Value chain development with the extremely poor: evidence and lessons from CARE, Save the Children, and World Vision
Dan Norell | Emily Janoch | Elly Kaganzi | Malini Tolat | Monty L. Lynn | Emily C. Riley
CARE, Save the Children, and World Vision are combining value chain development (VCD) with gender and nutrition programming to alleviate poverty and food insecurity among the extremely poor. We explore what is unique about VCD with the extremely poor and how specific levers enhance productivity and profitability, equity, and empowerment. We offer evidence to date and lessons learned.Bolwig, S., Ponte, S., du Toit, A., Riisgaard, L. and Halberg, N. (2010) ‘Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value-chain analysis: a conceptual framework’, Development Policy Review 28: 173–194 <>.
Brown, V., Bower, T. and Sutter, P. (2016) CARE Pathways Final Evaluation: Global Report [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International, <> [accessed 8 August 2016].
Campbell, R. (2014) A Framework for Inclusive Market Systems Development [online], LEO Brief, Microlinks <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
CARE (2015), Krishi Utsho – A Micro-franchise Model: A Report on Economic and Social Impact of Krishi Utsho [pdf], Dhaka: CARE, <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Carr, R.E. (2008) ‘Men’s crops and women’s crops: the importance of gender to the understanding of agricultural and development outcomes in Ghana’s central region’, World Development 36: 900–915 <>.
Coles, C. and Mitchell, J. (2011) Gender and Agricultural Value Chains: A Review of Current Knowledge and Practice and their Policy Implications [pdf], ESA Working Paper No. 11-05, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Downen, J., Martin, S. and Banwart, L. (2016) CARE Ghana Pathways Project Final Evaluation [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International, <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Fanadzo, N., Chiduza, C. and Mnkeni, P.N.S. (2010) ‘Overview of smallholder irrigation schemes in South Africa: relationship between farmer crop management practices and performance’, African Journal of Agricultural Research 5: 3514–23 <>.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2011) The State of Food and Agriculture, 2010-2011: Women in Agriculture—Closing the Gender Gap in Development [online], Rome: FAO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
FAO (2015) The State of Food Insecurity in the World [online], Rome: FAO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Faveri, C., Wilson, K.J. and Shaikh, P. (2015) ‘Making markets work for women: how push and pull strategies can support women’s economic empowerment’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 26: 11–22 <>.
Fowler, B. and White, D. (2014) Scalable models for “last mile” input delivery [online], Leveraging Economic Opportunities presentation, Washington, DC: USAID, <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Gelli, A., Hawkes, C., Donovan, J., Harris, H., Allen, S., de Brauw, A., Henson, S., Johnson, N., Garrett, J. and Ryckembusch, D. (2015) Value Chains and Nutrition: A Framework to Support the Identification, Design, and Evaluation of Interventions [online], Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute Discussion Paper 01413 <> [accessed 16 September 2016].
Hoddinott, J. and Haddad, L. (1995) ‘Does female share influence household expenditures? Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire’, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 57: 77–96 <>.
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (2012) Women’s Empowerment Agricultural Index, Washington, DC: IFPRI <> [accessed 27 January 2017].
Innovision Consulting (2015) End Evaluation: Nabo Suchana Economic Development Project World Vision Bangladesh, Agailjhara, Barisal Southern Bangladesh Region [pdf], <> [accessed 22 November 2016].
Lambrecht, I.B. (2016) ‘“As a husband I will love, lead, and provide.” Gendered access to land in Ghana’, World Development 88: 188–200 <>.
Langworthy, M., Bower, T.R., Kabir, G. and Aziz, T. (2015) Save the Children Bangladesh Quantitative Evaluation Results: Nobo Jibon Multi-Year Assistance Program [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International <> [accessed 11 July 2016].
Leahy, T. and Goforth, M. (2014) ‘Best practice for rural food security projects in Southern Africa?’ Development in Practice 24: 933–47 <>.
