Impact assessment of commodity standards: towards inclusive value chains
Voluntary commodity standards are widely used to enhance the performance of tropical agro-food chains and to support the welfare and sustainability of smallholder farmers. Different methods and approaches are used to assess the effectiveness and impact of these certification schemes at farm-household, village, cooperative, and regional level. We provide an overview of the results from robust impact studies on coffee, tea, banana, cocoa, and cotton certification programmes. Overall outcomes show rather modest net revenue effects for farmers, small direct income effect for wage workers, and contested sustainability effects. Most impact studies focus on primary sourcing, but devote less attention to changes in trust and governance throughout the value chain. Moreover, implications for gender issues and supply chain trust are not always fully addressed. In order to better understand these somewhat disappointing effects, we discuss different fallacies and drawbacks that affect impact studies concerning commodity certification programmes. Main attention is given to perverse incentives for intensification and specialization that arise from certification. Moreover, spillovers to other (non-certified) farmers and spatial externalities at landscape level may reduce net effects. Important secondary effects related to behavioural change (risk, trust) and local innovation dynamics are usually overlooked. Current practices in value chain development programmes should focus increasingly on dynamic effects of upgrading and improved market integration. New interactive impact assessment approaches (gaming, multi-agency simulation) that address integrated value chain relationships offer promising perspectives for real-time and systematic analysis of alternatives for smallholder value chain inclusion beyond certification.Bacon, C. (2005) ‘Confronting the coffee crisis: can fair trade, organic, and specialty coffees reduce small-scale farmer vulnerability in northern Nicaragua?’ World Development 33(3): 497–511 <>.
Blackman, A. and Rivera, J. (2010) The Evidence Base for Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of ‘Sustainable’ Certification [pdf], Washington, DC: Resources for the Future <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Bolwig, L., Riijsgaard, L., Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2013) ‘Challenges of agro-food standards conformity: lessons from East Africa and policy implications’, European Journal of Development Research 25(3): 408–27 <>.
Chan, M-K. and Pound, B. (2009) Literature Review of Sustainability Standards and their Poverty Impact [pdf], London: Natural Resources Institute <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Chiputwa, B., Spielman, D.J. and Qaim, M. (2015) ‘Food standards, certification, and poverty among coffee farmers in Uganda’, World Development 66: 400–12 <>.
de Janvry, A., McIntosh, C. and Sadoulet, E. (2010) Fair Trade and Free Entry: Generating Benefits in a Disequilibrium Market [pdf], University of California at Berkeley <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Demont, M. and Ndour, M. (2015) ‘Upgrading rice value chains: experimental evidence from 11 African markets’, Global Food Security 5: 70–6 <>.
Dragusanu, R. and Nunn, N. (2014) The Impacts of Fair Trade Certification: Evidence From Coffee Producers in Costa Rica [pdf], Working Paper, Harvard University <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Gadema, Z. and Oglethorpe, D. (2011) ‘The use and usefulness of carbon labelling food: a policy perspective from a survey of UK supermarket shoppers’, Food Policy 36(6): 815–22 <>.
Ghazoul, J., Garcia, C. and Kushalappa, C.G. (2009) ‘Landscape labelling: a concept for next-generation payment for ecosystem service schemes’, Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1889–95 <>.
Hansen, H. and Trifković, N. (2014) ‘Food standards are good – for middle-class farmers’, World Development 56: 226–42 <>.
Henson, S. and Humphrey, J. (2010) ‘Understanding the complexities of private standards in global agri-food chains as they impact developing countries’, Journal of Development Studies 46(9): 1628–46 <>.
Henson, S. and Jaffee, S. (2008) ‘Understanding developing country strategic responses to the enhancement of food safety standards’, The World Economy 31(4): 548–68 <>.
Hudson, J. and Orviska, M. (2013) ‘Firms’ adoption of international standards: one size fits all?’ Journal of Policy Modeling 35(2): 289–306 <>.
Isakson, S.R. (2014) ‘Food and finance: the financial transformation of agro-food supply chains’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 41(5): 749–75 <>.
