Expansion of rural financial services through linkage banking in Tanzania: Is joint action between savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS) a promising approach?
Most Tanzanians do not access financial services. Rural areas are particularly disadvantaged, as the country has one of the lowest levels of access relative to regional and international norms. Commercial banks are conspicuously absent from rural areas, while savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOS) are much more prevalent. Even so, both commercial banks and SACCOS have limitations that inhibit their ability to extend financial services to a large part of the population. This paper argues for increased collaboration between commercial banks and SACCOS to expand outreach through linkage banking. Linkage banking leverages the superior operational systems of the banks with the outreach and relationships of the SACCOS. To succeed, however, linkage banking must be approached as a long-term partnership that involves considerable capacity development.Adams, D.W. (1995) Using Credit Unions as Conduits for Micro-Enterprise Lending: Latin America Insights, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
Aryeetey, E. (2008) ‘From informal finance to formal finance in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from linkage efforts’, paper presented at the IMF Institute in Collaboration with the Joint Africa Institute, Tunis, Tunisia, 4-5 March 2008.
BOT (2007a) The Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms Volume II Background Paper to the Implementation Plan, The Bank of Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
BOT (2007b) The Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms Volume I Main Report, The Bank of Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
BOT (2011a) ‘Registered commercial banks in Tanzania’ [website], <http://www.bot-tz.org/BankingSupervision/registeredBanks.asp≯ [accessed 25 July 2011]. http://www.bot-tz.org/BankingSupervision/registeredBanks.asp
BOT (2011b) Economic Bulletin for the Quarter Ending March 2011 Vol XLIII No.1 ISSN 0856-101, Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania.
Beck, T., Demirguc-Kunt, S. and Peria, M.S.M. (2005) ‘Reaching out: Access to and use of banking services across countries’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. 3754 [website], Washington, DC <http://www.yearofmicrocredit.org/docs/Reaching_Out_Sept9.pdf≯ [accessed 12 May 2009]. http://www.yearofmicrocredit.org/docs/Reaching_Out_Sept9.pdf
Burger, P.S. (1996) The Performance of the Lesotho Credit Union Movement: Internal Financing and External Capital Inflow, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
CGAP-WB (2009) Financial Access 2009: Measuring Access to Financial Services Around the World, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor/World Bank, Washington, DC.
CGAP-WB (2011) Financial Access 2010: The State of Financial Inclusion through the Crisis, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor/World Bank, Washington, DC.
Cherogony, M. (2006) ‘A cross-country study on the cost-effectiveness of rural finance delivery systems in East and Southern Africa’, Workshop Proceedings: 2nd Regional Rural Finance Thematic Workshop for East and Southern Africa: Deepening Financial Services Outreach: Challenges and the way Forward, Addis Ababa, 24-26 July 2006.
Claessens, S. (2006) ‘Access to financial services: A review of the issues and public policy objectives’, World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 21(2), pp. 207-240.
Conning, J. and Kevane, M. (2002) Why isn't there More Financial Intermediation in Developing Countries? WIDER Discussion Paper, United Nations University, Helsinki.
Cooperative Development Department (2011) Cooperative Societies Status Reports 2005 to 2011 March, Dodoma, Tanzania.
Copestake, J., Greeley, M., Johnson, S., Kaheer, N. and Simanowitz, A. (2005) Money with a Mission: Microfinance and Poverty Reduction, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK.
CRDB (2008 to 2010) Annual Report, CRDB Bank <www.crdbbank.com≯
CRDB (2009) ‘Branches and ATM locator’ at <www.crdbank≯ [last accessed 31 August 2009] www.crdbank
Dar-es-Salaam Community Bank (DCB) (2008) at <http://www.dcb.co.tz/index.html≯ [last accessed 31 August 2009] http://www.dcb.co.tz/index.html
Dublin, J. (1979) Credit Unions: Theory and Practice, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI.
Esman, M.J. and Uphoff, N.T. (1984) Local Organizations: Intermediaries in Rural Development, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT) (2007) Ebook: Disseminating FinScope 2008, FSDT, Dar-es-Salaam.