Levinson, F.J., Blankenship, J., Francis, J., Hachhethu, K., Karim, R., Kurz, K., Akbar, N. and Bhuiyan, M. (2015) Qualitative Evaluation of Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Projects in Bangladesh, Atlanta: CARE <> [accessed 31 September 2016].
McKague, K. and Siddiquee, M. (2014) Making Markets More Inclusive: Lessons from CARE and the Future of Sustainability in Agricultural Value Chain Development, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Markel, E. and Gettliffe, E. (2017) Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment: Beyond-Production in market Systems Programs, LEO Brief, Washington, DC: USAID [pdf], <> [accessed 27 January 2017].
Njuki, J., Kruger, E. and Starr, L. (2013) Increasing the Productivity and Empowerment of Women Smallholder Farmers: Results of a Baseline Assessment from Six Countries in Africa and Asia [pdf], Atlanta: CARE <> [accessed 7 August 2016].
Norell, D. and Brand, M. (2014) Integrating Extremely Poor Producers into Markets Field Guide, Washington, DC: USAID <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Norell, D., Lawson-Lartego, L., White, D., Bante, Z. and Conn, L. (2015) ‘Improving the food security of the extremely poor by linking them to markets’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 26: 45–62 <>.
Pittore, K. (2016) How Can We Use Markets to Reach the Poor with Nutritious Foods? Policy Briefing 116, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, <> [accessed 18 July 2016].
Poole, N.D., Chitundu, M. and Msoni, R. (2013) ‘Commercialisation: a meta-approach for agricultural development among smallholder farmers in Africa?’ Food Policy 41: 155–65 <>.
Ribot, J.C. and Peluso, N.L. (2003) ‘A theory of access’, Rural Sociology 68: 153–81 <>.
Smith, L.C., Khan, F., Frankenberger T. and Wadud A.K.M. (2013) ‘Admissible evidence in the court of development evaluation? The impact of CARE’s SHOUHARDO project on child stunting in Bangladesh,’ World Development 41: 196–216 <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Stifel, D. and Minten, B. (2017) ‘Market access, well-being, and nutrition: evidence from Ethiopia’, World Development 90: 229–41 <>.
Stoian, D., Donovan, J., Fisk, J. and Muldoon, M. (2012) ‘Value chain development for rural poverty reduction: a reality check and a warning’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 23: 54–69 <>.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (2014) Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy, 2014-2025 [online], Washington, DC: USAID <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Vardakoulias, O. and Nicholles, N. (2014) Managing Uncertainty: An Economic Evaluation of Community-based Adaptation in Dakoro, Niger [pdf], <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Weatherhead, M., Mariam, S., Arnold, S. and Freeman, A. (2016) Social Cost Benefit Analysis of CARE International’s Pathways Program, NEF Consulting for CARE USA.
World Health Organization (WHO) (2015) Child Growth Indicators and their Interpretation [online], Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition, Geneva: WHO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
World Vision (2016a) ‘Monitoring report for ENSURE’, Washington, DC: World Vision, unpublished.
World Vision (2016b) ‘Monitoring report for LAHIA’, Washington, DC: World Vision, unpublished.
Bolwig, S., Ponte, S., du Toit, A., Riisgaard, L. and Halberg, N. (2010) ‘Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value-chain analysis: a conceptual framework’, Development Policy Review 28: 173–194 <>.
Brown, V., Bower, T. and Sutter, P. (2016) CARE Pathways Final Evaluation: Global Report [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International, <> [accessed 8 August 2016].
Campbell, R. (2014) A Framework for Inclusive Market Systems Development [online], LEO Brief, Microlinks <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
CARE (2015), Krishi Utsho – A Micro-franchise Model: A Report on Economic and Social Impact of Krishi Utsho [pdf], Dhaka: CARE, <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Carr, R.E. (2008) ‘Men’s crops and women’s crops: the importance of gender to the understanding of agricultural and development outcomes in Ghana’s central region’, World Development 36: 900–915 <>.
