Guarantees for microfinance: Impact and lessons learned
One key challenge facing microfinance institutions (MFIs) is their inability to access sufficient financing - especially in local currency, which mitigates foreign exchange risk. Most MFIs are unable to meet their funding needs by mobilizing deposits alone, while local banks have varying appetites for lending to MFIs. Strategically using guarantees can open up local markets and, over time, reduce the amounts required as local banks become more comfortable. Between 2006 and 2010, the proportion of total MFI hard currency financing decreased from 86 per cent to 69 per cent - a positive trend that needs to continue. In 2005, Grameen Foundation launched one of the few loan guarantee programmes dedicated solely to local currency financing. To date, it has helped generate over US$188 m in financing through $54 m in guarantees, without any defaults. This article discusses lessons learned; the role of guarantees in MFI capital raising; and the overall impact on both MFIs and commercial lenders.Abrams, J., Schneider-Moretto, L. and Frank, C. (2007) ‘From dollar to dinar: The rise of local currency lending and hedging in microfinance’, WWB Focus,
Apgar, D. and Reille, X. (2010) ‘Microfinance foreign exchange facilities: Performance and prospects’, CGAP Occasional Paper No. 17, CGAP, Washington, DC.
CGAP (2006) Foreign Exchange Risk Mitigation Techniques: A Technical Guide, CGAP, Washington, DC.
CGAP MIV Survey 2009 and 2010, CGAP and Symbiotics, << and <≯
CSFI (Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation) (2008, 2009, 2010) Microfinance Banana Skins 2008, 2009, and 2010, CSFI, London.
Development Alternatives, Inc. (2007) The Deutsche Bank Global Commercial Microfinance Consortium and USAID's DCA Guarantee, USAID, Washington, DC.
El-Zoghbi, M., Gahwiler, B. and Lauer, K. (2011) ‘Cross-border funding of microfinance’, CGAP Focus Note 70, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Grameen Foundation (2011) Global Demand for Guarantees and Other Financial Instruments, Grameen Foundation, Washington, DC.
Hashemi, S., Foose, L. and Badawi, S. (2007) ‘Beyond good intentions: Measuring the social performance of microfinance institutions,’ CGAP Focus Note 41, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Littlefield, E. and Kneiding, C. (2009) ‘The global financial crisis and its impact on microfinance’, CGAP Focus Note 52, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Lopez, C. and de Angulo, J. (2005) Bridging the Finance Gap: Accion's Experience with Guarantee Funds for Microfinance Institutions, Accion International, Boston, MA.
Microbanking Bulletin (2007) ‘Microfinance information exchange’, Microbanking Bulletin 15: 34.
USAID (2007) Case Study: Fondo De Garantia Para la Pequena Industria (FAGOPI) Guarantee Facility in Peru, microREPORT #79, USAID, Washington, DC.
Abrams, J., Schneider-Moretto, L. and Frank, C. (2007) ‘From dollar to dinar: The rise of local currency lending and hedging in microfinance’, WWB Focus,
Apgar, D. and Reille, X. (2010) ‘Microfinance foreign exchange facilities: Performance and prospects’, CGAP Occasional Paper No. 17, CGAP, Washington, DC.
CGAP (2006) Foreign Exchange Risk Mitigation Techniques: A Technical Guide, CGAP, Washington, DC.
CGAP MIV Survey 2009 and 2010, CGAP and Symbiotics, << and <≯
CSFI (Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation) (2008, 2009, 2010) Microfinance Banana Skins 2008, 2009, and 2010, CSFI, London.
Development Alternatives, Inc. (2007) The Deutsche Bank Global Commercial Microfinance Consortium and USAID's DCA Guarantee, USAID, Washington, DC.
El-Zoghbi, M., Gahwiler, B. and Lauer, K. (2011) ‘Cross-border funding of microfinance’, CGAP Focus Note 70, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Grameen Foundation (2011) Global Demand for Guarantees and Other Financial Instruments, Grameen Foundation, Washington, DC.
Hashemi, S., Foose, L. and Badawi, S. (2007) ‘Beyond good intentions: Measuring the social performance of microfinance institutions,’ CGAP Focus Note 41, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Littlefield, E. and Kneiding, C. (2009) ‘The global financial crisis and its impact on microfinance’, CGAP Focus Note 52, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Lopez, C. and de Angulo, J. (2005) Bridging the Finance Gap: Accion's Experience with Guarantee Funds for Microfinance Institutions, Accion International, Boston, MA.