FSDT (2011) Finscope 2009 Survey: The Demand for and Barriers to Accessing Financial Services in Tanzania[website], <http://www.fsdt.or.tz/images/uploads/FINSCOPE_2009_SURVEY_English_Version.pdf≯ [accessed 20 April 2012]. http://www.fsdt.or.tz/images/uploads/FINSCOPE_2009_SURVEY_English_Version.pdf
Freixas, X. and Rochet, J. (2006) Microeconomics of Banking, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) (2008) A Profile of Products and Services offered by SACCOS in five countries of Eastern & Southern Africa, Noel Creative Media Ltd, Nairobi.
International Monetary Fund (undated) ‘Financial Access Survey’ <http://fas.imf.org/≯ [accessed 23 March 2012] http://fas.imf.org/
Kaleshu, J.T. (2006) ‘Improvement of SACCO sbusiness through assets-liability management: Promotion of SACCO sinterlending and loan syndication activities’, Journal of Cooperative and Business Studies 1: 4-24.
Ledgerwood, J. (2000) Sustainable Banking with the Poor: Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial Perspective, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Metal, G. (2005) Strategic Alliances to Scale up Financial Services in Rural Areas, World Bank Working Paper No. 76 [website] <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTACCESSFINANCE/Resources/StrategicAlliances.pdf≯ [accessed 22 February 2009]. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTACCESSFINANCE/Resources/StrategicAlliances.pdf
Mlowe, L. and Kaleshu, J. (2008) Advanced Microfinance: Students Manual, Vol. 1, Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS), Tanzania.
Morris, K.J. (1995) The Effects of Using Credit Unions as On Lending Agents for External Lines of Credit: The Experience of the International Credit Union Movement, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
National Bank of Commerce (2009) ‘Our Network’ at <www.nbctz.com/network≯ [accessed 1 August 2009] www.nbctz.com/network
National Microfinance Bank (2008 to 2010) Annual Reports, NMB <www.nmbtz.com≯ www.nmbtz.com
Otero, M. and Rhyne, E. (1994) The New World of Micro-enterprise Finance, West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press.
Pagura, M. and Kirsten, M. (2008) ‘Formal-informal financial linkages: Lessons from developing countries’, in Maria Pagura (ed.), Expanding the Frontier in Rural Finance: Financial Linkages and Strategic Alliances, Practical Action Publishing & FAO, Rugby, UK.
Piprek, G. (2008) ‘Linking with savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) to expand financial access in rural areas: a case study of CRDB Bank in Tanzania’, in Maria Pagura (ed.), Expanding the Frontier in Rural Finance: Financial Linkages and Strategic Alliances, Practical Action Publishing & FAO, Rugby, UK.
Rutabanzibwa, F.L. (2005) ‘Developing a policy and legal framework for effective provision of rural financial services in Tanzania: The role and experience of the Bank of Tanzania’, paper presented to MiCRONET Workshop for East, Central and Southern Africa, November 2005.
Seibel, H.D. (2006) ‘From informal microfinance to linkage banking: Putting theory into practice, and practice into theory’, European Dialogue no 36 (September 2006): 49-60.
The Research and Analysis Working Group Tanzania (2005) Poverty and Human Development Report 2005 <http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/PHDR_2005_Prelim.pdf≯ http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/PHDR_2005_Prelim.pdf
United Republic of Tanzania (URT) (2000) The National Micro-Finance Policy, Ministry of Finance & Planning, Government Printer, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
URT (2006) The Banking and Financial Institutions Act, Government Printer, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
World Bank (2008) Finance For All? a World Bank Policy Research Report, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Adams, D.W. (1995) Using Credit Unions as Conduits for Micro-Enterprise Lending: Latin America Insights, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
Aryeetey, E. (2008) ‘From informal finance to formal finance in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from linkage efforts’, paper presented at the IMF Institute in Collaboration with the Joint Africa Institute, Tunis, Tunisia, 4-5 March 2008.