ITC (2011) The Impacts of Private Standards on Producers in Developing Countries [pdf], Geneva: International Trade Centre <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Jayawardhena, C., Morrell, K. and Stride, C. (2016) ‘Ethical consumption behaviours in supermarket shoppers: determinants and marketing implications’, Journal of Marketing Management 32(7-8): 777–805 <>.
Kersting, S. and Wollni, M. (2012) ‘New institutional arrangements and standard adoption: evidence from small-scale fruit and vegetable farmers in Thailand’, Food Policy 37(4): 452–62 <>.
Kogut, B. (1985) ‘Designing global strategies: comparative versus competitive value added chains’, Sloan Management Review 26(Fall): 27–38.
Lemeilleur, S. (2013) ‘Smallholder compliance with private standard certification: the case of GlobalGAP adoption by mango producers in Peru’, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 16(4): 159–80.
Lyon, S., Bezaury, J.A. and Mutersbaugh, T. (2010) ‘Gender equity in fairtrade – organic coffee producer organizations: cases from Mesoamerica’, Geoforum 41(1): 93–103 <>.
Maertens, M. and Swinnen, J.F.M. (2009) ‘Trade, standards and poverty: evidence from Senegal’, World Development 37(1): 161–78 <>.
Masood, A. and Brümmer, B. (2014) Determinants of Worldwide Diffusion of GlobalGAP Certification [pdf], GlobalFood Discussion Papers 48, Göttingen: Georg-August-Universitat <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Milder, J.C., Arbuthnot, M., Blackman, A., Brooks, S.E., Giovannucci, D., Gross, L., Kennedy, E.T., Komives, K., Lambin, E.F., Lee, A., Meyer, D., Newton, P., Phalan, B., Schroth, G., Semroc, B., Van Rikxoort, H. and Zrust, M. (2015) ‘An agenda for assessing and improving conservation impacts of sustainability standards in tropical agriculture’, Conservation Biology 29(2): 309–20 <>.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2013) Assessing the Poverty Impact of Sustainability Standards [pdf], Greenwich: Natural Resource Institute <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Nelson, V. and Pound, B. (2009) The Last Ten Years: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature on the Impact of Fairtrade [pdf], Greenwich: Natural Resource Institute <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Oya, C., Johnston, D., Muchiri, E., Schaefer, F., Skalidou, D., Dickson, K. and Stansfield, C. (2015) Effects of Certification Systems for Agricultural Commodity Production on Socio-economic Outcomes in Low and Middle-Income Countries: a Systematic Review [pdf], Protocol, Oslo: Campbell Collaboration <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Parsons, F.G. (1985) ‘The early history of seed certification 1900–1970’, in The Role of Seed Certification in the Seed Industry, CSSA Special Publication 10, Madison, WI: Crop Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy.
Plewis, I. (2002) ‘Modelling impact heterogeneity’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 165(1): 31–8 <>.
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fair Trade on Producers and their Organisations: A Case Study with Coocafé in Costa Rica, Working Paper No 11, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Ruben, R. and Fort, R. (2012) ‘The impact of fair trade certification for coffee farmers in Peru’, World Development 40: 570–82 <>.
Ruben, R. and Hoebink, P. (2015) Coffee Certification in East Africa. Impact on Farmers, Families and Cooperatives, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Ruben, R. and Zúñiga, G. (2011) ‘How standards compete: comparative impact of coffee certification schemes in northern Nicaragua’, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 16(2), 98–109 <>.
Ruben, R. Slingerland, M. and Nijhoff, H. (2006) Agro-food Chains and Networks for Development, Berlin: Springer Verlag <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Sharfman, M.P., Shaft, T.M. and Anex Jr, R.P. (2009) ‘The road to cooperative supply-chain environmental management: trust and uncertainty among pro-active firms’, Business Strategy and the Environment (18)1: 1–13 <>.
