Lessons from practice in child-sensitive social protection
Reducing child poverty has the potential to improve incomes and health for both present and future generations and, thereby, break the inter generational transmission of poverty that affects lives and livelihoods. For several decades evidence has shown the considerable impact of social protection programmes on human development outcomes for children. However, the impact varies across countries and depends critically on context, including availability of other services, as well as design and implementation of programmes. To maximize the impact on children it is essential to take a child-lens to the design and implementation of social protection systems, which comprise programmes to address risks across the life-cycle. This article will outline how child-sensitive social protection programmes impact on children and assess the extent and coverage in developing countries. The article will then outline principles of child-sensitive social protection and key aspects to improve impact on children, using examples from a number of social protection programmes globally. Lastly, the article will outline lessons on what works for children in social protection and will provide policy recommendations for policymakers and other actors, including civil society, that support social protection systems.1,000 Days Partnership (2014) ‘About 1,000 days’ [online] <www.thousanddays.org/about/> [accessed 14 January 2015].
African Institute for Health and Development (AIHD) and Save the Children (2015) A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Social Cash Transfer Programmes on the Life-course of Children, Nairobi: Save the Children.
American Institutes for Research (AIR) (2013) Zambia’s Child Grant Program: 24-Month Impact Report [online], AIR <www.air.org/resource/zambia%E2%80%99s-child-grant-program-24-month-impact-report> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Arnold, C., Conway, T. and Greenslade, M. (2011) Cash Transfers Evidence Paper, Policy Division, London: DFID.
Ayliffe, T. (2013) Review of Child and Gender Sensitivity of National Social Assistance System in Kenya, report for UNICEF Kenya, Nairobi: UNICEF Kenya.
Chaudhury, N. (2008) Income Transfers and Female Schooling: The Impact of the Female School Stipend Programme on Public School Enrolments in Punjab, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Davies, M. (2009) DFID Social Transfers Evaluation Summary Report, London: Department for International Development.
Davis, B. and Handa, S. (2014) The Broad Range of Cash Transfer Impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa: Consumption, Human Capital and Productive Activity, The Transfer Project Research Brief, FAO, Save the Children, UNICEF, University of North Carolina.
Devereux, S., Sabates-Wheeler, R., Tefera, M. and Taye, H. (2006) Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme: Trends in PSNP Transfers within Targeted Households [pdf] IDS/INDAK <www.ids.ac.uk/download.cfm?objectid=F99718AB-5056-8171-7B9BD2F2382F1345> [accessed 29 April 2015].
DFID, HelpAge International, Hope & Homes for Children, Institute of Development Studies, International Labour Organization, Overseas Development Institute, Save the Children UK, UNDP, UNICEF and the World Bank (2009) Advancing Child-Sensitive Social Protection [pdf] joint statement <www.savethechildren.org.uk/sites/default/files/docs/Advancing_Child_Sensitive_Social_Protection_1.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
DSD, SASSA and UNICEF (2012) The South African Child Support Grant Impact Assessment: Evidence from a Survey of Children, Adolescents and their Households, Pretoria: UNICEF South Africa.
Duflo, E. (2003) ‘Grandmothers and granddaughters: old age pension and intra-household allocation in South Africa’, World Bank Economic Review 17(1): 1–25.
FAO (2014) The Economic Impacts of Cash Transfer Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa [pdf], From Protection to Production Policy Brief <www.fao.org/3/a-i4194e.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Freeland, N. (2013) Mis-labelled Cash Transfers [pdf], Pathways Perspectives on social policy in international development <www.developmentpathways.co.uk/downloads/perspectives/mislabelledcashtransfersfinal.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
From Protection to Production (2014) The Broad Range of Impacts of the LEAP Programme in Ghana, Policy Brief, Rome: FAO.
IDS, ODI, UEA-DEV and RHVP (2010) Social Protection in Africa: Where Next? [pdf] <https://www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/SocialProtectioninAfricaWhereNext.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
International Labour Organization (ILO) (2014) World Social Protection Report 2014–15, Geneva: ILO.
