Social capital in establishing collective marketing of bananas in Central America
Hildegard Garming | Christina Bantle | Nelson Castellon | Charles Staver | Katrin Zander
Collective marketing is a proven strategy to improve market access for small-scale producers and reduce poverty through increased income. In this study, four groups of smallholders in Honduras and Nicaragua were studied to explore whether indicators of social capital can be used to predict success in setting up collective marketing. A baseline assessment of the groups’ social capital endowments during the pre-marketing phase is compared with their marketing success after two years. Results show that the groups’ different initial levels of social capital were not directly linked with market success. All groups built up relevant social capital during the establishment phase with external support, although some members left the groups. For determining how to provide support to emerging group marketing, the commonly used measures for social capital to predict success are therefore not sufficient. Additional indicators are needed - such as access to assets and start-up skills of members - for assessing the capacity of groups for continuous construction of social capital in a dynamic process.Adato, M. and Meinzen-Dick, R. (eds) (2007) Agricultural Research, Livelihoods, and Poverty: Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in Six Countries, Baltimore, MD: IFPRI, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Bantle, C. (2011) Success Factors for Collective Marketing by Small Banana Producers in Central America, MSc thesis, Kassel, Germany: University of Kassel.
Camacho, P., Marlin, C. and Zambrano, C. (2005) ‘Estudio regional sobre factores de éxito de empresas asociativas rurales’, Quito, Ecuador: Ruralter Plataforma Regional Andina < empresas_asociativas_rurales_2005.pdf≯ [accessed 8 May 2013]. empresas_asociativas_rurales_2005.pdf
Castellón, N.A. (2011) Utilización del enfoque de cadenas para el análisis de los mercados de bananos producidos en cafetales por pequeños productores de Honduras, MSc thesis, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Chambers, R. and Conway, G.R. (1991) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century, IDS discussion paper No. 296, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Donovan, J. and Stoian, D. (2012) 5 Capitals: A Tool for Assessing the Poverty Impacts of Value Chain Development, CATIE Rural Enterprise Development Collection no. 7, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Donovan, J., Stoian, D. and Poole, N. (2008) Global Review of Rural Community Enterprises: The Long and Winding Road to Create Viable Businesses and Potential Shortcuts, CATIE Rural Enterprise Development Collection No. 2, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Garming, H., Guardia, S., Pocasangre, L. and Staver, C. (2011) ‘Setting up a new value chain for organic bananas from Alto Beni, Bolivia: impacts on the livelihoods of small-scale farmers’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 22(3): 210-24 <≯.
Springer-Heinze, A. (ed.) (2007) ValueLinks Manual: The Methodology of Value Chain Promotion [online], Eschborn, Germany: GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) <≯ [accessed 8 May 2013].
Katerberg, L., Khan, A. and Ruddick, S. (2011) ‘Evaluating value chain impact using a sustainable livelihoods approach: a case study on horticulture in Afghanistan’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 22(3): 225-40 <≯.
Markelova, H., Meinzen-Dick, R., Hellin, J. and Dohrn, S. (2009) ‘Collective action for smallholder market access’, Food Policy 34(1): 1-7 <≯.
Ouma, E. and Jagwe, J. (2010) ‘Banana value chains in Central Africa: constraints and opportunities’, paper presented at the Joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and the 48th Agricultural Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 19-23 September 2010.
Reardon, T. and Berdegué, J.A. (2006) ‘The retail-led transformation of agrifood systems and its implications for development policies’, background paper prepared for the World Development Report 2008, Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank. org/handle/10986/9233≯ [accessed 8 May 2013].
Shepherd, A.W. (2007) Approaches to Linking Producers to Markets: A Review of Experiences to Date, Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Occasional Paper, Vol. 13, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Siles, P., Bustamante, O., Deras, M., Matute, O., Aguilar, C., Rojas, J., Castellon, J., Burkhardt, J. and Staver, C. (2010) ‘Bananos en cafetales con árboles en America Latina: Estrategias preliminares para mejorar su productividad, rentabilidad y sostenibilidad’, Acorbat Trade Show, 8-12 November 2010, Medellin, Colombia.
Woolcock, M. and Narayan, D. (2000) ‘Social capital: implications for development theory, research and policy’, World Bank Research Observer 15(2): 225-49.
Adato, M. and Meinzen-Dick, R. (eds) (2007) Agricultural Research, Livelihoods, and Poverty: Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in Six Countries, Baltimore, MD: IFPRI, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Bantle, C. (2011) Success Factors for Collective Marketing by Small Banana Producers in Central America, MSc thesis, Kassel, Germany: University of Kassel.