Sirdey, N. and Lemeilleur, S. (2015) Fair Trade Standards and Food Security: Identifying Potential Impact Pathways [pdf], Montpellier: CIRAD. <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
SOAS (2014) Fairtrade, Employment and Poverty Reduction (FTEPR) in Ethiopia and Uganda, London: SOAS <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Stern, E., Stame, N., Mayne, J., Forss, K., Davies, R. and Befani, B. (2012) Broadening the Range of Designs and Methods for Impact Evaluations: Report of a Study Commissioned by the Department for International Development [pdf], London: DFID <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Tallontire, A., Nelson, V., Dixon, J. and Benton, T.G. (2012) A Review of the Literature and Knowledge of Standards and Certification Systems in Agricultural Production and Farming Systems [pdf], NRI Working Paper Series on Sustainability Standards No. 2, Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Terstappen, V., Hanson, L. and McLaughlin, D. (2013) ‘Gender, health, labor, and inequities: a review of the fair and alternative trade literature’, Agriculture and Human Values 30(1): 21–39 <>.
Valkila, J. and Nygren, A. (2009) ‘Impacts of fair trade certification on coffee farmers, cooperatives, and laborers in Nicaragua’, Agriculture and Human Values 27(3): 321–33 <>.
Van Rijn, F.C., Judge, L.O., Fort, R., Koster, T., Waarts, Y.R. and Ruben, R. (2016) Fairtrade Certification in the Hired Labour Banana Sector, LEI Report 2015-056, Wageningen: LEI Wageningen UR <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Van Rijsbergen, B., Elbers, W., Ruben, R. and Njuguna, S.N. (2016) ‘The ambivalent impact of coffee certification on farmers’ welfare: a matched panel approach for cooperatives in central Kenya’, World Development (77): 277–92 <>.
Vazques, A.M. and Gonzales, P.A. (2015) ‘Managing collective symbolic capital through agro-food labelling: strategies of local communities facing neoliberalism in Spain’, Journal of Rural Studies 41: 142–52 <>.
White, H. (2009) ‘Theory-based impact evaluation: principles and practice’, Journal of Development Effectiveness 1(3): 271–84 <>.
Bacon, C. (2005) ‘Confronting the coffee crisis: can fair trade, organic, and specialty coffees reduce small-scale farmer vulnerability in northern Nicaragua?’ World Development 33(3): 497–511 <>.
Blackman, A. and Rivera, J. (2010) The Evidence Base for Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of ‘Sustainable’ Certification [pdf], Washington, DC: Resources for the Future <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Bolwig, L., Riijsgaard, L., Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2013) ‘Challenges of agro-food standards conformity: lessons from East Africa and policy implications’, European Journal of Development Research 25(3): 408–27 <>.
Chan, M-K. and Pound, B. (2009) Literature Review of Sustainability Standards and their Poverty Impact [pdf], London: Natural Resources Institute <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Chiputwa, B., Spielman, D.J. and Qaim, M. (2015) ‘Food standards, certification, and poverty among coffee farmers in Uganda’, World Development 66: 400–12 <>.
de Janvry, A., McIntosh, C. and Sadoulet, E. (2010) Fair Trade and Free Entry: Generating Benefits in a Disequilibrium Market [pdf], University of California at Berkeley <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Demont, M. and Ndour, M. (2015) ‘Upgrading rice value chains: experimental evidence from 11 African markets’, Global Food Security 5: 70–6 <>.
Dragusanu, R. and Nunn, N. (2014) The Impacts of Fair Trade Certification: Evidence From Coffee Producers in Costa Rica [pdf], Working Paper, Harvard University <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Gadema, Z. and Oglethorpe, D. (2011) ‘The use and usefulness of carbon labelling food: a policy perspective from a survey of UK supermarket shoppers’, Food Policy 36(6): 815–22 <>.
Ghazoul, J., Garcia, C. and Kushalappa, C.G. (2009) ‘Landscape labelling: a concept for next-generation payment for ecosystem service schemes’, Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1889–95 <>.
Hansen, H. and Trifković, N. (2014) ‘Food standards are good – for middle-class farmers’, World Development 56: 226–42 <>.