Jones, N. and Holmes, R. (2010) Gender, Politics and Social Protection: Why Social Protection is ‘Gender Blind’, ODI Briefing Paper, London: Overseas Development Institute.
Jones, N. and Sumner, A. (2011) Child Poverty, Evidence and Policy: Mainstreaming Children in International Development, Bristol: Policy Press.
Kenya CT-OVC Evaluation Team (2012) ‘The impact of Kenya’s cash transfer for orphans and vulnerable children on human capital’, Journal of Development Effectiveness 4(1): 38–49.
Miller, C., Tsoka, M. and Reichert, K. (2010) ‘Impacts on children of cash transfers in Malawi’, in S. Handa, S. Devereux and D. Webb (eds), Social Protection for Africa’s Children, pp. 96–116, London: Routledge Press.
Pellerano, L., Moratti, M., Jakobsen, M., Bajgar, M. and Barca, V. (2014) ‘Lesotho Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation’, Follow-up Report [online], Oxford, UK: Oxford Policy Management Limited (OPM) <www.opml.co.uk/projects/lesotho-child-grants-programme-cgp-impact-evaluation> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Republic of Kenya Ministry of State for Planning (2012) Kenya Social Protection Sector Review, Nairobi, Kenya: Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030.
Roelen, K. (2014) ‘Children: the key to sustainable graduation’, presentation at the Graduation and Social Protection Conference, Kigali, 6 May 2014 [pdf] <www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/4.2.Roelen2014-Childrenthekeytosustainablegraduationpptv205-may-14.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Roelen, K. and Sabates-Wheeler, R. (2012) ‘A child-sensitive approach to social protection: serving practical and strategic needs’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 20(3): 291–306 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1332/175982712X657118>.
Sabates-Wheeler, R., Devereux, S. and Hodges, A. (2009) ‘Child poverty: designing child-sensitive policies’, id21 highlights, special edition [pdf] <http://r4d.dfid.gov.uk/PDF/Outputs/IDS/highlights-child_poverty.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Save the Children (2011) A Focus on Child Protection within Social Protection Systems: Transforming Children’s Lives, Stockholm: Save the Children.
Save the Children (2014) Position Paper – Social Protection in Bangladesh: Priorities for Reducing Child Poverty. Dhaka: Save the Children International Bangladesh.
Save the Children (2015a) ‘About Cost of Diet’ [online], Household Economy Approach <www.heawebsite.org/about-cod> [accessed 25 March 2015].
Save the Children (2015b) Malnutrition in Bangladesh: Harnessing Social Protection for the Most Vulnerable, London: Save the Children.
Save the Children (2015c) The Lottery of Birth: Giving All Children an Equal Chance to Survive, London: Save the Children.
UNICEF (2012) Social Protection Strategic Framework, New York: UNICEF.
UNICEF (2013) Improving Child Nutrition: The Achievable Imperative for Global Progress, New York: UNICEF.
UNICEF (2014) Child Poverty in the Post-2015 Agenda [pdf], UNICEF Issue Brief June 2014 <www.unicef.org/socialpolicy/files/Issue_Brief_Child_Poverty_in_the_post-2015_Agenda_June_2014_Final.pdf> [accessed 13 March 2015].
UNICEF and World Bank (2013) Common Ground: UNICEF and World Bank Approaches to Building Social Protection Systems, New York: UNICEF; Washington, DC: World Bank.
Yablonski, J. and O’Donnell, M. (2009) Lasting Benefits: The Role of Cash Transfers in Tackling Child Mortality, London: Save the Children.
1,000 Days Partnership (2014) ‘About 1,000 days’ [online] <www.thousanddays.org/about/> [accessed 14 January 2015].
African Institute for Health and Development (AIHD) and Save the Children (2015) A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Social Cash Transfer Programmes on the Life-course of Children, Nairobi: Save the Children.
American Institutes for Research (AIR) (2013) Zambia’s Child Grant Program: 24-Month Impact Report [online], AIR <www.air.org/resource/zambia%E2%80%99s-child-grant-program-24-month-impact-report> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Arnold, C., Conway, T. and Greenslade, M. (2011) Cash Transfers Evidence Paper, Policy Division, London: DFID.