BOT (2007a) The Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms Volume II Background Paper to the Implementation Plan, The Bank of Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
BOT (2007b) The Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms Volume I Main Report, The Bank of Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
BOT (2011a) ‘Registered commercial banks in Tanzania’ [website], <http://www.bot-tz.org/BankingSupervision/registeredBanks.asp≯ [accessed 25 July 2011]. http://www.bot-tz.org/BankingSupervision/registeredBanks.asp
BOT (2011b) Economic Bulletin for the Quarter Ending March 2011 Vol XLIII No.1 ISSN 0856-101, Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania.
Beck, T., Demirguc-Kunt, S. and Peria, M.S.M. (2005) ‘Reaching out: Access to and use of banking services across countries’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. 3754 [website], Washington, DC <http://www.yearofmicrocredit.org/docs/Reaching_Out_Sept9.pdf≯ [accessed 12 May 2009]. http://www.yearofmicrocredit.org/docs/Reaching_Out_Sept9.pdf
Burger, P.S. (1996) The Performance of the Lesotho Credit Union Movement: Internal Financing and External Capital Inflow, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
CGAP-WB (2009) Financial Access 2009: Measuring Access to Financial Services Around the World, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor/World Bank, Washington, DC.
CGAP-WB (2011) Financial Access 2010: The State of Financial Inclusion through the Crisis, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor/World Bank, Washington, DC.
Cherogony, M. (2006) ‘A cross-country study on the cost-effectiveness of rural finance delivery systems in East and Southern Africa’, Workshop Proceedings: 2nd Regional Rural Finance Thematic Workshop for East and Southern Africa: Deepening Financial Services Outreach: Challenges and the way Forward, Addis Ababa, 24-26 July 2006.
Claessens, S. (2006) ‘Access to financial services: A review of the issues and public policy objectives’, World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 21(2), pp. 207-240.
Conning, J. and Kevane, M. (2002) Why isn't there More Financial Intermediation in Developing Countries? WIDER Discussion Paper, United Nations University, Helsinki.
Cooperative Development Department (2011) Cooperative Societies Status Reports 2005 to 2011 March, Dodoma, Tanzania.
Copestake, J., Greeley, M., Johnson, S., Kaheer, N. and Simanowitz, A. (2005) Money with a Mission: Microfinance and Poverty Reduction, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK.
CRDB (2008 to 2010) Annual Report, CRDB Bank <www.crdbbank.com≯
CRDB (2009) ‘Branches and ATM locator’ at <www.crdbank≯ [last accessed 31 August 2009] www.crdbank
Dar-es-Salaam Community Bank (DCB) (2008) at <http://www.dcb.co.tz/index.html≯ [last accessed 31 August 2009] http://www.dcb.co.tz/index.html
Dublin, J. (1979) Credit Unions: Theory and Practice, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI.
Esman, M.J. and Uphoff, N.T. (1984) Local Organizations: Intermediaries in Rural Development, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT) (2007) Ebook: Disseminating FinScope 2008, FSDT, Dar-es-Salaam.
FSDT (2011) Finscope 2009 Survey: The Demand for and Barriers to Accessing Financial Services in Tanzania[website], <http://www.fsdt.or.tz/images/uploads/FINSCOPE_2009_SURVEY_English_Version.pdf≯ [accessed 20 April 2012]. http://www.fsdt.or.tz/images/uploads/FINSCOPE_2009_SURVEY_English_Version.pdf
Freixas, X. and Rochet, J. (2006) Microeconomics of Banking, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) (2008) A Profile of Products and Services offered by SACCOS in five countries of Eastern & Southern Africa, Noel Creative Media Ltd, Nairobi.
International Monetary Fund (undated) ‘Financial Access Survey’ <http://fas.imf.org/≯ [accessed 23 March 2012] http://fas.imf.org/
Kaleshu, J.T. (2006) ‘Improvement of SACCO sbusiness through assets-liability management: Promotion of SACCO sinterlending and loan syndication activities’, Journal of Cooperative and Business Studies 1: 4-24.