Coles, C. and Mitchell, J. (2011) Gender and Agricultural Value Chains: A Review of Current Knowledge and Practice and their Policy Implications [pdf], ESA Working Paper No. 11-05, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Downen, J., Martin, S. and Banwart, L. (2016) CARE Ghana Pathways Project Final Evaluation [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International, <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Fanadzo, N., Chiduza, C. and Mnkeni, P.N.S. (2010) ‘Overview of smallholder irrigation schemes in South Africa: relationship between farmer crop management practices and performance’, African Journal of Agricultural Research 5: 3514–23 <>.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2011) The State of Food and Agriculture, 2010-2011: Women in Agriculture—Closing the Gender Gap in Development [online], Rome: FAO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
FAO (2015) The State of Food Insecurity in the World [online], Rome: FAO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Faveri, C., Wilson, K.J. and Shaikh, P. (2015) ‘Making markets work for women: how push and pull strategies can support women’s economic empowerment’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 26: 11–22 <>.
Fowler, B. and White, D. (2014) Scalable models for “last mile” input delivery [online], Leveraging Economic Opportunities presentation, Washington, DC: USAID, <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Gelli, A., Hawkes, C., Donovan, J., Harris, H., Allen, S., de Brauw, A., Henson, S., Johnson, N., Garrett, J. and Ryckembusch, D. (2015) Value Chains and Nutrition: A Framework to Support the Identification, Design, and Evaluation of Interventions [online], Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute Discussion Paper 01413 <> [accessed 16 September 2016].
Hoddinott, J. and Haddad, L. (1995) ‘Does female share influence household expenditures? Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire’, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 57: 77–96 <>.
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (2012) Women’s Empowerment Agricultural Index, Washington, DC: IFPRI <> [accessed 27 January 2017].
Innovision Consulting (2015) End Evaluation: Nabo Suchana Economic Development Project World Vision Bangladesh, Agailjhara, Barisal Southern Bangladesh Region [pdf], <> [accessed 22 November 2016].
Lambrecht, I.B. (2016) ‘“As a husband I will love, lead, and provide.” Gendered access to land in Ghana’, World Development 88: 188–200 <>.
Langworthy, M., Bower, T.R., Kabir, G. and Aziz, T. (2015) Save the Children Bangladesh Quantitative Evaluation Results: Nobo Jibon Multi-Year Assistance Program [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International <> [accessed 11 July 2016].
Leahy, T. and Goforth, M. (2014) ‘Best practice for rural food security projects in Southern Africa?’ Development in Practice 24: 933–47 <>.
Levinson, F.J., Blankenship, J., Francis, J., Hachhethu, K., Karim, R., Kurz, K., Akbar, N. and Bhuiyan, M. (2015) Qualitative Evaluation of Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Projects in Bangladesh, Atlanta: CARE <> [accessed 31 September 2016].
McKague, K. and Siddiquee, M. (2014) Making Markets More Inclusive: Lessons from CARE and the Future of Sustainability in Agricultural Value Chain Development, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Markel, E. and Gettliffe, E. (2017) Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment: Beyond-Production in market Systems Programs, LEO Brief, Washington, DC: USAID [pdf], <> [accessed 27 January 2017].
Njuki, J., Kruger, E. and Starr, L. (2013) Increasing the Productivity and Empowerment of Women Smallholder Farmers: Results of a Baseline Assessment from Six Countries in Africa and Asia [pdf], Atlanta: CARE <> [accessed 7 August 2016].
Norell, D. and Brand, M. (2014) Integrating Extremely Poor Producers into Markets Field Guide, Washington, DC: USAID <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Norell, D., Lawson-Lartego, L., White, D., Bante, Z. and Conn, L. (2015) ‘Improving the food security of the extremely poor by linking them to markets’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 26: 45–62 <>.
Pittore, K. (2016) How Can We Use Markets to Reach the Poor with Nutritious Foods? Policy Briefing 116, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, <> [accessed 18 July 2016].
Poole, N.D., Chitundu, M. and Msoni, R. (2013) ‘Commercialisation: a meta-approach for agricultural development among smallholder farmers in Africa?’ Food Policy 41: 155–65 <>.
