Empowerment in action: savings groups improving community water, sanitation, and hygiene services
With 748 million people worldwide lacking adequate water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services (WHO/UNICEF, 2014), increased access to these services is a significant global challenge. Savings groups (SGs) combined with social empowerment strategies can be used to engage communities meaningfully in addressing development challenges such as access to clean water and a functioning latrine. As participants in PCI's SG initiative entitled Women Empowered (WE), women have independently identified WASH needs in their communities and have organized and carried out collective actions to improve their situation. This paper highlights results from a qualitative study in which PCI looked at SGs within two international development programmes in urban and rural Guatemala. The paper explores key opportunities in implementing an integrated, social and economic empowerment strategy and how changes in self-efficacy and leadership can lead to positive community impact. PCI found that participation by women in rural and urban Women Empowered SGs contributes to increased decision-making abilities and leadership, as well as increases in collaborative, collective actions at the community-level. Moreover, when one integrates SGs as a component of larger, multi-intervention development programmes, one can create a facilitative environment which encourages SGs to participate as active development partners rather than passive development recipients.Cheston, S. and Kuhn, L. (2002) Empowering Women through Microfinance, Women's Opportunity Fund, Dakar, Senegal: UNIFEM.
Donovan, G. (2009) Savings Groups as Collective Action: A Means to Increased Agency, Financial Security, and Social Capital Among Women in Poverty, Manchester, NH: School of Community Economic Development, Southern New Hampshire University.
Nelson, C. (ed.) (2013) Savings Groups at the Frontier, 1st edn, Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.
Odell, M. (2011) WORTH Nepal: Assessing the Value Added and Sustainability of a Holistic Approach to Women's Empowerment, Beyond Financial Services, Geneva: Aga Khan Foundation.
Rippey, P. and Fowler, B. (2011) A Synthesis of Studies on the Integration of Savings Groups and Other Developmental Activities, Beyond Financial Services, Geneva: Aga Khan Foundation.
Sanyal, P. (2009) ‘From credit to collective action: the role of microfinance in promoting women's social capital and normative influence,’ American Sociological Review 74(4): 529–50 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/000312240907400402≯.
WHO/UNICEF (2014) Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: 2014 Update [pdf], <www.wssinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP_report_2014_webEng.pdf≯ [accessed 22 January 2015]. www.wssinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP_report_2014_webEng.pdf
Cheston, S. and Kuhn, L. (2002) Empowering Women through Microfinance, Women's Opportunity Fund, Dakar, Senegal: UNIFEM.
Donovan, G. (2009) Savings Groups as Collective Action: A Means to Increased Agency, Financial Security, and Social Capital Among Women in Poverty, Manchester, NH: School of Community Economic Development, Southern New Hampshire University.
Nelson, C. (ed.) (2013) Savings Groups at the Frontier, 1st edn, Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.
Odell, M. (2011) WORTH Nepal: Assessing the Value Added and Sustainability of a Holistic Approach to Women's Empowerment, Beyond Financial Services, Geneva: Aga Khan Foundation.
Rippey, P. and Fowler, B. (2011) A Synthesis of Studies on the Integration of Savings Groups and Other Developmental Activities, Beyond Financial Services, Geneva: Aga Khan Foundation.
Sanyal, P. (2009) ‘From credit to collective action: the role of microfinance in promoting women's social capital and normative influence,’ American Sociological Review 74(4): 529–50 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/000312240907400402≯.
WHO/UNICEF (2014) Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: 2014 Update [pdf], <www.wssinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP_report_2014_webEng.pdf≯ [accessed 22 January 2015]. www.wssinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP_report_2014_webEng.pdf
Cheston, S. and Kuhn, L. (2002) Empowering Women through Microfinance, Women's Opportunity Fund, Dakar, Senegal: UNIFEM.
Donovan, G. (2009) Savings Groups as Collective Action: A Means to Increased Agency, Financial Security, and Social Capital Among Women in Poverty, Manchester, NH: School of Community Economic Development, Southern New Hampshire University.
Nelson, C. (ed.) (2013) Savings Groups at the Frontier, 1st edn, Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.
Odell, M. (2011) WORTH Nepal: Assessing the Value Added and Sustainability of a Holistic Approach to Women's Empowerment, Beyond Financial Services, Geneva: Aga Khan Foundation.
Rippey, P. and Fowler, B. (2011) A Synthesis of Studies on the Integration of Savings Groups and Other Developmental Activities, Beyond Financial Services, Geneva: Aga Khan Foundation.
Sanyal, P. (2009) ‘From credit to collective action: the role of microfinance in promoting women's social capital and normative influence,’ American Sociological Review 74(4): 529–50 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/000312240907400402≯.
WHO/UNICEF (2014) Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: 2014 Update [pdf], <www.wssinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP_report_2014_webEng.pdf≯ [accessed 22 January 2015]. www.wssinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP_report_2014_webEng.pdf
Cheston, S. and Kuhn, L. (2002) Empowering Women through Microfinance, Women's Opportunity Fund, Dakar, Senegal: UNIFEM.
Donovan, G. (2009) Savings Groups as Collective Action: A Means to Increased Agency, Financial Security, and Social Capital Among Women in Poverty, Manchester, NH: School of Community Economic Development, Southern New Hampshire University.
Nelson, C. (ed.) (2013) Savings Groups at the Frontier, 1st edn, Rugby: Practical Action Publishing.
Odell, M. (2011) WORTH Nepal: Assessing the Value Added and Sustainability of a Holistic Approach to Women's Empowerment, Beyond Financial Services, Geneva: Aga Khan Foundation.
Rippey, P. and Fowler, B. (2011) A Synthesis of Studies on the Integration of Savings Groups and Other Developmental Activities, Beyond Financial Services, Geneva: Aga Khan Foundation.
Sanyal, P. (2009) ‘From credit to collective action: the role of microfinance in promoting women's social capital and normative influence,’ American Sociological Review 74(4): 529–50 <http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/000312240907400402≯.
WHO/UNICEF (2014) Progress on Drinking Water and Sanitation: 2014 Update [pdf], <www.wssinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP_report_2014_webEng.pdf≯ [accessed 22 January 2015]. www.wssinfo.org/fileadmin/user_upload/resources/JMP_report_2014_webEng.pdf
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