Challenges faced by MFIs in adopting management information systems during their growth phase: the case of Togo
The growing urgency to achieve financial sustainability has led some microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Africa to invest in management information system (MIS). These systems offer the potential to reduce transactions costs and increase efficiency. However, we know little about the opportunities and the difficulties faced by MFIs during their growth phase to adopt and manage MIS. The paper examines qualitative and quantitative data on the capacity of MFIs in Togo to effectively implement MIS. Results suggest that MFIs face various difficulties resulting from insufficient support from MIS designers; limited network data consolidation; irregular system updates that disturb the proper functioning of the system; and difficulties to manage data in accordance with the legal framework and instability of the system. We find also that if the MIS responds appropriately to the need for MFIs information processing, the result is a better outcome in terms of operating cost reduction, portfolio risk reduction, and operating profit. Findings suggest that full involvement of the Professional Association of MFIs in Togo is recommended to centralize and share the information system problems faced in the entire sector microfinance in Togo. This can be done through the organization of training workshops.Alter, S. (1980) Decision Support Systems: Current Practice and Continuing Challenge, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Ashta A. (2011) Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Ashta, A., Chalamon, I. and Demay, I. (2010) ‘A bilingual account of the history of microfinance in Togo (Un compte bilingue de l’histore de microfinance au Togo)’, SSRN Electronic Journal, September 2010 <>.
Ashta, A. Couchoro, M. and Musa, A. (2014) ‘Dialectic evolution through the social innovation process: from microcredit to microfinance’, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3(4): 3–23 <>.
Ashta, A., Barnett, B., Dayson, K. and Sukpa, G. (2015) Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI) (2008) Microfinance Banana Skins, London: CSFI.
Caniëls, M.C.J. and. Bakens, R. (2012) ‘The effects of project management information systems on decision making in a multi project environment’, International Journal of Project Management 30(2): 162–75 <>.
Choe, J.M. (1996) ‘The relationships among performance of accounting information systems, influence factors and evolution level of information systems’, Journal of Management Information Systems 12(4): 215–39.
Couchoro, M. (2015) ‘MFIs growth phase: difficulty in the management information system’, in A. Ashta, B. Barnett, K. Dayson and G. Sukpa (eds.), Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Davenport, T. (1998) ‘Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system’, Harvard Business Review 76: 121–31.
Day, D.L. (2000) ‘Behavioral effects of attitudes toward constraint in case: the impact of development task and project phase’, Information Systems Journal 10(2): 151–63 <>.
Elonen, S. and Artto, K.A. (2003) ‘Problems in managing internal development projects in multi-project environments’, International Journal of Project Management 21(6): 395–402 <>.
Engwall, M. and Jerbrant, A. (2003) ‘The resource allocation syndrome: the prime challenge of multi-project management?’ International Journal of Project Management 21(6): 403–9 <>.
Estapé-Dubreuil, G. (2015) ‘Information requirements for microfinance’, in A. Ashta, B. Barnett, K. Dayson and G. Sukpa (eds.), Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ferneley, E.H. and Sobreperez, P. (2006) ‘Resist, comply or workaround? An examination of different facets of user engagement with information systems’, European Journal of Information Systems 15(4): 345–56 <>.
Goh, K. H. and Kauffman, R.J. (2013) ‘Firm strategy and the internet in U.S. commercial banking’, Journal of Management Information Systems 30(2): 9–40 <>.
Hirschheim, R. and Newman, M. (1988) ‘Information systems and user resistance: theory and practice’, The Computer Journal 31(5): 398–408.
Karlan, D. and Goldberg, N. (2011) ‘Microfinance evaluation strategies: notes on methodology and findings’, in B. Armendáriz and M. Labie (eds.), The Handbook of Microfinance, Singapore: World Scientific.
Keen, P. G. W. (1981) ‘Information systems and organizational change’, Communications of the ACM 24(1): 24–33.
Khan, S. (2011) ‘Automating MFIs: how far should we go?’ in A. Ashta (Dir.), Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Kim, H.W. and Kankanhalli, A. (2009) ‘Investigating user resistance to information systems implementation: a status quo bias perspective’, MIS Quarterly 33(3): 567–82.
Kitto, S. and Higgins, V. (2010) ‘Working around ERPs in technological universities’, Science, Technology and Human Values 35(1): 29–56 <>.