Ayliffe, T. (2013) Review of Child and Gender Sensitivity of National Social Assistance System in Kenya, report for UNICEF Kenya, Nairobi: UNICEF Kenya.
Chaudhury, N. (2008) Income Transfers and Female Schooling: The Impact of the Female School Stipend Programme on Public School Enrolments in Punjab, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Davies, M. (2009) DFID Social Transfers Evaluation Summary Report, London: Department for International Development.
Davis, B. and Handa, S. (2014) The Broad Range of Cash Transfer Impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa: Consumption, Human Capital and Productive Activity, The Transfer Project Research Brief, FAO, Save the Children, UNICEF, University of North Carolina.
Devereux, S., Sabates-Wheeler, R., Tefera, M. and Taye, H. (2006) Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme: Trends in PSNP Transfers within Targeted Households [pdf] IDS/INDAK <www.ids.ac.uk/download.cfm?objectid=F99718AB-5056-8171-7B9BD2F2382F1345> [accessed 29 April 2015].
DFID, HelpAge International, Hope & Homes for Children, Institute of Development Studies, International Labour Organization, Overseas Development Institute, Save the Children UK, UNDP, UNICEF and the World Bank (2009) Advancing Child-Sensitive Social Protection [pdf] joint statement <www.savethechildren.org.uk/sites/default/files/docs/Advancing_Child_Sensitive_Social_Protection_1.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
DSD, SASSA and UNICEF (2012) The South African Child Support Grant Impact Assessment: Evidence from a Survey of Children, Adolescents and their Households, Pretoria: UNICEF South Africa.
Duflo, E. (2003) ‘Grandmothers and granddaughters: old age pension and intra-household allocation in South Africa’, World Bank Economic Review 17(1): 1–25.
FAO (2014) The Economic Impacts of Cash Transfer Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa [pdf], From Protection to Production Policy Brief <www.fao.org/3/a-i4194e.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Freeland, N. (2013) Mis-labelled Cash Transfers [pdf], Pathways Perspectives on social policy in international development <www.developmentpathways.co.uk/downloads/perspectives/mislabelledcashtransfersfinal.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
From Protection to Production (2014) The Broad Range of Impacts of the LEAP Programme in Ghana, Policy Brief, Rome: FAO.
IDS, ODI, UEA-DEV and RHVP (2010) Social Protection in Africa: Where Next? [pdf] <https://www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/SocialProtectioninAfricaWhereNext.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
International Labour Organization (ILO) (2014) World Social Protection Report 2014–15, Geneva: ILO.
Jones, N. and Holmes, R. (2010) Gender, Politics and Social Protection: Why Social Protection is ‘Gender Blind’, ODI Briefing Paper, London: Overseas Development Institute.
Jones, N. and Sumner, A. (2011) Child Poverty, Evidence and Policy: Mainstreaming Children in International Development, Bristol: Policy Press.
Kenya CT-OVC Evaluation Team (2012) ‘The impact of Kenya’s cash transfer for orphans and vulnerable children on human capital’, Journal of Development Effectiveness 4(1): 38–49.
Miller, C., Tsoka, M. and Reichert, K. (2010) ‘Impacts on children of cash transfers in Malawi’, in S. Handa, S. Devereux and D. Webb (eds), Social Protection for Africa’s Children, pp. 96–116, London: Routledge Press.
Pellerano, L., Moratti, M., Jakobsen, M., Bajgar, M. and Barca, V. (2014) ‘Lesotho Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation’, Follow-up Report [online], Oxford, UK: Oxford Policy Management Limited (OPM) <www.opml.co.uk/projects/lesotho-child-grants-programme-cgp-impact-evaluation> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Republic of Kenya Ministry of State for Planning (2012) Kenya Social Protection Sector Review, Nairobi, Kenya: Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030.
