Export competitiveness and pro-poor growth in the shrimp industry in Bangladesh
As the export of shrimp from developing countries grows, food safety and other standards required by global buyers become increasingly stringent. Taking the example of the shrimp industry in Bangladesh, this article examines the potential conflict between efforts to enhance export competitiveness by complying with these standards and the pursuit of pro-poor growth with maximum small farmer participation. In order to comply with global standards, the food industry needs to coordinate different activities along the value chain. The shrimp industry in Bangladesh, which involves many small farmers in shrimp culture, has yet to develop an effective mechanism to facilitate the necessary coordination. One of the possible ways to overcome this problem is to consolidate the supply base in ways that would reduce small farmer involvement. Export promotion requires policy support to strengthen the entire industry's capacity to comply with complex global standards. Small farmer development, on the other hand, needs policies to enhance their livelihood security and reduce vulnerability. In theory, both objectives could be achieved simultaneously by integrating small farmers more effectively in the export-oriented shrimp industry. In practice, export promotion would require measures to re-organize the supply chain with consequences which may conflict with sustainable livelihoods of small farmers.ACC (Aquaculture Certification Council) (2006) ACC News - October 2003, www.aquaculturecertification.org/ [accessed 5 May 2006]. www.aquaculturecertification.org/
ATDP (2005) Shrimp Seal of Quality (SSOQ) Certification Standards, Agrobased Industries and Technology Development Project (ATDP).
BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics) (2002) Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh 2001, Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Dhaka.
Cato, J. C. (1998) Economics of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Programmes, FAO Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.
Cato, J. C. and Subasinege, S. (2003) Food Safety in Food Security and Food Trade: Case Study - The Shrimp Industry in Bangladesh, 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment. Focus 10, Brief 9 of 17.
The Economist (2003) ‘Blue Revolution: The Promise of Fish Farming’, 9-15 August, pp. 19-21.
Eurofish (2006) Fish INFOnetwork Market Report, May, www.eurofish.dk/dynamiskSub.php4?id=1524 [accessed 19 May 2006]. www.eurofish.dk/dynamiskSub.php4?id=1524
Food and Agricultural Organization (2004) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, FAO Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.
Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J. and Sturgeon, T. (2005) ‘The governance of global value chains’, Review of International Political Economy 12 (1): 78-104.
Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2005) Trading Down: Africa, Value Chains, and the Global Economy, Temple University Press, Philadelphia.
Golan, E., Krissoff, B., Kuchler, F., Nelson, K. and Price, G. (2004) Traceability in the US Food Supply: Economic Theory and Industry Studies, Agricultural Economic Report No. (AER830), United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Washington DC.
Henson, S., Saquib, Mohammed and Rajasenan, D. (2005) Impact of Sanitary Measures on Exports of Fishery Products from India: The Case of Kerala, Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper, The World Bank.
Government of Bangladesh (2005) Bangladesh - Unlocking the Potential: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction, General Economics Division of the Planning Commission.
Humphrey, J. (2005) Shaping Value Chains for Development: Global Value Chains in Agribusiness, Trade Programme, GTZ GmbH, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn.
Humphrey, J. and Schmitz, H. (2001) ‘Governance in global value chains’, IDS Bulletin 32 (3): 19-29.
Ito, S. (2004) ‘Globalisation and agrarian change: A case of freshwater prawn farming in Bangladesh’, Journal of International Development 16: 1003-1013.
National Food Institute (2004) Department of Fisheries Statistics, Nationa Food Institute (Thailand), www.foodmarketexchange.com/datacenter/[accessed 12 April 2006]. www.foodmarketexchange.com/datacenter/
Sturgeon, T. J. (2001) ‘How do we define value chains and production networks?’, IDS Bulletin 32 (3): 9-18.
Wilson, J. A. (2002) ‘Standards, regulation, and trade: WTO rules and developing country concerns’, in Hoekman, Mattoo and English (eds) Development, Trade and the WTO, World Bank, Washington DC.
World Bank (2005) Food Safety and Agricultural Health Standards: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Country Exports, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Trade Unit and Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Report No.31207, World Bank, Washington DC.
Yeap, S. E. (2002) ‘Implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system in the fish-processing industry in ASEAN’, in Quality Control in Fish Processing, pp. 45-59, Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo.
ACC (Aquaculture Certification Council) (2006) ACC News - October 2003, www.aquaculturecertification.org/ [accessed 5 May 2006]. www.aquaculturecertification.org/
ATDP (2005) Shrimp Seal of Quality (SSOQ) Certification Standards, Agrobased Industries and Technology Development Project (ATDP).
BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics) (2002) Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh 2001, Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Dhaka.
Cato, J. C. (1998) Economics of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Programmes, FAO Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.