Lapointe, L. and Rivard, S. (2005) ‘A multilevel model of resistance to information technology implementation’, MIS Quarterly 29(3): 461–91.
Laydeker, B. (2002) Le système d’information pour une institution de microfinance, Nogent sur Marne cedex, France: GRET.
Lee, H.G. and Clark, T.H. (1997) ‘Market process reengineering through electronic market systems: opportunities and challenges’, Journal of Management Information Systems 13(3): 113–37.
Lux-Development (2010) Etude sur la mise en conformité des systèmes d’information de gestion (SIG) des systèmes financiers décentralisés (SFD) avec le cadre réglementaire dans les pays de l’UEMOA, Edition N° 1 du 1er mai, Luxembourg: Lux-Development.
Mann, F.C. and Williams, L.K. (1960) ‘Observations on the dynamics of a change to electronic data-processing equipment’, Administrative Science Quarterly 5(2): 27–38.
Marakas, G.M. and Hornik, S. (1996) ‘Passive resistance misuse: overt support and covert recalcitrance in IS implementation’, European Journal of Information Systems 5(3): 208–20.
Markus, M.L. (1983) ‘Power, politics, and MIS implementation’, Communications of the ACM 26(6): 430–44.
Maylor, H., Brady, T., Cooke-Davies, T. and Hodgson, D. (2006) ‘From projectification to programmification’, International Journal of Project Management 24(8): 663–74 <>.
Mia, B. (2005) ‘ICT in microfinance: a Bangladesh perspective’, in S. Mathison (ed.), Electronic Banking with the Poor: Increasing the Outreach and Sustainability of Microfinance through ICT Innovation, Brisbane: Foundation for Development Cooperation.
Moreno, V.J. (1999) ‘On the social implications of organizational reengineering’, Information Technology & People 12(4): 359–88.
Naranjo-Gil, D. (2009) ‘Management information systems and strategic performances: the role of top team composition’, International Journal of Information Management 29: 104–10.
NEXUS (2000) Management Information Systems: Between Salvation and Frustration, SEEP network publication.
Quadri, S., Mohd, N., Singh, V.K. and Iyengar, K.P. (2011) ‘IT and MIS in microfinance institution: effectiveness and sustainability issues’, in A. Ashta (Dir), Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Rigaud, L. (1984) Mise en place des système d’information: pour la direction et la gestion des organisations, Paris: Bordas.
Rivard, S. and Lapointe, L. (2012) ‘Information technology implementers’ responses to user resistance: nature and effects’, MIS Quarterly 36(2): 897–920.
Waterfield, C. and Ramsing, N. (1998) SIG pour les institutions de microfinance – Guide pratique, Washington, DC: CGAP.
World Bank (2003) ICT and MDGs: A World Bank Group Perspective, Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
Alter, S. (1980) Decision Support Systems: Current Practice and Continuing Challenge, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Ashta A. (2011) Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Ashta, A., Chalamon, I. and Demay, I. (2010) ‘A bilingual account of the history of microfinance in Togo (Un compte bilingue de l’histore de microfinance au Togo)’, SSRN Electronic Journal, September 2010 <>.
Ashta, A. Couchoro, M. and Musa, A. (2014) ‘Dialectic evolution through the social innovation process: from microcredit to microfinance’, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3(4): 3–23 <>.
Ashta, A., Barnett, B., Dayson, K. and Sukpa, G. (2015) Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI) (2008) Microfinance Banana Skins, London: CSFI.
Caniëls, M.C.J. and. Bakens, R. (2012) ‘The effects of project management information systems on decision making in a multi project environment’, International Journal of Project Management 30(2): 162–75 <>.
Choe, J.M. (1996) ‘The relationships among performance of accounting information systems, influence factors and evolution level of information systems’, Journal of Management Information Systems 12(4): 215–39.
Couchoro, M. (2015) ‘MFIs growth phase: difficulty in the management information system’, in A. Ashta, B. Barnett, K. Dayson and G. Sukpa (eds.), Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Davenport, T. (1998) ‘Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system’, Harvard Business Review 76: 121–31.
Day, D.L. (2000) ‘Behavioral effects of attitudes toward constraint in case: the impact of development task and project phase’, Information Systems Journal 10(2): 151–63 <>.