Ledgerwood, J. (2000) Sustainable Banking with the Poor: Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial Perspective, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Metal, G. (2005) Strategic Alliances to Scale up Financial Services in Rural Areas, World Bank Working Paper No. 76 [website] <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTACCESSFINANCE/Resources/StrategicAlliances.pdf≯ [accessed 22 February 2009]. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTACCESSFINANCE/Resources/StrategicAlliances.pdf
Mlowe, L. and Kaleshu, J. (2008) Advanced Microfinance: Students Manual, Vol. 1, Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS), Tanzania.
Morris, K.J. (1995) The Effects of Using Credit Unions as On Lending Agents for External Lines of Credit: The Experience of the International Credit Union Movement, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
National Bank of Commerce (2009) ‘Our Network’ at <www.nbctz.com/network≯ [accessed 1 August 2009] www.nbctz.com/network
National Microfinance Bank (2008 to 2010) Annual Reports, NMB <www.nmbtz.com≯ www.nmbtz.com
Otero, M. and Rhyne, E. (1994) The New World of Micro-enterprise Finance, West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press.
Pagura, M. and Kirsten, M. (2008) ‘Formal-informal financial linkages: Lessons from developing countries’, in Maria Pagura (ed.), Expanding the Frontier in Rural Finance: Financial Linkages and Strategic Alliances, Practical Action Publishing & FAO, Rugby, UK.
Piprek, G. (2008) ‘Linking with savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) to expand financial access in rural areas: a case study of CRDB Bank in Tanzania’, in Maria Pagura (ed.), Expanding the Frontier in Rural Finance: Financial Linkages and Strategic Alliances, Practical Action Publishing & FAO, Rugby, UK.
Rutabanzibwa, F.L. (2005) ‘Developing a policy and legal framework for effective provision of rural financial services in Tanzania: The role and experience of the Bank of Tanzania’, paper presented to MiCRONET Workshop for East, Central and Southern Africa, November 2005.
Seibel, H.D. (2006) ‘From informal microfinance to linkage banking: Putting theory into practice, and practice into theory’, European Dialogue no 36 (September 2006): 49-60.
The Research and Analysis Working Group Tanzania (2005) Poverty and Human Development Report 2005 <http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/PHDR_2005_Prelim.pdf≯ http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/PHDR_2005_Prelim.pdf
United Republic of Tanzania (URT) (2000) The National Micro-Finance Policy, Ministry of Finance & Planning, Government Printer, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
URT (2006) The Banking and Financial Institutions Act, Government Printer, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
World Bank (2008) Finance For All? a World Bank Policy Research Report, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Adams, D.W. (1995) Using Credit Unions as Conduits for Micro-Enterprise Lending: Latin America Insights, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
Aryeetey, E. (2008) ‘From informal finance to formal finance in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from linkage efforts’, paper presented at the IMF Institute in Collaboration with the Joint Africa Institute, Tunis, Tunisia, 4-5 March 2008.
BOT (2007a) The Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms Volume II Background Paper to the Implementation Plan, The Bank of Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
BOT (2007b) The Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms Volume I Main Report, The Bank of Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
BOT (2011a) ‘Registered commercial banks in Tanzania’ [website], <http://www.bot-tz.org/BankingSupervision/registeredBanks.asp≯ [accessed 25 July 2011]. http://www.bot-tz.org/BankingSupervision/registeredBanks.asp
BOT (2011b) Economic Bulletin for the Quarter Ending March 2011 Vol XLIII No.1 ISSN 0856-101, Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania.
Beck, T., Demirguc-Kunt, S. and Peria, M.S.M. (2005) ‘Reaching out: Access to and use of banking services across countries’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. 3754 [website], Washington, DC <http://www.yearofmicrocredit.org/docs/Reaching_Out_Sept9.pdf≯ [accessed 12 May 2009]. http://www.yearofmicrocredit.org/docs/Reaching_Out_Sept9.pdf
Burger, P.S. (1996) The Performance of the Lesotho Credit Union Movement: Internal Financing and External Capital Inflow, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
CGAP-WB (2009) Financial Access 2009: Measuring Access to Financial Services Around the World, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor/World Bank, Washington, DC.
CGAP-WB (2011) Financial Access 2010: The State of Financial Inclusion through the Crisis, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor/World Bank, Washington, DC.