Ribot, J.C. and Peluso, N.L. (2003) ‘A theory of access’, Rural Sociology 68: 153–81 <>.
Smith, L.C., Khan, F., Frankenberger T. and Wadud A.K.M. (2013) ‘Admissible evidence in the court of development evaluation? The impact of CARE’s SHOUHARDO project on child stunting in Bangladesh,’ World Development 41: 196–216 <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Stifel, D. and Minten, B. (2017) ‘Market access, well-being, and nutrition: evidence from Ethiopia’, World Development 90: 229–41 <>.
Stoian, D., Donovan, J., Fisk, J. and Muldoon, M. (2012) ‘Value chain development for rural poverty reduction: a reality check and a warning’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 23: 54–69 <>.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (2014) Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy, 2014-2025 [online], Washington, DC: USAID <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Vardakoulias, O. and Nicholles, N. (2014) Managing Uncertainty: An Economic Evaluation of Community-based Adaptation in Dakoro, Niger [pdf], <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Weatherhead, M., Mariam, S., Arnold, S. and Freeman, A. (2016) Social Cost Benefit Analysis of CARE International’s Pathways Program, NEF Consulting for CARE USA.
World Health Organization (WHO) (2015) Child Growth Indicators and their Interpretation [online], Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition, Geneva: WHO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
World Vision (2016a) ‘Monitoring report for ENSURE’, Washington, DC: World Vision, unpublished.
World Vision (2016b) ‘Monitoring report for LAHIA’, Washington, DC: World Vision, unpublished.
Bolwig, S., Ponte, S., du Toit, A., Riisgaard, L. and Halberg, N. (2010) ‘Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value-chain analysis: a conceptual framework’, Development Policy Review 28: 173–194 <>.
Brown, V., Bower, T. and Sutter, P. (2016) CARE Pathways Final Evaluation: Global Report [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International, <> [accessed 8 August 2016].
Campbell, R. (2014) A Framework for Inclusive Market Systems Development [online], LEO Brief, Microlinks <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
CARE (2015), Krishi Utsho – A Micro-franchise Model: A Report on Economic and Social Impact of Krishi Utsho [pdf], Dhaka: CARE, <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Carr, R.E. (2008) ‘Men’s crops and women’s crops: the importance of gender to the understanding of agricultural and development outcomes in Ghana’s central region’, World Development 36: 900–915 <>.
Coles, C. and Mitchell, J. (2011) Gender and Agricultural Value Chains: A Review of Current Knowledge and Practice and their Policy Implications [pdf], ESA Working Paper No. 11-05, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Downen, J., Martin, S. and Banwart, L. (2016) CARE Ghana Pathways Project Final Evaluation [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International, <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Fanadzo, N., Chiduza, C. and Mnkeni, P.N.S. (2010) ‘Overview of smallholder irrigation schemes in South Africa: relationship between farmer crop management practices and performance’, African Journal of Agricultural Research 5: 3514–23 <>.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2011) The State of Food and Agriculture, 2010-2011: Women in Agriculture—Closing the Gender Gap in Development [online], Rome: FAO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
FAO (2015) The State of Food Insecurity in the World [online], Rome: FAO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Faveri, C., Wilson, K.J. and Shaikh, P. (2015) ‘Making markets work for women: how push and pull strategies can support women’s economic empowerment’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 26: 11–22 <>.
Fowler, B. and White, D. (2014) Scalable models for “last mile” input delivery [online], Leveraging Economic Opportunities presentation, Washington, DC: USAID, <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Gelli, A., Hawkes, C., Donovan, J., Harris, H., Allen, S., de Brauw, A., Henson, S., Johnson, N., Garrett, J. and Ryckembusch, D. (2015) Value Chains and Nutrition: A Framework to Support the Identification, Design, and Evaluation of Interventions [online], Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute Discussion Paper 01413 <> [accessed 16 September 2016].