Elonen, S. and Artto, K.A. (2003) ‘Problems in managing internal development projects in multi-project environments’, International Journal of Project Management 21(6): 395–402 <>.
Engwall, M. and Jerbrant, A. (2003) ‘The resource allocation syndrome: the prime challenge of multi-project management?’ International Journal of Project Management 21(6): 403–9 <>.
Estapé-Dubreuil, G. (2015) ‘Information requirements for microfinance’, in A. Ashta, B. Barnett, K. Dayson and G. Sukpa (eds.), Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ferneley, E.H. and Sobreperez, P. (2006) ‘Resist, comply or workaround? An examination of different facets of user engagement with information systems’, European Journal of Information Systems 15(4): 345–56 <>.
Goh, K. H. and Kauffman, R.J. (2013) ‘Firm strategy and the internet in U.S. commercial banking’, Journal of Management Information Systems 30(2): 9–40 <>.
Hirschheim, R. and Newman, M. (1988) ‘Information systems and user resistance: theory and practice’, The Computer Journal 31(5): 398–408.
Karlan, D. and Goldberg, N. (2011) ‘Microfinance evaluation strategies: notes on methodology and findings’, in B. Armendáriz and M. Labie (eds.), The Handbook of Microfinance, Singapore: World Scientific.
Keen, P. G. W. (1981) ‘Information systems and organizational change’, Communications of the ACM 24(1): 24–33.
Khan, S. (2011) ‘Automating MFIs: how far should we go?’ in A. Ashta (Dir.), Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Kim, H.W. and Kankanhalli, A. (2009) ‘Investigating user resistance to information systems implementation: a status quo bias perspective’, MIS Quarterly 33(3): 567–82.
Kitto, S. and Higgins, V. (2010) ‘Working around ERPs in technological universities’, Science, Technology and Human Values 35(1): 29–56 <>.
Lapointe, L. and Rivard, S. (2005) ‘A multilevel model of resistance to information technology implementation’, MIS Quarterly 29(3): 461–91.
Laydeker, B. (2002) Le système d’information pour une institution de microfinance, Nogent sur Marne cedex, France: GRET.
Lee, H.G. and Clark, T.H. (1997) ‘Market process reengineering through electronic market systems: opportunities and challenges’, Journal of Management Information Systems 13(3): 113–37.
Lux-Development (2010) Etude sur la mise en conformité des systèmes d’information de gestion (SIG) des systèmes financiers décentralisés (SFD) avec le cadre réglementaire dans les pays de l’UEMOA, Edition N° 1 du 1er mai, Luxembourg: Lux-Development.
Mann, F.C. and Williams, L.K. (1960) ‘Observations on the dynamics of a change to electronic data-processing equipment’, Administrative Science Quarterly 5(2): 27–38.
Marakas, G.M. and Hornik, S. (1996) ‘Passive resistance misuse: overt support and covert recalcitrance in IS implementation’, European Journal of Information Systems 5(3): 208–20.
Markus, M.L. (1983) ‘Power, politics, and MIS implementation’, Communications of the ACM 26(6): 430–44.
Maylor, H., Brady, T., Cooke-Davies, T. and Hodgson, D. (2006) ‘From projectification to programmification’, International Journal of Project Management 24(8): 663–74 <>.
Mia, B. (2005) ‘ICT in microfinance: a Bangladesh perspective’, in S. Mathison (ed.), Electronic Banking with the Poor: Increasing the Outreach and Sustainability of Microfinance through ICT Innovation, Brisbane: Foundation for Development Cooperation.
Moreno, V.J. (1999) ‘On the social implications of organizational reengineering’, Information Technology & People 12(4): 359–88.
Naranjo-Gil, D. (2009) ‘Management information systems and strategic performances: the role of top team composition’, International Journal of Information Management 29: 104–10.
NEXUS (2000) Management Information Systems: Between Salvation and Frustration, SEEP network publication.
Quadri, S., Mohd, N., Singh, V.K. and Iyengar, K.P. (2011) ‘IT and MIS in microfinance institution: effectiveness and sustainability issues’, in A. Ashta (Dir), Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Rigaud, L. (1984) Mise en place des système d’information: pour la direction et la gestion des organisations, Paris: Bordas.
