Benchmarking SME banking practices: What are the lessons emerging?
Benchmarking SME banking practices is an IFC initiative which aims to identify key success factors and highlight links between performance and business models, processes and tools adopted by participating banks. It is a first step towards a global benchmarking of SME banking practices. The objective of this work is to provide participating banks with an opportunity firstly to benchmark their practices against other top institutions in the industry. The methodology used for this exercise was qualitative and quantitative benchmarking studies in five banks in OECD countries and six emerging market banks. The key lessons emerging from this work are highlighted in the article.OECD (2004) Promoting SMEs for Development, paper for the second OECD Conference of Ministers Responsible for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 'Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovative SMEs in a Global Economy: Towards a More Responsible and Inclusive Globalization, June 3-5, Istanbul.
OECD (2004) Promoting SMEs for Development, paper for the second OECD Conference of Ministers Responsible for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 'Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovative SMEs in a Global Economy: Towards a More Responsible and Inclusive Globalization, June 3-5, Istanbul.
OECD (2004) Promoting SMEs for Development, paper for the second OECD Conference of Ministers Responsible for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 'Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovative SMEs in a Global Economy: Towards a More Responsible and Inclusive Globalization, June 3-5, Istanbul.
OECD (2004) Promoting SMEs for Development, paper for the second OECD Conference of Ministers Responsible for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 'Promoting Entrepreneurship and Innovative SMEs in a Global Economy: Towards a More Responsible and Inclusive Globalization, June 3-5, Istanbul.
Can Microfinance Reduce Portfolio Volatility?
Krauss, Nicolas
Walter, Ingo
Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 58 (2009), Iss. 1 P.85 [Citations: 72]- Value chain financing: evidence from Zambia on smallholder access to finance for mechanization
- Developing agro-pastoral entrepreneurship: bundling blended finance and technology
- Building frontline market facilitators' capacity: the case of the ‘Integrating Very Poor Producers into Value Chains Field Guide’
- Boosting financial inclusion through social assistance reform: evidence-based approach in selecting a payment system
- Impact of COVID-19 on livestock exports from Somalia and the Horn of Africa