Camacho, P., Marlin, C. and Zambrano, C. (2005) ‘Estudio regional sobre factores de éxito de empresas asociativas rurales’, Quito, Ecuador: Ruralter Plataforma Regional Andina < empresas_asociativas_rurales_2005.pdf≯ [accessed 8 May 2013]. empresas_asociativas_rurales_2005.pdf
Castellón, N.A. (2011) Utilización del enfoque de cadenas para el análisis de los mercados de bananos producidos en cafetales por pequeños productores de Honduras, MSc thesis, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Chambers, R. and Conway, G.R. (1991) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century, IDS discussion paper No. 296, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Donovan, J. and Stoian, D. (2012) 5 Capitals: A Tool for Assessing the Poverty Impacts of Value Chain Development, CATIE Rural Enterprise Development Collection no. 7, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Donovan, J., Stoian, D. and Poole, N. (2008) Global Review of Rural Community Enterprises: The Long and Winding Road to Create Viable Businesses and Potential Shortcuts, CATIE Rural Enterprise Development Collection No. 2, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Garming, H., Guardia, S., Pocasangre, L. and Staver, C. (2011) ‘Setting up a new value chain for organic bananas from Alto Beni, Bolivia: impacts on the livelihoods of small-scale farmers’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 22(3): 210-24 <≯.
Springer-Heinze, A. (ed.) (2007) ValueLinks Manual: The Methodology of Value Chain Promotion [online], Eschborn, Germany: GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) <≯ [accessed 8 May 2013].
Katerberg, L., Khan, A. and Ruddick, S. (2011) ‘Evaluating value chain impact using a sustainable livelihoods approach: a case study on horticulture in Afghanistan’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 22(3): 225-40 <≯.
Markelova, H., Meinzen-Dick, R., Hellin, J. and Dohrn, S. (2009) ‘Collective action for smallholder market access’, Food Policy 34(1): 1-7 <≯.
Ouma, E. and Jagwe, J. (2010) ‘Banana value chains in Central Africa: constraints and opportunities’, paper presented at the Joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and the 48th Agricultural Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 19-23 September 2010.
Reardon, T. and Berdegué, J.A. (2006) ‘The retail-led transformation of agrifood systems and its implications for development policies’, background paper prepared for the World Development Report 2008, Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank. org/handle/10986/9233≯ [accessed 8 May 2013].
Shepherd, A.W. (2007) Approaches to Linking Producers to Markets: A Review of Experiences to Date, Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Occasional Paper, Vol. 13, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Siles, P., Bustamante, O., Deras, M., Matute, O., Aguilar, C., Rojas, J., Castellon, J., Burkhardt, J. and Staver, C. (2010) ‘Bananos en cafetales con árboles en America Latina: Estrategias preliminares para mejorar su productividad, rentabilidad y sostenibilidad’, Acorbat Trade Show, 8-12 November 2010, Medellin, Colombia.
Woolcock, M. and Narayan, D. (2000) ‘Social capital: implications for development theory, research and policy’, World Bank Research Observer 15(2): 225-49.
Adato, M. and Meinzen-Dick, R. (eds) (2007) Agricultural Research, Livelihoods, and Poverty: Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in Six Countries, Baltimore, MD: IFPRI, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Bantle, C. (2011) Success Factors for Collective Marketing by Small Banana Producers in Central America, MSc thesis, Kassel, Germany: University of Kassel.
Camacho, P., Marlin, C. and Zambrano, C. (2005) ‘Estudio regional sobre factores de éxito de empresas asociativas rurales’, Quito, Ecuador: Ruralter Plataforma Regional Andina < empresas_asociativas_rurales_2005.pdf≯ [accessed 8 May 2013]. empresas_asociativas_rurales_2005.pdf
Castellón, N.A. (2011) Utilización del enfoque de cadenas para el análisis de los mercados de bananos producidos en cafetales por pequeños productores de Honduras, MSc thesis, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Chambers, R. and Conway, G.R. (1991) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century, IDS discussion paper No. 296, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Donovan, J. and Stoian, D. (2012) 5 Capitals: A Tool for Assessing the Poverty Impacts of Value Chain Development, CATIE Rural Enterprise Development Collection no. 7, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Donovan, J., Stoian, D. and Poole, N. (2008) Global Review of Rural Community Enterprises: The Long and Winding Road to Create Viable Businesses and Potential Shortcuts, CATIE Rural Enterprise Development Collection No. 2, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Garming, H., Guardia, S., Pocasangre, L. and Staver, C. (2011) ‘Setting up a new value chain for organic bananas from Alto Beni, Bolivia: impacts on the livelihoods of small-scale farmers’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 22(3): 210-24 <≯.
Springer-Heinze, A. (ed.) (2007) ValueLinks Manual: The Methodology of Value Chain Promotion [online], Eschborn, Germany: GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) <≯ [accessed 8 May 2013].
Katerberg, L., Khan, A. and Ruddick, S. (2011) ‘Evaluating value chain impact using a sustainable livelihoods approach: a case study on horticulture in Afghanistan’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 22(3): 225-40 <≯.
Markelova, H., Meinzen-Dick, R., Hellin, J. and Dohrn, S. (2009) ‘Collective action for smallholder market access’, Food Policy 34(1): 1-7 <≯.