Rivard, S. and Lapointe, L. (2012) ‘Information technology implementers’ responses to user resistance: nature and effects’, MIS Quarterly 36(2): 897–920.
Waterfield, C. and Ramsing, N. (1998) SIG pour les institutions de microfinance – Guide pratique, Washington, DC: CGAP.
World Bank (2003) ICT and MDGs: A World Bank Group Perspective, Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
Alter, S. (1980) Decision Support Systems: Current Practice and Continuing Challenge, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Ashta A. (2011) Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Ashta, A., Chalamon, I. and Demay, I. (2010) ‘A bilingual account of the history of microfinance in Togo (Un compte bilingue de l’histore de microfinance au Togo)’, SSRN Electronic Journal, September 2010 <>.
Ashta, A. Couchoro, M. and Musa, A. (2014) ‘Dialectic evolution through the social innovation process: from microcredit to microfinance’, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3(4): 3–23 <>.
Ashta, A., Barnett, B., Dayson, K. and Sukpa, G. (2015) Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI) (2008) Microfinance Banana Skins, London: CSFI.
Caniëls, M.C.J. and. Bakens, R. (2012) ‘The effects of project management information systems on decision making in a multi project environment’, International Journal of Project Management 30(2): 162–75 <>.
Choe, J.M. (1996) ‘The relationships among performance of accounting information systems, influence factors and evolution level of information systems’, Journal of Management Information Systems 12(4): 215–39.
Couchoro, M. (2015) ‘MFIs growth phase: difficulty in the management information system’, in A. Ashta, B. Barnett, K. Dayson and G. Sukpa (eds.), Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Davenport, T. (1998) ‘Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system’, Harvard Business Review 76: 121–31.
Day, D.L. (2000) ‘Behavioral effects of attitudes toward constraint in case: the impact of development task and project phase’, Information Systems Journal 10(2): 151–63 <>.
Elonen, S. and Artto, K.A. (2003) ‘Problems in managing internal development projects in multi-project environments’, International Journal of Project Management 21(6): 395–402 <>.
Engwall, M. and Jerbrant, A. (2003) ‘The resource allocation syndrome: the prime challenge of multi-project management?’ International Journal of Project Management 21(6): 403–9 <>.
Estapé-Dubreuil, G. (2015) ‘Information requirements for microfinance’, in A. Ashta, B. Barnett, K. Dayson and G. Sukpa (eds.), Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ferneley, E.H. and Sobreperez, P. (2006) ‘Resist, comply or workaround? An examination of different facets of user engagement with information systems’, European Journal of Information Systems 15(4): 345–56 <>.
Goh, K. H. and Kauffman, R.J. (2013) ‘Firm strategy and the internet in U.S. commercial banking’, Journal of Management Information Systems 30(2): 9–40 <>.
Hirschheim, R. and Newman, M. (1988) ‘Information systems and user resistance: theory and practice’, The Computer Journal 31(5): 398–408.
Karlan, D. and Goldberg, N. (2011) ‘Microfinance evaluation strategies: notes on methodology and findings’, in B. Armendáriz and M. Labie (eds.), The Handbook of Microfinance, Singapore: World Scientific.
Keen, P. G. W. (1981) ‘Information systems and organizational change’, Communications of the ACM 24(1): 24–33.
Khan, S. (2011) ‘Automating MFIs: how far should we go?’ in A. Ashta (Dir.), Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Kim, H.W. and Kankanhalli, A. (2009) ‘Investigating user resistance to information systems implementation: a status quo bias perspective’, MIS Quarterly 33(3): 567–82.
Kitto, S. and Higgins, V. (2010) ‘Working around ERPs in technological universities’, Science, Technology and Human Values 35(1): 29–56 <>.
Lapointe, L. and Rivard, S. (2005) ‘A multilevel model of resistance to information technology implementation’, MIS Quarterly 29(3): 461–91.
Laydeker, B. (2002) Le système d’information pour une institution de microfinance, Nogent sur Marne cedex, France: GRET.
Lee, H.G. and Clark, T.H. (1997) ‘Market process reengineering through electronic market systems: opportunities and challenges’, Journal of Management Information Systems 13(3): 113–37.
