Ramanagaram financial diaries: Cash patterns and repayments of microfinance borrowers
Using three months of data from financial diaries tracking daily cash flows of a group of microfinance borrowers in two urban slums in Karnataka, India, we show that the burgeoning microfinance sector faces a number of constraints. These households are borrowing from multiple sources, specifically multiple MFIs. Secondly, a large fraction of each household's budget is spent servicing loans with the two largest components of budget being loan repayment and food expenditure. Finally, households are observed to recycle their debts with over 27 per cent of fresh borrowings being spent on existing debts. These households in the urban slums of Ramanagaram are organizing their lives around multiple MFI memberships, multiple group meetings in a week and numerous repayment schedules. Apart from the stress to MFI clients of managing debts of small amounts from various MFIs, the Indian MFI sector will have to learn to grapple with the fallout of multiple memberships.Collins, D. (2004) ‘The Financial Diaries Project - Background and Methodology’, www.financialdiaries.com www.financialdiaries.com
Ghate, P. (2006) Microfinance in India - A State of the Sector Report, 2006, Microfinance India, New Delhi.
Government of India (2001) Census 2001, www.censusindia.net/ www.censusindia.net/
Government of India (2007) Poverty estimates for 2004-05. Press Release by the Planning Commission, Government of India, 2007 [accessed online on 26
February, 2008 from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=26316] http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=26316]
Jain, Sanjay and Mansuri, Ghazala (2003) ‘A little at a time: the use of regularly scheduled repayments in microfinance programs’, Journal of Development Economics 72 pp. 253-279.
Jindal, K. (2008) ‘Regulatory framework for MFIs’, in Karmakar, K. G. (ed) Microfinance in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp. 67-78.
Lee, E., Hu, M. Y. and Toh, R. S. (2002) ‘Are consumer survey results distorted? Systematic impact of behavioral frequency and duration on survey response errors’, Journal of Marketing Research, 38: 125-133.
Mahajan, V. (2008) ‘Sustainability of MFIs’ in Karmakar, K. G. (ed) Microfinance in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 95-109.
McIntosh, C., de Janvry, A. and Sadoulet, E. (2003) ‘How rising competition among microfinance institutions affects incumbent lenders’, The Economic Journal, Vol. 115; No. 506, pp. 987-1004.
Microfinance Information Exchange (2006) Microfinance Information Exchange Report [accessed online on 26th February, 2008 from http://www.mixmarket.org/] http://www.mixmarket.org/
Matin, I. (2009) ‘Dimensions and Dynamics of MFI Competition in Bangladesh’ CGAP Note, www.microfinancegateway.org/files/21659_027.pdf www.microfinancegateway.org/files/21659_027.pdf
NIUA (1996) Urban Statistics Handbook, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi.
NSSO (2006) Household Indebtedness in India, Report 503, National Sample Survey Organisation, New Delhi.
Roghman, K. J. and Haggerty, R. J. (1972) ‘The diary as a research instrument in the study of health and illness behavior: Experience with a random sample of young families’, Medical Care, 10: 143-163.
Rutherford, S. (2003) ‘Money talks: Conversations with poor households in Bangladesh about managing money’, Journal of Microfinance, 5(2).
Ruthven, O. (2002) ‘Money mosaics: Financial choice and strategy in a West Delhi squatter settlement’, Journal of International Development, 14:249-271.
Sa-Dhan (2007) ‘A snapshot of Microfinance Institutions in India’ Quick Report 2007, The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions, New Delhi.
Zeller, Manfred and Meyer, Richard L. (2002) The Triangle of Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach and Impact, International Food Policy Research Institute, John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London.
Collins, D. (2004) ‘The Financial Diaries Project - Background and Methodology’, www.financialdiaries.com www.financialdiaries.com
Ghate, P. (2006) Microfinance in India - A State of the Sector Report, 2006, Microfinance India, New Delhi.