Roelen, K. (2014) ‘Children: the key to sustainable graduation’, presentation at the Graduation and Social Protection Conference, Kigali, 6 May 2014 [pdf] <www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/4.2.Roelen2014-Childrenthekeytosustainablegraduationpptv205-may-14.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Roelen, K. and Sabates-Wheeler, R. (2012) ‘A child-sensitive approach to social protection: serving practical and strategic needs’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 20(3): 291–306 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1332/175982712X657118>.
Sabates-Wheeler, R., Devereux, S. and Hodges, A. (2009) ‘Child poverty: designing child-sensitive policies’, id21 highlights, special edition [pdf] <http://r4d.dfid.gov.uk/PDF/Outputs/IDS/highlights-child_poverty.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Save the Children (2011) A Focus on Child Protection within Social Protection Systems: Transforming Children’s Lives, Stockholm: Save the Children.
Save the Children (2014) Position Paper – Social Protection in Bangladesh: Priorities for Reducing Child Poverty. Dhaka: Save the Children International Bangladesh.
Save the Children (2015a) ‘About Cost of Diet’ [online], Household Economy Approach <www.heawebsite.org/about-cod> [accessed 25 March 2015].
Save the Children (2015b) Malnutrition in Bangladesh: Harnessing Social Protection for the Most Vulnerable, London: Save the Children.
Save the Children (2015c) The Lottery of Birth: Giving All Children an Equal Chance to Survive, London: Save the Children.
UNICEF (2012) Social Protection Strategic Framework, New York: UNICEF.
UNICEF (2013) Improving Child Nutrition: The Achievable Imperative for Global Progress, New York: UNICEF.
UNICEF (2014) Child Poverty in the Post-2015 Agenda [pdf], UNICEF Issue Brief June 2014 <www.unicef.org/socialpolicy/files/Issue_Brief_Child_Poverty_in_the_post-2015_Agenda_June_2014_Final.pdf> [accessed 13 March 2015].
UNICEF and World Bank (2013) Common Ground: UNICEF and World Bank Approaches to Building Social Protection Systems, New York: UNICEF; Washington, DC: World Bank.
Yablonski, J. and O’Donnell, M. (2009) Lasting Benefits: The Role of Cash Transfers in Tackling Child Mortality, London: Save the Children.
1,000 Days Partnership (2014) ‘About 1,000 days’ [online] <www.thousanddays.org/about/> [accessed 14 January 2015].
African Institute for Health and Development (AIHD) and Save the Children (2015) A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Social Cash Transfer Programmes on the Life-course of Children, Nairobi: Save the Children.
American Institutes for Research (AIR) (2013) Zambia’s Child Grant Program: 24-Month Impact Report [online], AIR <www.air.org/resource/zambia%E2%80%99s-child-grant-program-24-month-impact-report> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Arnold, C., Conway, T. and Greenslade, M. (2011) Cash Transfers Evidence Paper, Policy Division, London: DFID.
Ayliffe, T. (2013) Review of Child and Gender Sensitivity of National Social Assistance System in Kenya, report for UNICEF Kenya, Nairobi: UNICEF Kenya.
Chaudhury, N. (2008) Income Transfers and Female Schooling: The Impact of the Female School Stipend Programme on Public School Enrolments in Punjab, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Davies, M. (2009) DFID Social Transfers Evaluation Summary Report, London: Department for International Development.
Davis, B. and Handa, S. (2014) The Broad Range of Cash Transfer Impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa: Consumption, Human Capital and Productive Activity, The Transfer Project Research Brief, FAO, Save the Children, UNICEF, University of North Carolina.
Devereux, S., Sabates-Wheeler, R., Tefera, M. and Taye, H. (2006) Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme: Trends in PSNP Transfers within Targeted Households [pdf] IDS/INDAK <www.ids.ac.uk/download.cfm?objectid=F99718AB-5056-8171-7B9BD2F2382F1345> [accessed 29 April 2015].