Cherogony, M. (2006) ‘A cross-country study on the cost-effectiveness of rural finance delivery systems in East and Southern Africa’, Workshop Proceedings: 2nd Regional Rural Finance Thematic Workshop for East and Southern Africa: Deepening Financial Services Outreach: Challenges and the way Forward, Addis Ababa, 24-26 July 2006.
Claessens, S. (2006) ‘Access to financial services: A review of the issues and public policy objectives’, World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 21(2), pp. 207-240.
Conning, J. and Kevane, M. (2002) Why isn't there More Financial Intermediation in Developing Countries? WIDER Discussion Paper, United Nations University, Helsinki.
Cooperative Development Department (2011) Cooperative Societies Status Reports 2005 to 2011 March, Dodoma, Tanzania.
Copestake, J., Greeley, M., Johnson, S., Kaheer, N. and Simanowitz, A. (2005) Money with a Mission: Microfinance and Poverty Reduction, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK.
CRDB (2008 to 2010) Annual Report, CRDB Bank <www.crdbbank.com≯
CRDB (2009) ‘Branches and ATM locator’ at <www.crdbank≯ [last accessed 31 August 2009] www.crdbank
Dar-es-Salaam Community Bank (DCB) (2008) at <http://www.dcb.co.tz/index.html≯ [last accessed 31 August 2009] http://www.dcb.co.tz/index.html
Dublin, J. (1979) Credit Unions: Theory and Practice, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI.
Esman, M.J. and Uphoff, N.T. (1984) Local Organizations: Intermediaries in Rural Development, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT) (2007) Ebook: Disseminating FinScope 2008, FSDT, Dar-es-Salaam.
FSDT (2011) Finscope 2009 Survey: The Demand for and Barriers to Accessing Financial Services in Tanzania[website], <http://www.fsdt.or.tz/images/uploads/FINSCOPE_2009_SURVEY_English_Version.pdf≯ [accessed 20 April 2012]. http://www.fsdt.or.tz/images/uploads/FINSCOPE_2009_SURVEY_English_Version.pdf
Freixas, X. and Rochet, J. (2006) Microeconomics of Banking, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) (2008) A Profile of Products and Services offered by SACCOS in five countries of Eastern & Southern Africa, Noel Creative Media Ltd, Nairobi.
International Monetary Fund (undated) ‘Financial Access Survey’ <http://fas.imf.org/≯ [accessed 23 March 2012] http://fas.imf.org/
Kaleshu, J.T. (2006) ‘Improvement of SACCO sbusiness through assets-liability management: Promotion of SACCO sinterlending and loan syndication activities’, Journal of Cooperative and Business Studies 1: 4-24.
Ledgerwood, J. (2000) Sustainable Banking with the Poor: Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial Perspective, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Metal, G. (2005) Strategic Alliances to Scale up Financial Services in Rural Areas, World Bank Working Paper No. 76 [website] <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTACCESSFINANCE/Resources/StrategicAlliances.pdf≯ [accessed 22 February 2009]. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTACCESSFINANCE/Resources/StrategicAlliances.pdf
Mlowe, L. and Kaleshu, J. (2008) Advanced Microfinance: Students Manual, Vol. 1, Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS), Tanzania.
Morris, K.J. (1995) The Effects of Using Credit Unions as On Lending Agents for External Lines of Credit: The Experience of the International Credit Union Movement, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
National Bank of Commerce (2009) ‘Our Network’ at <www.nbctz.com/network≯ [accessed 1 August 2009] www.nbctz.com/network
National Microfinance Bank (2008 to 2010) Annual Reports, NMB <www.nmbtz.com≯ www.nmbtz.com
Otero, M. and Rhyne, E. (1994) The New World of Micro-enterprise Finance, West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press.
Pagura, M. and Kirsten, M. (2008) ‘Formal-informal financial linkages: Lessons from developing countries’, in Maria Pagura (ed.), Expanding the Frontier in Rural Finance: Financial Linkages and Strategic Alliances, Practical Action Publishing & FAO, Rugby, UK.