Hoddinott, J. and Haddad, L. (1995) ‘Does female share influence household expenditures? Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire’, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 57: 77–96 <>.
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (2012) Women’s Empowerment Agricultural Index, Washington, DC: IFPRI <> [accessed 27 January 2017].
Innovision Consulting (2015) End Evaluation: Nabo Suchana Economic Development Project World Vision Bangladesh, Agailjhara, Barisal Southern Bangladesh Region [pdf], <> [accessed 22 November 2016].
Lambrecht, I.B. (2016) ‘“As a husband I will love, lead, and provide.” Gendered access to land in Ghana’, World Development 88: 188–200 <>.
Langworthy, M., Bower, T.R., Kabir, G. and Aziz, T. (2015) Save the Children Bangladesh Quantitative Evaluation Results: Nobo Jibon Multi-Year Assistance Program [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International <> [accessed 11 July 2016].
Leahy, T. and Goforth, M. (2014) ‘Best practice for rural food security projects in Southern Africa?’ Development in Practice 24: 933–47 <>.
Levinson, F.J., Blankenship, J., Francis, J., Hachhethu, K., Karim, R., Kurz, K., Akbar, N. and Bhuiyan, M. (2015) Qualitative Evaluation of Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Projects in Bangladesh, Atlanta: CARE <> [accessed 31 September 2016].
McKague, K. and Siddiquee, M. (2014) Making Markets More Inclusive: Lessons from CARE and the Future of Sustainability in Agricultural Value Chain Development, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Markel, E. and Gettliffe, E. (2017) Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment: Beyond-Production in market Systems Programs, LEO Brief, Washington, DC: USAID [pdf], <> [accessed 27 January 2017].
Njuki, J., Kruger, E. and Starr, L. (2013) Increasing the Productivity and Empowerment of Women Smallholder Farmers: Results of a Baseline Assessment from Six Countries in Africa and Asia [pdf], Atlanta: CARE <> [accessed 7 August 2016].
Norell, D. and Brand, M. (2014) Integrating Extremely Poor Producers into Markets Field Guide, Washington, DC: USAID <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Norell, D., Lawson-Lartego, L., White, D., Bante, Z. and Conn, L. (2015) ‘Improving the food security of the extremely poor by linking them to markets’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 26: 45–62 <>.
Pittore, K. (2016) How Can We Use Markets to Reach the Poor with Nutritious Foods? Policy Briefing 116, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, <> [accessed 18 July 2016].
Poole, N.D., Chitundu, M. and Msoni, R. (2013) ‘Commercialisation: a meta-approach for agricultural development among smallholder farmers in Africa?’ Food Policy 41: 155–65 <>.
Ribot, J.C. and Peluso, N.L. (2003) ‘A theory of access’, Rural Sociology 68: 153–81 <>.
Smith, L.C., Khan, F., Frankenberger T. and Wadud A.K.M. (2013) ‘Admissible evidence in the court of development evaluation? The impact of CARE’s SHOUHARDO project on child stunting in Bangladesh,’ World Development 41: 196–216 <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Stifel, D. and Minten, B. (2017) ‘Market access, well-being, and nutrition: evidence from Ethiopia’, World Development 90: 229–41 <>.
Stoian, D., Donovan, J., Fisk, J. and Muldoon, M. (2012) ‘Value chain development for rural poverty reduction: a reality check and a warning’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 23: 54–69 <>.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (2014) Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy, 2014-2025 [online], Washington, DC: USAID <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Vardakoulias, O. and Nicholles, N. (2014) Managing Uncertainty: An Economic Evaluation of Community-based Adaptation in Dakoro, Niger [pdf], <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Weatherhead, M., Mariam, S., Arnold, S. and Freeman, A. (2016) Social Cost Benefit Analysis of CARE International’s Pathways Program, NEF Consulting for CARE USA.
World Health Organization (WHO) (2015) Child Growth Indicators and their Interpretation [online], Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition, Geneva: WHO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
World Vision (2016a) ‘Monitoring report for ENSURE’, Washington, DC: World Vision, unpublished.