DFID, HelpAge International, Hope & Homes for Children, Institute of Development Studies, International Labour Organization, Overseas Development Institute, Save the Children UK, UNDP, UNICEF and the World Bank (2009) Advancing Child-Sensitive Social Protection [pdf] joint statement <www.savethechildren.org.uk/sites/default/files/docs/Advancing_Child_Sensitive_Social_Protection_1.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
DSD, SASSA and UNICEF (2012) The South African Child Support Grant Impact Assessment: Evidence from a Survey of Children, Adolescents and their Households, Pretoria: UNICEF South Africa.
Duflo, E. (2003) ‘Grandmothers and granddaughters: old age pension and intra-household allocation in South Africa’, World Bank Economic Review 17(1): 1–25.
FAO (2014) The Economic Impacts of Cash Transfer Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa [pdf], From Protection to Production Policy Brief <www.fao.org/3/a-i4194e.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Freeland, N. (2013) Mis-labelled Cash Transfers [pdf], Pathways Perspectives on social policy in international development <www.developmentpathways.co.uk/downloads/perspectives/mislabelledcashtransfersfinal.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
From Protection to Production (2014) The Broad Range of Impacts of the LEAP Programme in Ghana, Policy Brief, Rome: FAO.
IDS, ODI, UEA-DEV and RHVP (2010) Social Protection in Africa: Where Next? [pdf] <https://www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/SocialProtectioninAfricaWhereNext.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
International Labour Organization (ILO) (2014) World Social Protection Report 2014–15, Geneva: ILO.
Jones, N. and Holmes, R. (2010) Gender, Politics and Social Protection: Why Social Protection is ‘Gender Blind’, ODI Briefing Paper, London: Overseas Development Institute.
Jones, N. and Sumner, A. (2011) Child Poverty, Evidence and Policy: Mainstreaming Children in International Development, Bristol: Policy Press.
Kenya CT-OVC Evaluation Team (2012) ‘The impact of Kenya’s cash transfer for orphans and vulnerable children on human capital’, Journal of Development Effectiveness 4(1): 38–49.
Miller, C., Tsoka, M. and Reichert, K. (2010) ‘Impacts on children of cash transfers in Malawi’, in S. Handa, S. Devereux and D. Webb (eds), Social Protection for Africa’s Children, pp. 96–116, London: Routledge Press.
Pellerano, L., Moratti, M., Jakobsen, M., Bajgar, M. and Barca, V. (2014) ‘Lesotho Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation’, Follow-up Report [online], Oxford, UK: Oxford Policy Management Limited (OPM) <www.opml.co.uk/projects/lesotho-child-grants-programme-cgp-impact-evaluation> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Republic of Kenya Ministry of State for Planning (2012) Kenya Social Protection Sector Review, Nairobi, Kenya: Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030.
Roelen, K. (2014) ‘Children: the key to sustainable graduation’, presentation at the Graduation and Social Protection Conference, Kigali, 6 May 2014 [pdf] <www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/4.2.Roelen2014-Childrenthekeytosustainablegraduationpptv205-may-14.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Roelen, K. and Sabates-Wheeler, R. (2012) ‘A child-sensitive approach to social protection: serving practical and strategic needs’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 20(3): 291–306 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1332/175982712X657118>.
Sabates-Wheeler, R., Devereux, S. and Hodges, A. (2009) ‘Child poverty: designing child-sensitive policies’, id21 highlights, special edition [pdf] <http://r4d.dfid.gov.uk/PDF/Outputs/IDS/highlights-child_poverty.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Save the Children (2011) A Focus on Child Protection within Social Protection Systems: Transforming Children’s Lives, Stockholm: Save the Children.
Save the Children (2014) Position Paper – Social Protection in Bangladesh: Priorities for Reducing Child Poverty. Dhaka: Save the Children International Bangladesh.
Save the Children (2015a) ‘About Cost of Diet’ [online], Household Economy Approach <www.heawebsite.org/about-cod> [accessed 25 March 2015].
Save the Children (2015b) Malnutrition in Bangladesh: Harnessing Social Protection for the Most Vulnerable, London: Save the Children.
Save the Children (2015c) The Lottery of Birth: Giving All Children an Equal Chance to Survive, London: Save the Children.
UNICEF (2012) Social Protection Strategic Framework, New York: UNICEF.