Henson, S. and Humphrey, J. (2010) ‘Understanding the complexities of private standards in global agri-food chains as they impact developing countries’, Journal of Development Studies 46(9): 1628–46 <>.
Henson, S. and Jaffee, S. (2008) ‘Understanding developing country strategic responses to the enhancement of food safety standards’, The World Economy 31(4): 548–68 <>.
Hudson, J. and Orviska, M. (2013) ‘Firms’ adoption of international standards: one size fits all?’ Journal of Policy Modeling 35(2): 289–306 <>.
Isakson, S.R. (2014) ‘Food and finance: the financial transformation of agro-food supply chains’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 41(5): 749–75 <>.
ITC (2011) The Impacts of Private Standards on Producers in Developing Countries [pdf], Geneva: International Trade Centre <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Jayawardhena, C., Morrell, K. and Stride, C. (2016) ‘Ethical consumption behaviours in supermarket shoppers: determinants and marketing implications’, Journal of Marketing Management 32(7-8): 777–805 <>.
Kersting, S. and Wollni, M. (2012) ‘New institutional arrangements and standard adoption: evidence from small-scale fruit and vegetable farmers in Thailand’, Food Policy 37(4): 452–62 <>.
Kogut, B. (1985) ‘Designing global strategies: comparative versus competitive value added chains’, Sloan Management Review 26(Fall): 27–38.
Lemeilleur, S. (2013) ‘Smallholder compliance with private standard certification: the case of GlobalGAP adoption by mango producers in Peru’, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 16(4): 159–80.
Lyon, S., Bezaury, J.A. and Mutersbaugh, T. (2010) ‘Gender equity in fairtrade – organic coffee producer organizations: cases from Mesoamerica’, Geoforum 41(1): 93–103 <>.
Maertens, M. and Swinnen, J.F.M. (2009) ‘Trade, standards and poverty: evidence from Senegal’, World Development 37(1): 161–78 <>.
Masood, A. and Brümmer, B. (2014) Determinants of Worldwide Diffusion of GlobalGAP Certification [pdf], GlobalFood Discussion Papers 48, Göttingen: Georg-August-Universitat <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Milder, J.C., Arbuthnot, M., Blackman, A., Brooks, S.E., Giovannucci, D., Gross, L., Kennedy, E.T., Komives, K., Lambin, E.F., Lee, A., Meyer, D., Newton, P., Phalan, B., Schroth, G., Semroc, B., Van Rikxoort, H. and Zrust, M. (2015) ‘An agenda for assessing and improving conservation impacts of sustainability standards in tropical agriculture’, Conservation Biology 29(2): 309–20 <>.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2013) Assessing the Poverty Impact of Sustainability Standards [pdf], Greenwich: Natural Resource Institute <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Nelson, V. and Pound, B. (2009) The Last Ten Years: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature on the Impact of Fairtrade [pdf], Greenwich: Natural Resource Institute <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Oya, C., Johnston, D., Muchiri, E., Schaefer, F., Skalidou, D., Dickson, K. and Stansfield, C. (2015) Effects of Certification Systems for Agricultural Commodity Production on Socio-economic Outcomes in Low and Middle-Income Countries: a Systematic Review [pdf], Protocol, Oslo: Campbell Collaboration <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Parsons, F.G. (1985) ‘The early history of seed certification 1900–1970’, in The Role of Seed Certification in the Seed Industry, CSSA Special Publication 10, Madison, WI: Crop Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy.
Plewis, I. (2002) ‘Modelling impact heterogeneity’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 165(1): 31–8 <>.
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fair Trade on Producers and their Organisations: A Case Study with Coocafé in Costa Rica, Working Paper No 11, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Ruben, R. and Fort, R. (2012) ‘The impact of fair trade certification for coffee farmers in Peru’, World Development 40: 570–82 <>.
Ruben, R. and Hoebink, P. (2015) Coffee Certification in East Africa. Impact on Farmers, Families and Cooperatives, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Ruben, R. and Zúñiga, G. (2011) ‘How standards compete: comparative impact of coffee certification schemes in northern Nicaragua’, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 16(2), 98–109 <>.