Microbanking Bulletin (2007) ‘Microfinance information exchange’, Microbanking Bulletin 15: 34.
USAID (2007) Case Study: Fondo De Garantia Para la Pequena Industria (FAGOPI) Guarantee Facility in Peru, microREPORT #79, USAID, Washington, DC.
Abrams, J., Schneider-Moretto, L. and Frank, C. (2007) ‘From dollar to dinar: The rise of local currency lending and hedging in microfinance’, WWB Focus,
Apgar, D. and Reille, X. (2010) ‘Microfinance foreign exchange facilities: Performance and prospects’, CGAP Occasional Paper No. 17, CGAP, Washington, DC.
CGAP (2006) Foreign Exchange Risk Mitigation Techniques: A Technical Guide, CGAP, Washington, DC.
CGAP MIV Survey 2009 and 2010, CGAP and Symbiotics, << and <≯
CSFI (Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation) (2008, 2009, 2010) Microfinance Banana Skins 2008, 2009, and 2010, CSFI, London.
Development Alternatives, Inc. (2007) The Deutsche Bank Global Commercial Microfinance Consortium and USAID's DCA Guarantee, USAID, Washington, DC.
El-Zoghbi, M., Gahwiler, B. and Lauer, K. (2011) ‘Cross-border funding of microfinance’, CGAP Focus Note 70, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Grameen Foundation (2011) Global Demand for Guarantees and Other Financial Instruments, Grameen Foundation, Washington, DC.
Hashemi, S., Foose, L. and Badawi, S. (2007) ‘Beyond good intentions: Measuring the social performance of microfinance institutions,’ CGAP Focus Note 41, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Littlefield, E. and Kneiding, C. (2009) ‘The global financial crisis and its impact on microfinance’, CGAP Focus Note 52, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Lopez, C. and de Angulo, J. (2005) Bridging the Finance Gap: Accion's Experience with Guarantee Funds for Microfinance Institutions, Accion International, Boston, MA.
Microbanking Bulletin (2007) ‘Microfinance information exchange’, Microbanking Bulletin 15: 34.
USAID (2007) Case Study: Fondo De Garantia Para la Pequena Industria (FAGOPI) Guarantee Facility in Peru, microREPORT #79, USAID, Washington, DC.
Abrams, J., Schneider-Moretto, L. and Frank, C. (2007) ‘From dollar to dinar: The rise of local currency lending and hedging in microfinance’, WWB Focus,
Apgar, D. and Reille, X. (2010) ‘Microfinance foreign exchange facilities: Performance and prospects’, CGAP Occasional Paper No. 17, CGAP, Washington, DC.
CGAP (2006) Foreign Exchange Risk Mitigation Techniques: A Technical Guide, CGAP, Washington, DC.
CGAP MIV Survey 2009 and 2010, CGAP and Symbiotics, << and <≯
CSFI (Centre for the Study of Financial Innovation) (2008, 2009, 2010) Microfinance Banana Skins 2008, 2009, and 2010, CSFI, London.
Development Alternatives, Inc. (2007) The Deutsche Bank Global Commercial Microfinance Consortium and USAID's DCA Guarantee, USAID, Washington, DC.
El-Zoghbi, M., Gahwiler, B. and Lauer, K. (2011) ‘Cross-border funding of microfinance’, CGAP Focus Note 70, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Grameen Foundation (2011) Global Demand for Guarantees and Other Financial Instruments, Grameen Foundation, Washington, DC.
Hashemi, S., Foose, L. and Badawi, S. (2007) ‘Beyond good intentions: Measuring the social performance of microfinance institutions,’ CGAP Focus Note 41, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Littlefield, E. and Kneiding, C. (2009) ‘The global financial crisis and its impact on microfinance’, CGAP Focus Note 52, CGAP, Washington, DC.
Lopez, C. and de Angulo, J. (2005) Bridging the Finance Gap: Accion's Experience with Guarantee Funds for Microfinance Institutions, Accion International, Boston, MA.
Microbanking Bulletin (2007) ‘Microfinance information exchange’, Microbanking Bulletin 15: 34.
USAID (2007) Case Study: Fondo De Garantia Para la Pequena Industria (FAGOPI) Guarantee Facility in Peru, microREPORT #79, USAID, Washington, DC.
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