UNICEF (2013) Improving Child Nutrition: The Achievable Imperative for Global Progress, New York: UNICEF.
UNICEF (2014) Child Poverty in the Post-2015 Agenda [pdf], UNICEF Issue Brief June 2014 <www.unicef.org/socialpolicy/files/Issue_Brief_Child_Poverty_in_the_post-2015_Agenda_June_2014_Final.pdf> [accessed 13 March 2015].
UNICEF and World Bank (2013) Common Ground: UNICEF and World Bank Approaches to Building Social Protection Systems, New York: UNICEF; Washington, DC: World Bank.
Yablonski, J. and O’Donnell, M. (2009) Lasting Benefits: The Role of Cash Transfers in Tackling Child Mortality, London: Save the Children.
1,000 Days Partnership (2014) ‘About 1,000 days’ [online] <www.thousanddays.org/about/> [accessed 14 January 2015].
African Institute for Health and Development (AIHD) and Save the Children (2015) A Qualitative Study on the Impact of Social Cash Transfer Programmes on the Life-course of Children, Nairobi: Save the Children.
American Institutes for Research (AIR) (2013) Zambia’s Child Grant Program: 24-Month Impact Report [online], AIR <www.air.org/resource/zambia%E2%80%99s-child-grant-program-24-month-impact-report> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Arnold, C., Conway, T. and Greenslade, M. (2011) Cash Transfers Evidence Paper, Policy Division, London: DFID.
Ayliffe, T. (2013) Review of Child and Gender Sensitivity of National Social Assistance System in Kenya, report for UNICEF Kenya, Nairobi: UNICEF Kenya.
Chaudhury, N. (2008) Income Transfers and Female Schooling: The Impact of the Female School Stipend Programme on Public School Enrolments in Punjab, Washington, DC: World Bank.
Davies, M. (2009) DFID Social Transfers Evaluation Summary Report, London: Department for International Development.
Davis, B. and Handa, S. (2014) The Broad Range of Cash Transfer Impacts in Sub-Saharan Africa: Consumption, Human Capital and Productive Activity, The Transfer Project Research Brief, FAO, Save the Children, UNICEF, University of North Carolina.
Devereux, S., Sabates-Wheeler, R., Tefera, M. and Taye, H. (2006) Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Programme: Trends in PSNP Transfers within Targeted Households [pdf] IDS/INDAK <www.ids.ac.uk/download.cfm?objectid=F99718AB-5056-8171-7B9BD2F2382F1345> [accessed 29 April 2015].
DFID, HelpAge International, Hope & Homes for Children, Institute of Development Studies, International Labour Organization, Overseas Development Institute, Save the Children UK, UNDP, UNICEF and the World Bank (2009) Advancing Child-Sensitive Social Protection [pdf] joint statement <www.savethechildren.org.uk/sites/default/files/docs/Advancing_Child_Sensitive_Social_Protection_1.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
DSD, SASSA and UNICEF (2012) The South African Child Support Grant Impact Assessment: Evidence from a Survey of Children, Adolescents and their Households, Pretoria: UNICEF South Africa.
Duflo, E. (2003) ‘Grandmothers and granddaughters: old age pension and intra-household allocation in South Africa’, World Bank Economic Review 17(1): 1–25.
FAO (2014) The Economic Impacts of Cash Transfer Programmes in Sub-Saharan Africa [pdf], From Protection to Production Policy Brief <www.fao.org/3/a-i4194e.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Freeland, N. (2013) Mis-labelled Cash Transfers [pdf], Pathways Perspectives on social policy in international development <www.developmentpathways.co.uk/downloads/perspectives/mislabelledcashtransfersfinal.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
From Protection to Production (2014) The Broad Range of Impacts of the LEAP Programme in Ghana, Policy Brief, Rome: FAO.
IDS, ODI, UEA-DEV and RHVP (2010) Social Protection in Africa: Where Next? [pdf] <https://www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/SocialProtectioninAfricaWhereNext.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
International Labour Organization (ILO) (2014) World Social Protection Report 2014–15, Geneva: ILO.