World Vision (2016b) ‘Monitoring report for LAHIA’, Washington, DC: World Vision, unpublished.
Bolwig, S., Ponte, S., du Toit, A., Riisgaard, L. and Halberg, N. (2010) ‘Integrating poverty and environmental concerns into value-chain analysis: a conceptual framework’, Development Policy Review 28: 173–194 <>.
Brown, V., Bower, T. and Sutter, P. (2016) CARE Pathways Final Evaluation: Global Report [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International, <> [accessed 8 August 2016].
Campbell, R. (2014) A Framework for Inclusive Market Systems Development [online], LEO Brief, Microlinks <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
CARE (2015), Krishi Utsho – A Micro-franchise Model: A Report on Economic and Social Impact of Krishi Utsho [pdf], Dhaka: CARE, <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Carr, R.E. (2008) ‘Men’s crops and women’s crops: the importance of gender to the understanding of agricultural and development outcomes in Ghana’s central region’, World Development 36: 900–915 <>.
Coles, C. and Mitchell, J. (2011) Gender and Agricultural Value Chains: A Review of Current Knowledge and Practice and their Policy Implications [pdf], ESA Working Paper No. 11-05, Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Downen, J., Martin, S. and Banwart, L. (2016) CARE Ghana Pathways Project Final Evaluation [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International, <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Fanadzo, N., Chiduza, C. and Mnkeni, P.N.S. (2010) ‘Overview of smallholder irrigation schemes in South Africa: relationship between farmer crop management practices and performance’, African Journal of Agricultural Research 5: 3514–23 <>.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) (2011) The State of Food and Agriculture, 2010-2011: Women in Agriculture—Closing the Gender Gap in Development [online], Rome: FAO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
FAO (2015) The State of Food Insecurity in the World [online], Rome: FAO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Faveri, C., Wilson, K.J. and Shaikh, P. (2015) ‘Making markets work for women: how push and pull strategies can support women’s economic empowerment’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 26: 11–22 <>.
Fowler, B. and White, D. (2014) Scalable models for “last mile” input delivery [online], Leveraging Economic Opportunities presentation, Washington, DC: USAID, <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Gelli, A., Hawkes, C., Donovan, J., Harris, H., Allen, S., de Brauw, A., Henson, S., Johnson, N., Garrett, J. and Ryckembusch, D. (2015) Value Chains and Nutrition: A Framework to Support the Identification, Design, and Evaluation of Interventions [online], Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute Discussion Paper 01413 <> [accessed 16 September 2016].
Hoddinott, J. and Haddad, L. (1995) ‘Does female share influence household expenditures? Evidence from Côte d’Ivoire’, Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 57: 77–96 <>.
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) (2012) Women’s Empowerment Agricultural Index, Washington, DC: IFPRI <> [accessed 27 January 2017].
Innovision Consulting (2015) End Evaluation: Nabo Suchana Economic Development Project World Vision Bangladesh, Agailjhara, Barisal Southern Bangladesh Region [pdf], <> [accessed 22 November 2016].
Lambrecht, I.B. (2016) ‘“As a husband I will love, lead, and provide.” Gendered access to land in Ghana’, World Development 88: 188–200 <>.
Langworthy, M., Bower, T.R., Kabir, G. and Aziz, T. (2015) Save the Children Bangladesh Quantitative Evaluation Results: Nobo Jibon Multi-Year Assistance Program [pdf], Tucson, AZ: TANGO International <> [accessed 11 July 2016].
Leahy, T. and Goforth, M. (2014) ‘Best practice for rural food security projects in Southern Africa?’ Development in Practice 24: 933–47 <>.
Levinson, F.J., Blankenship, J., Francis, J., Hachhethu, K., Karim, R., Kurz, K., Akbar, N. and Bhuiyan, M. (2015) Qualitative Evaluation of Food for Peace Development Food Assistance Projects in Bangladesh, Atlanta: CARE <> [accessed 31 September 2016].