Government of India (2001) Census 2001, www.censusindia.net/ www.censusindia.net/
Government of India (2007) Poverty estimates for 2004-05. Press Release by the Planning Commission, Government of India, 2007 [accessed online on 26
February, 2008 from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=26316] http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=26316]
Jain, Sanjay and Mansuri, Ghazala (2003) ‘A little at a time: the use of regularly scheduled repayments in microfinance programs’, Journal of Development Economics 72 pp. 253-279.
Jindal, K. (2008) ‘Regulatory framework for MFIs’, in Karmakar, K. G. (ed) Microfinance in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp. 67-78.
Lee, E., Hu, M. Y. and Toh, R. S. (2002) ‘Are consumer survey results distorted? Systematic impact of behavioral frequency and duration on survey response errors’, Journal of Marketing Research, 38: 125-133.
Mahajan, V. (2008) ‘Sustainability of MFIs’ in Karmakar, K. G. (ed) Microfinance in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 95-109.
McIntosh, C., de Janvry, A. and Sadoulet, E. (2003) ‘How rising competition among microfinance institutions affects incumbent lenders’, The Economic Journal, Vol. 115; No. 506, pp. 987-1004.
Microfinance Information Exchange (2006) Microfinance Information Exchange Report [accessed online on 26th February, 2008 from http://www.mixmarket.org/] http://www.mixmarket.org/
Matin, I. (2009) ‘Dimensions and Dynamics of MFI Competition in Bangladesh’ CGAP Note, www.microfinancegateway.org/files/21659_027.pdf www.microfinancegateway.org/files/21659_027.pdf
NIUA (1996) Urban Statistics Handbook, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi.
NSSO (2006) Household Indebtedness in India, Report 503, National Sample Survey Organisation, New Delhi.
Roghman, K. J. and Haggerty, R. J. (1972) ‘The diary as a research instrument in the study of health and illness behavior: Experience with a random sample of young families’, Medical Care, 10: 143-163.
Rutherford, S. (2003) ‘Money talks: Conversations with poor households in Bangladesh about managing money’, Journal of Microfinance, 5(2).
Ruthven, O. (2002) ‘Money mosaics: Financial choice and strategy in a West Delhi squatter settlement’, Journal of International Development, 14:249-271.
Sa-Dhan (2007) ‘A snapshot of Microfinance Institutions in India’ Quick Report 2007, The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions, New Delhi.
Zeller, Manfred and Meyer, Richard L. (2002) The Triangle of Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach and Impact, International Food Policy Research Institute, John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London.
Collins, D. (2004) ‘The Financial Diaries Project - Background and Methodology’, www.financialdiaries.com www.financialdiaries.com
Ghate, P. (2006) Microfinance in India - A State of the Sector Report, 2006, Microfinance India, New Delhi.
Government of India (2001) Census 2001, www.censusindia.net/ www.censusindia.net/
Government of India (2007) Poverty estimates for 2004-05. Press Release by the Planning Commission, Government of India, 2007 [accessed online on 26
February, 2008 from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=26316] http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=26316]
Jain, Sanjay and Mansuri, Ghazala (2003) ‘A little at a time: the use of regularly scheduled repayments in microfinance programs’, Journal of Development Economics 72 pp. 253-279.
Jindal, K. (2008) ‘Regulatory framework for MFIs’, in Karmakar, K. G. (ed) Microfinance in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp. 67-78.
Lee, E., Hu, M. Y. and Toh, R. S. (2002) ‘Are consumer survey results distorted? Systematic impact of behavioral frequency and duration on survey response errors’, Journal of Marketing Research, 38: 125-133.
Mahajan, V. (2008) ‘Sustainability of MFIs’ in Karmakar, K. G. (ed) Microfinance in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 95-109.
McIntosh, C., de Janvry, A. and Sadoulet, E. (2003) ‘How rising competition among microfinance institutions affects incumbent lenders’, The Economic Journal, Vol. 115; No. 506, pp. 987-1004.
Microfinance Information Exchange (2006) Microfinance Information Exchange Report [accessed online on 26th February, 2008 from http://www.mixmarket.org/] http://www.mixmarket.org/
Matin, I. (2009) ‘Dimensions and Dynamics of MFI Competition in Bangladesh’ CGAP Note, www.microfinancegateway.org/files/21659_027.pdf www.microfinancegateway.org/files/21659_027.pdf
NIUA (1996) Urban Statistics Handbook, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi.