Lux-Development (2010) Etude sur la mise en conformité des systèmes d’information de gestion (SIG) des systèmes financiers décentralisés (SFD) avec le cadre réglementaire dans les pays de l’UEMOA, Edition N° 1 du 1er mai, Luxembourg: Lux-Development.
Mann, F.C. and Williams, L.K. (1960) ‘Observations on the dynamics of a change to electronic data-processing equipment’, Administrative Science Quarterly 5(2): 27–38.
Marakas, G.M. and Hornik, S. (1996) ‘Passive resistance misuse: overt support and covert recalcitrance in IS implementation’, European Journal of Information Systems 5(3): 208–20.
Markus, M.L. (1983) ‘Power, politics, and MIS implementation’, Communications of the ACM 26(6): 430–44.
Maylor, H., Brady, T., Cooke-Davies, T. and Hodgson, D. (2006) ‘From projectification to programmification’, International Journal of Project Management 24(8): 663–74 <>.
Mia, B. (2005) ‘ICT in microfinance: a Bangladesh perspective’, in S. Mathison (ed.), Electronic Banking with the Poor: Increasing the Outreach and Sustainability of Microfinance through ICT Innovation, Brisbane: Foundation for Development Cooperation.
Moreno, V.J. (1999) ‘On the social implications of organizational reengineering’, Information Technology & People 12(4): 359–88.
Naranjo-Gil, D. (2009) ‘Management information systems and strategic performances: the role of top team composition’, International Journal of Information Management 29: 104–10.
NEXUS (2000) Management Information Systems: Between Salvation and Frustration, SEEP network publication.
Quadri, S., Mohd, N., Singh, V.K. and Iyengar, K.P. (2011) ‘IT and MIS in microfinance institution: effectiveness and sustainability issues’, in A. Ashta (Dir), Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Rigaud, L. (1984) Mise en place des système d’information: pour la direction et la gestion des organisations, Paris: Bordas.
Rivard, S. and Lapointe, L. (2012) ‘Information technology implementers’ responses to user resistance: nature and effects’, MIS Quarterly 36(2): 897–920.
Waterfield, C. and Ramsing, N. (1998) SIG pour les institutions de microfinance – Guide pratique, Washington, DC: CGAP.
World Bank (2003) ICT and MDGs: A World Bank Group Perspective, Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
Alter, S. (1980) Decision Support Systems: Current Practice and Continuing Challenge, Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.
Ashta A. (2011) Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Ashta, A., Chalamon, I. and Demay, I. (2010) ‘A bilingual account of the history of microfinance in Togo (Un compte bilingue de l’histore de microfinance au Togo)’, SSRN Electronic Journal, September 2010 <>.
Ashta, A. Couchoro, M. and Musa, A. (2014) ‘Dialectic evolution through the social innovation process: from microcredit to microfinance’, Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3(4): 3–23 <>.
Ashta, A., Barnett, B., Dayson, K. and Sukpa, G. (2015) Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation (CSFI) (2008) Microfinance Banana Skins, London: CSFI.
Caniëls, M.C.J. and. Bakens, R. (2012) ‘The effects of project management information systems on decision making in a multi project environment’, International Journal of Project Management 30(2): 162–75 <>.
Choe, J.M. (1996) ‘The relationships among performance of accounting information systems, influence factors and evolution level of information systems’, Journal of Management Information Systems 12(4): 215–39.
Couchoro, M. (2015) ‘MFIs growth phase: difficulty in the management information system’, in A. Ashta, B. Barnett, K. Dayson and G. Sukpa (eds.), Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Davenport, T. (1998) ‘Putting the enterprise into the enterprise system’, Harvard Business Review 76: 121–31.
Day, D.L. (2000) ‘Behavioral effects of attitudes toward constraint in case: the impact of development task and project phase’, Information Systems Journal 10(2): 151–63 <>.
Elonen, S. and Artto, K.A. (2003) ‘Problems in managing internal development projects in multi-project environments’, International Journal of Project Management 21(6): 395–402 <>.
Engwall, M. and Jerbrant, A. (2003) ‘The resource allocation syndrome: the prime challenge of multi-project management?’ International Journal of Project Management 21(6): 403–9 <>.