Cato, J. C. and Subasinege, S. (2003) Food Safety in Food Security and Food Trade: Case Study - The Shrimp Industry in Bangladesh, 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment. Focus 10, Brief 9 of 17.
The Economist (2003) ‘Blue Revolution: The Promise of Fish Farming’, 9-15 August, pp. 19-21.
Eurofish (2006) Fish INFOnetwork Market Report, May, www.eurofish.dk/dynamiskSub.php4?id=1524 [accessed 19 May 2006]. www.eurofish.dk/dynamiskSub.php4?id=1524
Food and Agricultural Organization (2004) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, FAO Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.
Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J. and Sturgeon, T. (2005) ‘The governance of global value chains’, Review of International Political Economy 12 (1): 78-104.
Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2005) Trading Down: Africa, Value Chains, and the Global Economy, Temple University Press, Philadelphia.
Golan, E., Krissoff, B., Kuchler, F., Nelson, K. and Price, G. (2004) Traceability in the US Food Supply: Economic Theory and Industry Studies, Agricultural Economic Report No. (AER830), United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Washington DC.
Henson, S., Saquib, Mohammed and Rajasenan, D. (2005) Impact of Sanitary Measures on Exports of Fishery Products from India: The Case of Kerala, Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper, The World Bank.
Government of Bangladesh (2005) Bangladesh - Unlocking the Potential: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction, General Economics Division of the Planning Commission.
Humphrey, J. (2005) Shaping Value Chains for Development: Global Value Chains in Agribusiness, Trade Programme, GTZ GmbH, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn.
Humphrey, J. and Schmitz, H. (2001) ‘Governance in global value chains’, IDS Bulletin 32 (3): 19-29.
Ito, S. (2004) ‘Globalisation and agrarian change: A case of freshwater prawn farming in Bangladesh’, Journal of International Development 16: 1003-1013.
National Food Institute (2004) Department of Fisheries Statistics, Nationa Food Institute (Thailand), www.foodmarketexchange.com/datacenter/[accessed 12 April 2006]. www.foodmarketexchange.com/datacenter/
Sturgeon, T. J. (2001) ‘How do we define value chains and production networks?’, IDS Bulletin 32 (3): 9-18.
Wilson, J. A. (2002) ‘Standards, regulation, and trade: WTO rules and developing country concerns’, in Hoekman, Mattoo and English (eds) Development, Trade and the WTO, World Bank, Washington DC.
World Bank (2005) Food Safety and Agricultural Health Standards: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Country Exports, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Trade Unit and Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Report No.31207, World Bank, Washington DC.
Yeap, S. E. (2002) ‘Implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system in the fish-processing industry in ASEAN’, in Quality Control in Fish Processing, pp. 45-59, Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo.
ACC (Aquaculture Certification Council) (2006) ACC News - October 2003, www.aquaculturecertification.org/ [accessed 5 May 2006]. www.aquaculturecertification.org/
ATDP (2005) Shrimp Seal of Quality (SSOQ) Certification Standards, Agrobased Industries and Technology Development Project (ATDP).
BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics) (2002) Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh 2001, Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Dhaka.
Cato, J. C. (1998) Economics of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Programmes, FAO Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.
Cato, J. C. and Subasinege, S. (2003) Food Safety in Food Security and Food Trade: Case Study - The Shrimp Industry in Bangladesh, 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment. Focus 10, Brief 9 of 17.
The Economist (2003) ‘Blue Revolution: The Promise of Fish Farming’, 9-15 August, pp. 19-21.
Eurofish (2006) Fish INFOnetwork Market Report, May, www.eurofish.dk/dynamiskSub.php4?id=1524 [accessed 19 May 2006]. www.eurofish.dk/dynamiskSub.php4?id=1524
Food and Agricultural Organization (2004) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, FAO Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.
Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J. and Sturgeon, T. (2005) ‘The governance of global value chains’, Review of International Political Economy 12 (1): 78-104.
Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2005) Trading Down: Africa, Value Chains, and the Global Economy, Temple University Press, Philadelphia.
Golan, E., Krissoff, B., Kuchler, F., Nelson, K. and Price, G. (2004) Traceability in the US Food Supply: Economic Theory and Industry Studies, Agricultural Economic Report No. (AER830), United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Washington DC.
Henson, S., Saquib, Mohammed and Rajasenan, D. (2005) Impact of Sanitary Measures on Exports of Fishery Products from India: The Case of Kerala, Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper, The World Bank.
Government of Bangladesh (2005) Bangladesh - Unlocking the Potential: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction, General Economics Division of the Planning Commission.
Humphrey, J. (2005) Shaping Value Chains for Development: Global Value Chains in Agribusiness, Trade Programme, GTZ GmbH, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn.