Jones, N. and Holmes, R. (2010) Gender, Politics and Social Protection: Why Social Protection is ‘Gender Blind’, ODI Briefing Paper, London: Overseas Development Institute.
Jones, N. and Sumner, A. (2011) Child Poverty, Evidence and Policy: Mainstreaming Children in International Development, Bristol: Policy Press.
Kenya CT-OVC Evaluation Team (2012) ‘The impact of Kenya’s cash transfer for orphans and vulnerable children on human capital’, Journal of Development Effectiveness 4(1): 38–49.
Miller, C., Tsoka, M. and Reichert, K. (2010) ‘Impacts on children of cash transfers in Malawi’, in S. Handa, S. Devereux and D. Webb (eds), Social Protection for Africa’s Children, pp. 96–116, London: Routledge Press.
Pellerano, L., Moratti, M., Jakobsen, M., Bajgar, M. and Barca, V. (2014) ‘Lesotho Child Grants Programme Impact Evaluation’, Follow-up Report [online], Oxford, UK: Oxford Policy Management Limited (OPM) <www.opml.co.uk/projects/lesotho-child-grants-programme-cgp-impact-evaluation> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Republic of Kenya Ministry of State for Planning (2012) Kenya Social Protection Sector Review, Nairobi, Kenya: Ministry of State for Planning, National Development and Vision 2030.
Roelen, K. (2014) ‘Children: the key to sustainable graduation’, presentation at the Graduation and Social Protection Conference, Kigali, 6 May 2014 [pdf] <www.ids.ac.uk/files/dmfile/4.2.Roelen2014-Childrenthekeytosustainablegraduationpptv205-may-14.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Roelen, K. and Sabates-Wheeler, R. (2012) ‘A child-sensitive approach to social protection: serving practical and strategic needs’, Journal of Poverty and Social Justice 20(3): 291–306 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1332/175982712X657118>.
Sabates-Wheeler, R., Devereux, S. and Hodges, A. (2009) ‘Child poverty: designing child-sensitive policies’, id21 highlights, special edition [pdf] <http://r4d.dfid.gov.uk/PDF/Outputs/IDS/highlights-child_poverty.pdf> [accessed 29 April 2015].
Save the Children (2011) A Focus on Child Protection within Social Protection Systems: Transforming Children’s Lives, Stockholm: Save the Children.
Save the Children (2014) Position Paper – Social Protection in Bangladesh: Priorities for Reducing Child Poverty. Dhaka: Save the Children International Bangladesh.
Save the Children (2015a) ‘About Cost of Diet’ [online], Household Economy Approach <www.heawebsite.org/about-cod> [accessed 25 March 2015].
Save the Children (2015b) Malnutrition in Bangladesh: Harnessing Social Protection for the Most Vulnerable, London: Save the Children.
Save the Children (2015c) The Lottery of Birth: Giving All Children an Equal Chance to Survive, London: Save the Children.
UNICEF (2012) Social Protection Strategic Framework, New York: UNICEF.
UNICEF (2013) Improving Child Nutrition: The Achievable Imperative for Global Progress, New York: UNICEF.
UNICEF (2014) Child Poverty in the Post-2015 Agenda [pdf], UNICEF Issue Brief June 2014 <www.unicef.org/socialpolicy/files/Issue_Brief_Child_Poverty_in_the_post-2015_Agenda_June_2014_Final.pdf> [accessed 13 March 2015].
UNICEF and World Bank (2013) Common Ground: UNICEF and World Bank Approaches to Building Social Protection Systems, New York: UNICEF; Washington, DC: World Bank.
Yablonski, J. and O’Donnell, M. (2009) Lasting Benefits: The Role of Cash Transfers in Tackling Child Mortality, London: Save the Children.
Child participation in evaluating social protection projects: Do global development actors walk the talk?
Hulshof, Henk
Progress in Development Studies, Vol. 19 (2019), Iss. 1 P.1
https://doi.org/10.1177/1464993418805170 [Citations: 6]- Value chain financing: evidence from Zambia on smallholder access to finance for mechanization
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