financial education on the financial knowledge of high school students’, Journal of Consumer Affairs 44(2): 336–57 <>.
Zakaria, R.H., Jaafar, N.I.M. and Marican, S. (2012) ‘Financial behavior and financial position: a structural equation modeling approach’, Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 12(10): 1396–402.
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