Ouma, E. and Jagwe, J. (2010) ‘Banana value chains in Central Africa: constraints and opportunities’, paper presented at the Joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and the 48th Agricultural Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 19-23 September 2010.
Reardon, T. and Berdegué, J.A. (2006) ‘The retail-led transformation of agrifood systems and its implications for development policies’, background paper prepared for the World Development Report 2008, Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank. org/handle/10986/9233≯ [accessed 8 May 2013].
Shepherd, A.W. (2007) Approaches to Linking Producers to Markets: A Review of Experiences to Date, Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Occasional Paper, Vol. 13, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Siles, P., Bustamante, O., Deras, M., Matute, O., Aguilar, C., Rojas, J., Castellon, J., Burkhardt, J. and Staver, C. (2010) ‘Bananos en cafetales con árboles en America Latina: Estrategias preliminares para mejorar su productividad, rentabilidad y sostenibilidad’, Acorbat Trade Show, 8-12 November 2010, Medellin, Colombia.
Woolcock, M. and Narayan, D. (2000) ‘Social capital: implications for development theory, research and policy’, World Bank Research Observer 15(2): 225-49.
Adato, M. and Meinzen-Dick, R. (eds) (2007) Agricultural Research, Livelihoods, and Poverty: Studies of Economic and Social Impacts in Six Countries, Baltimore, MD: IFPRI, Johns Hopkins University Press.
Bantle, C. (2011) Success Factors for Collective Marketing by Small Banana Producers in Central America, MSc thesis, Kassel, Germany: University of Kassel.
Camacho, P., Marlin, C. and Zambrano, C. (2005) ‘Estudio regional sobre factores de éxito de empresas asociativas rurales’, Quito, Ecuador: Ruralter Plataforma Regional Andina < empresas_asociativas_rurales_2005.pdf≯ [accessed 8 May 2013]. empresas_asociativas_rurales_2005.pdf
Castellón, N.A. (2011) Utilización del enfoque de cadenas para el análisis de los mercados de bananos producidos en cafetales por pequeños productores de Honduras, MSc thesis, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Chambers, R. and Conway, G.R. (1991) Sustainable Rural Livelihoods: Practical Concepts for the 21st Century, IDS discussion paper No. 296, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Donovan, J. and Stoian, D. (2012) 5 Capitals: A Tool for Assessing the Poverty Impacts of Value Chain Development, CATIE Rural Enterprise Development Collection no. 7, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Donovan, J., Stoian, D. and Poole, N. (2008) Global Review of Rural Community Enterprises: The Long and Winding Road to Create Viable Businesses and Potential Shortcuts, CATIE Rural Enterprise Development Collection No. 2, Turrialba, Costa Rica: CATIE.
Garming, H., Guardia, S., Pocasangre, L. and Staver, C. (2011) ‘Setting up a new value chain for organic bananas from Alto Beni, Bolivia: impacts on the livelihoods of small-scale farmers’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 22(3): 210-24 <≯.
Springer-Heinze, A. (ed.) (2007) ValueLinks Manual: The Methodology of Value Chain Promotion [online], Eschborn, Germany: GTZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit) <≯ [accessed 8 May 2013].
Katerberg, L., Khan, A. and Ruddick, S. (2011) ‘Evaluating value chain impact using a sustainable livelihoods approach: a case study on horticulture in Afghanistan’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 22(3): 225-40 <≯.
Markelova, H., Meinzen-Dick, R., Hellin, J. and Dohrn, S. (2009) ‘Collective action for smallholder market access’, Food Policy 34(1): 1-7 <≯.
Ouma, E. and Jagwe, J. (2010) ‘Banana value chains in Central Africa: constraints and opportunities’, paper presented at the Joint 3rd African Association of Agricultural Economists (AAAE) and the 48th Agricultural Economists Association of South Africa (AEASA) Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 19-23 September 2010.
Reardon, T. and Berdegué, J.A. (2006) ‘The retail-led transformation of agrifood systems and its implications for development policies’, background paper prepared for the World Development Report 2008, Washington, DC: World Bank <https://openknowledge.worldbank. org/handle/10986/9233≯ [accessed 8 May 2013].
Shepherd, A.W. (2007) Approaches to Linking Producers to Markets: A Review of Experiences to Date, Agricultural Management, Marketing and Finance Occasional Paper, Vol. 13, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
Siles, P., Bustamante, O., Deras, M., Matute, O., Aguilar, C., Rojas, J., Castellon, J., Burkhardt, J. and Staver, C. (2010) ‘Bananos en cafetales con árboles en America Latina: Estrategias preliminares para mejorar su productividad, rentabilidad y sostenibilidad’, Acorbat Trade Show, 8-12 November 2010, Medellin, Colombia.
Woolcock, M. and Narayan, D. (2000) ‘Social capital: implications for development theory, research and policy’, World Bank Research Observer 15(2): 225-49.
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