Crossfire: Islamic banking avoids interest payments and thus prevents rich investors profiting from the poor
Ibrahim, Badr El Din A. (2004) ‘Banking and finance to small and micro-enterprises in Sudan - Some lessons from the Islamic financing system’, The Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance, London, UK.
Harper, M. Rao, Sahu, (2008) Development Divinity and Dharma, Practical Action Publishing: Rugby.
Ibrahim, Badr El Din A. (2004) ‘Banking and finance to small and micro-enterprises in Sudan - Some lessons from the Islamic financing system’, The Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance, London, UK.
Harper, M. Rao, Sahu, (2008) Development Divinity and Dharma, Practical Action Publishing: Rugby.
Ibrahim, Badr El Din A. (2004) ‘Banking and finance to small and micro-enterprises in Sudan - Some lessons from the Islamic financing system’, The Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance, London, UK.
Harper, M. Rao, Sahu, (2008) Development Divinity and Dharma, Practical Action Publishing: Rugby.
Ibrahim, Badr El Din A. (2004) ‘Banking and finance to small and micro-enterprises in Sudan - Some lessons from the Islamic financing system’, The Institute of Islamic Banking and Insurance, London, UK.
Harper, M. Rao, Sahu, (2008) Development Divinity and Dharma, Practical Action Publishing: Rugby.
Giving and Receiving: Faith and the Sustainability of Institutions Providing Microfinance Services for Development
Morse, Stephen
Sustainability, Vol. 16 (2024), Iss. 5 P.1923 [Citations: 2]Research Anthology on Microfinance Services and Roles in Social Progress
Interest-Free Micro-Finance Without Any Religious Connotation
Ibrahim, Badr El Din A.
2022 [Citations: 0]Handbook of Research on Theory and Practice of Global Islamic Finance
Interest-Free Micro-Finance Without Any Religious Connotation
Ibrahim, Badr El Din A.
2019 [Citations: 1]- Value chain financing: evidence from Zambia on smallholder access to finance for mechanization
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- Impact of COVID-19 on livestock exports from Somalia and the Horn of Africa