Ruben, R. Slingerland, M. and Nijhoff, H. (2006) Agro-food Chains and Networks for Development, Berlin: Springer Verlag <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Sharfman, M.P., Shaft, T.M. and Anex Jr, R.P. (2009) ‘The road to cooperative supply-chain environmental management: trust and uncertainty among pro-active firms’, Business Strategy and the Environment (18)1: 1–13 <>.
Sirdey, N. and Lemeilleur, S. (2015) Fair Trade Standards and Food Security: Identifying Potential Impact Pathways [pdf], Montpellier: CIRAD. <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
SOAS (2014) Fairtrade, Employment and Poverty Reduction (FTEPR) in Ethiopia and Uganda, London: SOAS <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Stern, E., Stame, N., Mayne, J., Forss, K., Davies, R. and Befani, B. (2012) Broadening the Range of Designs and Methods for Impact Evaluations: Report of a Study Commissioned by the Department for International Development [pdf], London: DFID <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Tallontire, A., Nelson, V., Dixon, J. and Benton, T.G. (2012) A Review of the Literature and Knowledge of Standards and Certification Systems in Agricultural Production and Farming Systems [pdf], NRI Working Paper Series on Sustainability Standards No. 2, Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Terstappen, V., Hanson, L. and McLaughlin, D. (2013) ‘Gender, health, labor, and inequities: a review of the fair and alternative trade literature’, Agriculture and Human Values 30(1): 21–39 <>.
Valkila, J. and Nygren, A. (2009) ‘Impacts of fair trade certification on coffee farmers, cooperatives, and laborers in Nicaragua’, Agriculture and Human Values 27(3): 321–33 <>.
Van Rijn, F.C., Judge, L.O., Fort, R., Koster, T., Waarts, Y.R. and Ruben, R. (2016) Fairtrade Certification in the Hired Labour Banana Sector, LEI Report 2015-056, Wageningen: LEI Wageningen UR <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Van Rijsbergen, B., Elbers, W., Ruben, R. and Njuguna, S.N. (2016) ‘The ambivalent impact of coffee certification on farmers’ welfare: a matched panel approach for cooperatives in central Kenya’, World Development (77): 277–92 <>.
Vazques, A.M. and Gonzales, P.A. (2015) ‘Managing collective symbolic capital through agro-food labelling: strategies of local communities facing neoliberalism in Spain’, Journal of Rural Studies 41: 142–52 <>.
White, H. (2009) ‘Theory-based impact evaluation: principles and practice’, Journal of Development Effectiveness 1(3): 271–84 <>.
Bacon, C. (2005) ‘Confronting the coffee crisis: can fair trade, organic, and specialty coffees reduce small-scale farmer vulnerability in northern Nicaragua?’ World Development 33(3): 497–511 <>.
Blackman, A. and Rivera, J. (2010) The Evidence Base for Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of ‘Sustainable’ Certification [pdf], Washington, DC: Resources for the Future <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Bolwig, L., Riijsgaard, L., Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2013) ‘Challenges of agro-food standards conformity: lessons from East Africa and policy implications’, European Journal of Development Research 25(3): 408–27 <>.
Chan, M-K. and Pound, B. (2009) Literature Review of Sustainability Standards and their Poverty Impact [pdf], London: Natural Resources Institute <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Chiputwa, B., Spielman, D.J. and Qaim, M. (2015) ‘Food standards, certification, and poverty among coffee farmers in Uganda’, World Development 66: 400–12 <>.
de Janvry, A., McIntosh, C. and Sadoulet, E. (2010) Fair Trade and Free Entry: Generating Benefits in a Disequilibrium Market [pdf], University of California at Berkeley <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Demont, M. and Ndour, M. (2015) ‘Upgrading rice value chains: experimental evidence from 11 African markets’, Global Food Security 5: 70–6 <>.