Piprek, G. (2008) ‘Linking with savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) to expand financial access in rural areas: a case study of CRDB Bank in Tanzania’, in Maria Pagura (ed.), Expanding the Frontier in Rural Finance: Financial Linkages and Strategic Alliances, Practical Action Publishing & FAO, Rugby, UK.
Rutabanzibwa, F.L. (2005) ‘Developing a policy and legal framework for effective provision of rural financial services in Tanzania: The role and experience of the Bank of Tanzania’, paper presented to MiCRONET Workshop for East, Central and Southern Africa, November 2005.
Seibel, H.D. (2006) ‘From informal microfinance to linkage banking: Putting theory into practice, and practice into theory’, European Dialogue no 36 (September 2006): 49-60.
The Research and Analysis Working Group Tanzania (2005) Poverty and Human Development Report 2005 <http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/PHDR_2005_Prelim.pdf≯ http://www.repoa.or.tz/documents_storage/PHDR_2005_Prelim.pdf
United Republic of Tanzania (URT) (2000) The National Micro-Finance Policy, Ministry of Finance & Planning, Government Printer, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
URT (2006) The Banking and Financial Institutions Act, Government Printer, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
World Bank (2008) Finance For All? a World Bank Policy Research Report, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Adams, D.W. (1995) Using Credit Unions as Conduits for Micro-Enterprise Lending: Latin America Insights, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
Aryeetey, E. (2008) ‘From informal finance to formal finance in sub-Saharan Africa: Lessons from linkage efforts’, paper presented at the IMF Institute in Collaboration with the Joint Africa Institute, Tunis, Tunisia, 4-5 March 2008.
BOT (2007a) The Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms Volume II Background Paper to the Implementation Plan, The Bank of Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
BOT (2007b) The Second Generation Financial Sector Reforms Volume I Main Report, The Bank of Tanzania, Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania.
BOT (2011a) ‘Registered commercial banks in Tanzania’ [website], <http://www.bot-tz.org/BankingSupervision/registeredBanks.asp≯ [accessed 25 July 2011]. http://www.bot-tz.org/BankingSupervision/registeredBanks.asp
BOT (2011b) Economic Bulletin for the Quarter Ending March 2011 Vol XLIII No.1 ISSN 0856-101, Dar-es-Salaam Tanzania.
Beck, T., Demirguc-Kunt, S. and Peria, M.S.M. (2005) ‘Reaching out: Access to and use of banking services across countries’, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper no. 3754 [website], Washington, DC <http://www.yearofmicrocredit.org/docs/Reaching_Out_Sept9.pdf≯ [accessed 12 May 2009]. http://www.yearofmicrocredit.org/docs/Reaching_Out_Sept9.pdf
Burger, P.S. (1996) The Performance of the Lesotho Credit Union Movement: Internal Financing and External Capital Inflow, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
CGAP-WB (2009) Financial Access 2009: Measuring Access to Financial Services Around the World, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor/World Bank, Washington, DC.
CGAP-WB (2011) Financial Access 2010: The State of Financial Inclusion through the Crisis, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor/World Bank, Washington, DC.
Cherogony, M. (2006) ‘A cross-country study on the cost-effectiveness of rural finance delivery systems in East and Southern Africa’, Workshop Proceedings: 2nd Regional Rural Finance Thematic Workshop for East and Southern Africa: Deepening Financial Services Outreach: Challenges and the way Forward, Addis Ababa, 24-26 July 2006.
Claessens, S. (2006) ‘Access to financial services: A review of the issues and public policy objectives’, World Bank Research Observer, Vol. 21(2), pp. 207-240.
Conning, J. and Kevane, M. (2002) Why isn't there More Financial Intermediation in Developing Countries? WIDER Discussion Paper, United Nations University, Helsinki.
Cooperative Development Department (2011) Cooperative Societies Status Reports 2005 to 2011 March, Dodoma, Tanzania.
Copestake, J., Greeley, M., Johnson, S., Kaheer, N. and Simanowitz, A. (2005) Money with a Mission: Microfinance and Poverty Reduction, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton, UK.