NSSO (2006) Household Indebtedness in India, Report 503, National Sample Survey Organisation, New Delhi.
Roghman, K. J. and Haggerty, R. J. (1972) ‘The diary as a research instrument in the study of health and illness behavior: Experience with a random sample of young families’, Medical Care, 10: 143-163.
Rutherford, S. (2003) ‘Money talks: Conversations with poor households in Bangladesh about managing money’, Journal of Microfinance, 5(2).
Ruthven, O. (2002) ‘Money mosaics: Financial choice and strategy in a West Delhi squatter settlement’, Journal of International Development, 14:249-271.
Sa-Dhan (2007) ‘A snapshot of Microfinance Institutions in India’ Quick Report 2007, The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions, New Delhi.
Zeller, Manfred and Meyer, Richard L. (2002) The Triangle of Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach and Impact, International Food Policy Research Institute, John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London.
Collins, D. (2004) ‘The Financial Diaries Project - Background and Methodology’, www.financialdiaries.com www.financialdiaries.com
Ghate, P. (2006) Microfinance in India - A State of the Sector Report, 2006, Microfinance India, New Delhi.
Government of India (2001) Census 2001, www.censusindia.net/ www.censusindia.net/
Government of India (2007) Poverty estimates for 2004-05. Press Release by the Planning Commission, Government of India, 2007 [accessed online on 26
February, 2008 from http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=26316] http://pib.nic.in/release/release.asp?relid=26316]
Jain, Sanjay and Mansuri, Ghazala (2003) ‘A little at a time: the use of regularly scheduled repayments in microfinance programs’, Journal of Development Economics 72 pp. 253-279.
Jindal, K. (2008) ‘Regulatory framework for MFIs’, in Karmakar, K. G. (ed) Microfinance in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, pp. 67-78.
Lee, E., Hu, M. Y. and Toh, R. S. (2002) ‘Are consumer survey results distorted? Systematic impact of behavioral frequency and duration on survey response errors’, Journal of Marketing Research, 38: 125-133.
Mahajan, V. (2008) ‘Sustainability of MFIs’ in Karmakar, K. G. (ed) Microfinance in India, Sage Publications, New Delhi, 2008, pp. 95-109.
McIntosh, C., de Janvry, A. and Sadoulet, E. (2003) ‘How rising competition among microfinance institutions affects incumbent lenders’, The Economic Journal, Vol. 115; No. 506, pp. 987-1004.
Microfinance Information Exchange (2006) Microfinance Information Exchange Report [accessed online on 26th February, 2008 from http://www.mixmarket.org/] http://www.mixmarket.org/
Matin, I. (2009) ‘Dimensions and Dynamics of MFI Competition in Bangladesh’ CGAP Note, www.microfinancegateway.org/files/21659_027.pdf www.microfinancegateway.org/files/21659_027.pdf
NIUA (1996) Urban Statistics Handbook, National Institute of Urban Affairs, New Delhi.
NSSO (2006) Household Indebtedness in India, Report 503, National Sample Survey Organisation, New Delhi.
Roghman, K. J. and Haggerty, R. J. (1972) ‘The diary as a research instrument in the study of health and illness behavior: Experience with a random sample of young families’, Medical Care, 10: 143-163.
Rutherford, S. (2003) ‘Money talks: Conversations with poor households in Bangladesh about managing money’, Journal of Microfinance, 5(2).
Ruthven, O. (2002) ‘Money mosaics: Financial choice and strategy in a West Delhi squatter settlement’, Journal of International Development, 14:249-271.
Sa-Dhan (2007) ‘A snapshot of Microfinance Institutions in India’ Quick Report 2007, The Association of Community Development Finance Institutions, New Delhi.
Zeller, Manfred and Meyer, Richard L. (2002) The Triangle of Microfinance: Financial Sustainability, Outreach and Impact, International Food Policy Research Institute, John Hopkins University Press. Baltimore and London.
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