Estapé-Dubreuil, G. (2015) ‘Information requirements for microfinance’, in A. Ashta, B. Barnett, K. Dayson and G. Sukpa (eds.), Management Information Systems for Microfinance: Catalyzing Social Innovation for Competitive Advantage, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Ferneley, E.H. and Sobreperez, P. (2006) ‘Resist, comply or workaround? An examination of different facets of user engagement with information systems’, European Journal of Information Systems 15(4): 345–56 <>.
Goh, K. H. and Kauffman, R.J. (2013) ‘Firm strategy and the internet in U.S. commercial banking’, Journal of Management Information Systems 30(2): 9–40 <>.
Hirschheim, R. and Newman, M. (1988) ‘Information systems and user resistance: theory and practice’, The Computer Journal 31(5): 398–408.
Karlan, D. and Goldberg, N. (2011) ‘Microfinance evaluation strategies: notes on methodology and findings’, in B. Armendáriz and M. Labie (eds.), The Handbook of Microfinance, Singapore: World Scientific.
Keen, P. G. W. (1981) ‘Information systems and organizational change’, Communications of the ACM 24(1): 24–33.
Khan, S. (2011) ‘Automating MFIs: how far should we go?’ in A. Ashta (Dir.), Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Kim, H.W. and Kankanhalli, A. (2009) ‘Investigating user resistance to information systems implementation: a status quo bias perspective’, MIS Quarterly 33(3): 567–82.
Kitto, S. and Higgins, V. (2010) ‘Working around ERPs in technological universities’, Science, Technology and Human Values 35(1): 29–56 <>.
Lapointe, L. and Rivard, S. (2005) ‘A multilevel model of resistance to information technology implementation’, MIS Quarterly 29(3): 461–91.
Laydeker, B. (2002) Le système d’information pour une institution de microfinance, Nogent sur Marne cedex, France: GRET.
Lee, H.G. and Clark, T.H. (1997) ‘Market process reengineering through electronic market systems: opportunities and challenges’, Journal of Management Information Systems 13(3): 113–37.
Lux-Development (2010) Etude sur la mise en conformité des systèmes d’information de gestion (SIG) des systèmes financiers décentralisés (SFD) avec le cadre réglementaire dans les pays de l’UEMOA, Edition N° 1 du 1er mai, Luxembourg: Lux-Development.
Mann, F.C. and Williams, L.K. (1960) ‘Observations on the dynamics of a change to electronic data-processing equipment’, Administrative Science Quarterly 5(2): 27–38.
Marakas, G.M. and Hornik, S. (1996) ‘Passive resistance misuse: overt support and covert recalcitrance in IS implementation’, European Journal of Information Systems 5(3): 208–20.
Markus, M.L. (1983) ‘Power, politics, and MIS implementation’, Communications of the ACM 26(6): 430–44.
Maylor, H., Brady, T., Cooke-Davies, T. and Hodgson, D. (2006) ‘From projectification to programmification’, International Journal of Project Management 24(8): 663–74 <>.
Mia, B. (2005) ‘ICT in microfinance: a Bangladesh perspective’, in S. Mathison (ed.), Electronic Banking with the Poor: Increasing the Outreach and Sustainability of Microfinance through ICT Innovation, Brisbane: Foundation for Development Cooperation.
Moreno, V.J. (1999) ‘On the social implications of organizational reengineering’, Information Technology & People 12(4): 359–88.
Naranjo-Gil, D. (2009) ‘Management information systems and strategic performances: the role of top team composition’, International Journal of Information Management 29: 104–10.
NEXUS (2000) Management Information Systems: Between Salvation and Frustration, SEEP network publication.
Quadri, S., Mohd, N., Singh, V.K. and Iyengar, K.P. (2011) ‘IT and MIS in microfinance institution: effectiveness and sustainability issues’, in A. Ashta (Dir), Advanced Technologies for Microfinance: Solutions and Challenges, Hershey, PA: Business Science Reference.
Rigaud, L. (1984) Mise en place des système d’information: pour la direction et la gestion des organisations, Paris: Bordas.
Rivard, S. and Lapointe, L. (2012) ‘Information technology implementers’ responses to user resistance: nature and effects’, MIS Quarterly 36(2): 897–920.
Waterfield, C. and Ramsing, N. (1998) SIG pour les institutions de microfinance – Guide pratique, Washington, DC: CGAP.
World Bank (2003) ICT and MDGs: A World Bank Group Perspective, Washington, DC: World Bank Group.
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