CRDB (2008 to 2010) Annual Report, CRDB Bank <www.crdbbank.com≯
CRDB (2009) ‘Branches and ATM locator’ at <www.crdbank≯ [last accessed 31 August 2009] www.crdbank
Dar-es-Salaam Community Bank (DCB) (2008) at <http://www.dcb.co.tz/index.html≯ [last accessed 31 August 2009] http://www.dcb.co.tz/index.html
Dublin, J. (1979) Credit Unions: Theory and Practice, Wayne State University Press, Detroit, MI.
Esman, M.J. and Uphoff, N.T. (1984) Local Organizations: Intermediaries in Rural Development, Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.
Financial Sector Deepening Trust (FSDT) (2007) Ebook: Disseminating FinScope 2008, FSDT, Dar-es-Salaam.
FSDT (2011) Finscope 2009 Survey: The Demand for and Barriers to Accessing Financial Services in Tanzania[website], <http://www.fsdt.or.tz/images/uploads/FINSCOPE_2009_SURVEY_English_Version.pdf≯ [accessed 20 April 2012]. http://www.fsdt.or.tz/images/uploads/FINSCOPE_2009_SURVEY_English_Version.pdf
Freixas, X. and Rochet, J. (2006) Microeconomics of Banking, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.
International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) (2008) A Profile of Products and Services offered by SACCOS in five countries of Eastern & Southern Africa, Noel Creative Media Ltd, Nairobi.
International Monetary Fund (undated) ‘Financial Access Survey’ <http://fas.imf.org/≯ [accessed 23 March 2012] http://fas.imf.org/
Kaleshu, J.T. (2006) ‘Improvement of SACCO sbusiness through assets-liability management: Promotion of SACCO sinterlending and loan syndication activities’, Journal of Cooperative and Business Studies 1: 4-24.
Ledgerwood, J. (2000) Sustainable Banking with the Poor: Microfinance Handbook: An Institutional and Financial Perspective, World Bank, Washington, DC.
Metal, G. (2005) Strategic Alliances to Scale up Financial Services in Rural Areas, World Bank Working Paper No. 76 [website] <http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTACCESSFINANCE/Resources/StrategicAlliances.pdf≯ [accessed 22 February 2009]. http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTACCESSFINANCE/Resources/StrategicAlliances.pdf
Mlowe, L. and Kaleshu, J. (2008) Advanced Microfinance: Students Manual, Vol. 1, Moshi University College of Cooperative and Business Studies (MUCCoBS), Tanzania.
Morris, K.J. (1995) The Effects of Using Credit Unions as On Lending Agents for External Lines of Credit: The Experience of the International Credit Union Movement, Enterprise and Cooperative Development Department, ILO, Geneva.
National Bank of Commerce (2009) ‘Our Network’ at <www.nbctz.com/network≯ [accessed 1 August 2009] www.nbctz.com/network
National Microfinance Bank (2008 to 2010) Annual Reports, NMB <www.nmbtz.com≯ www.nmbtz.com
Otero, M. and Rhyne, E. (1994) The New World of Micro-enterprise Finance, West Hartford, CT: Kumarian Press.
Pagura, M. and Kirsten, M. (2008) ‘Formal-informal financial linkages: Lessons from developing countries’, in Maria Pagura (ed.), Expanding the Frontier in Rural Finance: Financial Linkages and Strategic Alliances, Practical Action Publishing & FAO, Rugby, UK.
Piprek, G. (2008) ‘Linking with savings and credit cooperatives (SACCOs) to expand financial access in rural areas: a case study of CRDB Bank in Tanzania’, in Maria Pagura (ed.), Expanding the Frontier in Rural Finance: Financial Linkages and Strategic Alliances, Practical Action Publishing & FAO, Rugby, UK.
Rutabanzibwa, F.L. (2005) ‘Developing a policy and legal framework for effective provision of rural financial services in Tanzania: The role and experience of the Bank of Tanzania’, paper presented to MiCRONET Workshop for East, Central and Southern Africa, November 2005.
Seibel, H.D. (2006) ‘From informal microfinance to linkage banking: Putting theory into practice, and practice into theory’, European Dialogue no 36 (September 2006): 49-60.
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