McKague, K. and Siddiquee, M. (2014) Making Markets More Inclusive: Lessons from CARE and the Future of Sustainability in Agricultural Value Chain Development, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Markel, E. and Gettliffe, E. (2017) Promoting Women’s Economic Empowerment: Beyond-Production in market Systems Programs, LEO Brief, Washington, DC: USAID [pdf], <> [accessed 27 January 2017].
Njuki, J., Kruger, E. and Starr, L. (2013) Increasing the Productivity and Empowerment of Women Smallholder Farmers: Results of a Baseline Assessment from Six Countries in Africa and Asia [pdf], Atlanta: CARE <> [accessed 7 August 2016].
Norell, D. and Brand, M. (2014) Integrating Extremely Poor Producers into Markets Field Guide, Washington, DC: USAID <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Norell, D., Lawson-Lartego, L., White, D., Bante, Z. and Conn, L. (2015) ‘Improving the food security of the extremely poor by linking them to markets’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 26: 45–62 <>.
Pittore, K. (2016) How Can We Use Markets to Reach the Poor with Nutritious Foods? Policy Briefing 116, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies, <> [accessed 18 July 2016].
Poole, N.D., Chitundu, M. and Msoni, R. (2013) ‘Commercialisation: a meta-approach for agricultural development among smallholder farmers in Africa?’ Food Policy 41: 155–65 <>.
Ribot, J.C. and Peluso, N.L. (2003) ‘A theory of access’, Rural Sociology 68: 153–81 <>.
Smith, L.C., Khan, F., Frankenberger T. and Wadud A.K.M. (2013) ‘Admissible evidence in the court of development evaluation? The impact of CARE’s SHOUHARDO project on child stunting in Bangladesh,’ World Development 41: 196–216 <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Stifel, D. and Minten, B. (2017) ‘Market access, well-being, and nutrition: evidence from Ethiopia’, World Development 90: 229–41 <>.
Stoian, D., Donovan, J., Fisk, J. and Muldoon, M. (2012) ‘Value chain development for rural poverty reduction: a reality check and a warning’, Enterprise Development & Microfinance 23: 54–69 <>.
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) (2014) Multi-Sectoral Nutrition Strategy, 2014-2025 [online], Washington, DC: USAID <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
Vardakoulias, O. and Nicholles, N. (2014) Managing Uncertainty: An Economic Evaluation of Community-based Adaptation in Dakoro, Niger [pdf], <> [accessed 26 January 2017].
Weatherhead, M., Mariam, S., Arnold, S. and Freeman, A. (2016) Social Cost Benefit Analysis of CARE International’s Pathways Program, NEF Consulting for CARE USA.
World Health Organization (WHO) (2015) Child Growth Indicators and their Interpretation [online], Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition, Geneva: WHO <> [accessed 23 June 2016].
World Vision (2016a) ‘Monitoring report for ENSURE’, Washington, DC: World Vision, unpublished.
World Vision (2016b) ‘Monitoring report for LAHIA’, Washington, DC: World Vision, unpublished.
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Dan Norell, Dan Norell
Vidhya Sriram, Vidhya Sriram
Emmanuel Tumusiime, Emmanuel Tumusiime
Enterprise Development & Microfinance, Vol. 30 (2019), Iss. 3 P.189 [Citations: 4]On the Road to Recovery: The Role of Post-Lockdown Stimulus Package
Prusty, Sadananda
Gupta, Saurabh
FIIB Business Review, Vol. 11 (2022), Iss. 2 P.206 [Citations: 3]- Value chain financing: evidence from Zambia on smallholder access to finance for mechanization
- Developing agro-pastoral entrepreneurship: bundling blended finance and technology
- Building frontline market facilitators' capacity: the case of the ‘Integrating Very Poor Producers into Value Chains Field Guide’
- Boosting financial inclusion through social assistance reform: evidence-based approach in selecting a payment system
- Impact of COVID-19 on livestock exports from Somalia and the Horn of Africa