Dragusanu, R. and Nunn, N. (2014) The Impacts of Fair Trade Certification: Evidence From Coffee Producers in Costa Rica [pdf], Working Paper, Harvard University <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Gadema, Z. and Oglethorpe, D. (2011) ‘The use and usefulness of carbon labelling food: a policy perspective from a survey of UK supermarket shoppers’, Food Policy 36(6): 815–22 <>.
Ghazoul, J., Garcia, C. and Kushalappa, C.G. (2009) ‘Landscape labelling: a concept for next-generation payment for ecosystem service schemes’, Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1889–95 <>.
Hansen, H. and Trifković, N. (2014) ‘Food standards are good – for middle-class farmers’, World Development 56: 226–42 <>.
Henson, S. and Humphrey, J. (2010) ‘Understanding the complexities of private standards in global agri-food chains as they impact developing countries’, Journal of Development Studies 46(9): 1628–46 <>.
Henson, S. and Jaffee, S. (2008) ‘Understanding developing country strategic responses to the enhancement of food safety standards’, The World Economy 31(4): 548–68 <>.
Hudson, J. and Orviska, M. (2013) ‘Firms’ adoption of international standards: one size fits all?’ Journal of Policy Modeling 35(2): 289–306 <>.
Isakson, S.R. (2014) ‘Food and finance: the financial transformation of agro-food supply chains’, The Journal of Peasant Studies 41(5): 749–75 <>.
ITC (2011) The Impacts of Private Standards on Producers in Developing Countries [pdf], Geneva: International Trade Centre <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Jayawardhena, C., Morrell, K. and Stride, C. (2016) ‘Ethical consumption behaviours in supermarket shoppers: determinants and marketing implications’, Journal of Marketing Management 32(7-8): 777–805 <>.
Kersting, S. and Wollni, M. (2012) ‘New institutional arrangements and standard adoption: evidence from small-scale fruit and vegetable farmers in Thailand’, Food Policy 37(4): 452–62 <>.
Kogut, B. (1985) ‘Designing global strategies: comparative versus competitive value added chains’, Sloan Management Review 26(Fall): 27–38.
Lemeilleur, S. (2013) ‘Smallholder compliance with private standard certification: the case of GlobalGAP adoption by mango producers in Peru’, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 16(4): 159–80.
Lyon, S., Bezaury, J.A. and Mutersbaugh, T. (2010) ‘Gender equity in fairtrade – organic coffee producer organizations: cases from Mesoamerica’, Geoforum 41(1): 93–103 <>.
Maertens, M. and Swinnen, J.F.M. (2009) ‘Trade, standards and poverty: evidence from Senegal’, World Development 37(1): 161–78 <>.
Masood, A. and Brümmer, B. (2014) Determinants of Worldwide Diffusion of GlobalGAP Certification [pdf], GlobalFood Discussion Papers 48, Göttingen: Georg-August-Universitat <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Milder, J.C., Arbuthnot, M., Blackman, A., Brooks, S.E., Giovannucci, D., Gross, L., Kennedy, E.T., Komives, K., Lambin, E.F., Lee, A., Meyer, D., Newton, P., Phalan, B., Schroth, G., Semroc, B., Van Rikxoort, H. and Zrust, M. (2015) ‘An agenda for assessing and improving conservation impacts of sustainability standards in tropical agriculture’, Conservation Biology 29(2): 309–20 <>.
Nelson, V. and Martin, A. (2013) Assessing the Poverty Impact of Sustainability Standards [pdf], Greenwich: Natural Resource Institute <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Nelson, V. and Pound, B. (2009) The Last Ten Years: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature on the Impact of Fairtrade [pdf], Greenwich: Natural Resource Institute <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Oya, C., Johnston, D., Muchiri, E., Schaefer, F., Skalidou, D., Dickson, K. and Stansfield, C. (2015) Effects of Certification Systems for Agricultural Commodity Production on Socio-economic Outcomes in Low and Middle-Income Countries: a Systematic Review [pdf], Protocol, Oslo: Campbell Collaboration <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Parsons, F.G. (1985) ‘The early history of seed certification 1900–1970’, in The Role of Seed Certification in the Seed Industry, CSSA Special Publication 10, Madison, WI: Crop Science Society of America and American Society of Agronomy.