Humphrey, J. and Schmitz, H. (2001) ‘Governance in global value chains’, IDS Bulletin 32 (3): 19-29.
Ito, S. (2004) ‘Globalisation and agrarian change: A case of freshwater prawn farming in Bangladesh’, Journal of International Development 16: 1003-1013.
National Food Institute (2004) Department of Fisheries Statistics, Nationa Food Institute (Thailand), www.foodmarketexchange.com/datacenter/[accessed 12 April 2006]. www.foodmarketexchange.com/datacenter/
Sturgeon, T. J. (2001) ‘How do we define value chains and production networks?’, IDS Bulletin 32 (3): 9-18.
Wilson, J. A. (2002) ‘Standards, regulation, and trade: WTO rules and developing country concerns’, in Hoekman, Mattoo and English (eds) Development, Trade and the WTO, World Bank, Washington DC.
World Bank (2005) Food Safety and Agricultural Health Standards: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Country Exports, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Trade Unit and Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Report No.31207, World Bank, Washington DC.
Yeap, S. E. (2002) ‘Implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system in the fish-processing industry in ASEAN’, in Quality Control in Fish Processing, pp. 45-59, Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo.
ACC (Aquaculture Certification Council) (2006) ACC News - October 2003, www.aquaculturecertification.org/ [accessed 5 May 2006]. www.aquaculturecertification.org/
ATDP (2005) Shrimp Seal of Quality (SSOQ) Certification Standards, Agrobased Industries and Technology Development Project (ATDP).
BBS (Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics) (2002) Statistical Pocketbook of Bangladesh 2001, Statistics Division, Ministry of Planning, Dhaka.
Cato, J. C. (1998) Economics of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) Programmes, FAO Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.
Cato, J. C. and Subasinege, S. (2003) Food Safety in Food Security and Food Trade: Case Study - The Shrimp Industry in Bangladesh, 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment. Focus 10, Brief 9 of 17.
The Economist (2003) ‘Blue Revolution: The Promise of Fish Farming’, 9-15 August, pp. 19-21.
Eurofish (2006) Fish INFOnetwork Market Report, May, www.eurofish.dk/dynamiskSub.php4?id=1524 [accessed 19 May 2006]. www.eurofish.dk/dynamiskSub.php4?id=1524
Food and Agricultural Organization (2004) The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture, FAO Fisheries Department, FAO, Rome.
Gereffi, G., Humphrey, J. and Sturgeon, T. (2005) ‘The governance of global value chains’, Review of International Political Economy 12 (1): 78-104.
Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2005) Trading Down: Africa, Value Chains, and the Global Economy, Temple University Press, Philadelphia.
Golan, E., Krissoff, B., Kuchler, F., Nelson, K. and Price, G. (2004) Traceability in the US Food Supply: Economic Theory and Industry Studies, Agricultural Economic Report No. (AER830), United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, Washington DC.
Henson, S., Saquib, Mohammed and Rajasenan, D. (2005) Impact of Sanitary Measures on Exports of Fishery Products from India: The Case of Kerala, Agriculture and Rural Development Discussion Paper, The World Bank.
Government of Bangladesh (2005) Bangladesh - Unlocking the Potential: National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction, General Economics Division of the Planning Commission.
Humphrey, J. (2005) Shaping Value Chains for Development: Global Value Chains in Agribusiness, Trade Programme, GTZ GmbH, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, Bonn.
Humphrey, J. and Schmitz, H. (2001) ‘Governance in global value chains’, IDS Bulletin 32 (3): 19-29.
Ito, S. (2004) ‘Globalisation and agrarian change: A case of freshwater prawn farming in Bangladesh’, Journal of International Development 16: 1003-1013.
National Food Institute (2004) Department of Fisheries Statistics, Nationa Food Institute (Thailand), www.foodmarketexchange.com/datacenter/[accessed 12 April 2006]. www.foodmarketexchange.com/datacenter/
Sturgeon, T. J. (2001) ‘How do we define value chains and production networks?’, IDS Bulletin 32 (3): 9-18.
Wilson, J. A. (2002) ‘Standards, regulation, and trade: WTO rules and developing country concerns’, in Hoekman, Mattoo and English (eds) Development, Trade and the WTO, World Bank, Washington DC.
World Bank (2005) Food Safety and Agricultural Health Standards: Challenges and Opportunities for Developing Country Exports, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Trade Unit and Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Report No.31207, World Bank, Washington DC.
Yeap, S. E. (2002) ‘Implementation of the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) system in the fish-processing industry in ASEAN’, in Quality Control in Fish Processing, pp. 45-59, Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo.
Farmers’ motivations, risk perceptions and risk management strategies in a developing economy: Bangladesh experience
Ahsan, Dewan Ali
Journal of Risk Research, Vol. 14 (2011), Iss. 3 P.325
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