Plewis, I. (2002) ‘Modelling impact heterogeneity’, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 165(1): 31–8 <>.
Ronchi, L. (2002) The Impact of Fair Trade on Producers and their Organisations: A Case Study with Coocafé in Costa Rica, Working Paper No 11, Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.
Ruben, R. and Fort, R. (2012) ‘The impact of fair trade certification for coffee farmers in Peru’, World Development 40: 570–82 <>.
Ruben, R. and Hoebink, P. (2015) Coffee Certification in East Africa. Impact on Farmers, Families and Cooperatives, Wageningen: Wageningen Academic Publishers.
Ruben, R. and Zúñiga, G. (2011) ‘How standards compete: comparative impact of coffee certification schemes in northern Nicaragua’, Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 16(2), 98–109 <>.
Ruben, R. Slingerland, M. and Nijhoff, H. (2006) Agro-food Chains and Networks for Development, Berlin: Springer Verlag <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Sharfman, M.P., Shaft, T.M. and Anex Jr, R.P. (2009) ‘The road to cooperative supply-chain environmental management: trust and uncertainty among pro-active firms’, Business Strategy and the Environment (18)1: 1–13 <>.
Sirdey, N. and Lemeilleur, S. (2015) Fair Trade Standards and Food Security: Identifying Potential Impact Pathways [pdf], Montpellier: CIRAD. <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
SOAS (2014) Fairtrade, Employment and Poverty Reduction (FTEPR) in Ethiopia and Uganda, London: SOAS <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Stern, E., Stame, N., Mayne, J., Forss, K., Davies, R. and Befani, B. (2012) Broadening the Range of Designs and Methods for Impact Evaluations: Report of a Study Commissioned by the Department for International Development [pdf], London: DFID <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Tallontire, A., Nelson, V., Dixon, J. and Benton, T.G. (2012) A Review of the Literature and Knowledge of Standards and Certification Systems in Agricultural Production and Farming Systems [pdf], NRI Working Paper Series on Sustainability Standards No. 2, Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Terstappen, V., Hanson, L. and McLaughlin, D. (2013) ‘Gender, health, labor, and inequities: a review of the fair and alternative trade literature’, Agriculture and Human Values 30(1): 21–39 <>.
Valkila, J. and Nygren, A. (2009) ‘Impacts of fair trade certification on coffee farmers, cooperatives, and laborers in Nicaragua’, Agriculture and Human Values 27(3): 321–33 <>.
Van Rijn, F.C., Judge, L.O., Fort, R., Koster, T., Waarts, Y.R. and Ruben, R. (2016) Fairtrade Certification in the Hired Labour Banana Sector, LEI Report 2015-056, Wageningen: LEI Wageningen UR <> [accessed 2 December 2016].
Van Rijsbergen, B., Elbers, W., Ruben, R. and Njuguna, S.N. (2016) ‘The ambivalent impact of coffee certification on farmers’ welfare: a matched panel approach for cooperatives in central Kenya’, World Development (77): 277–92 <>.
Vazques, A.M. and Gonzales, P.A. (2015) ‘Managing collective symbolic capital through agro-food labelling: strategies of local communities facing neoliberalism in Spain’, Journal of Rural Studies 41: 142–52 <>.
White, H. (2009) ‘Theory-based impact evaluation: principles and practice’, Journal of Development Effectiveness 1(3): 271–84 <>.
Bacon, C. (2005) ‘Confronting the coffee crisis: can fair trade, organic, and specialty coffees reduce small-scale farmer vulnerability in northern Nicaragua?’ World Development 33(3): 497–511 <>.
Blackman, A. and Rivera, J. (2010) The Evidence Base for Environmental and Socioeconomic Impacts of ‘Sustainable’ Certification [pdf], Washington, DC: Resources for the Future <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Bolwig, L., Riijsgaard, L., Gibbon, P. and Ponte, S. (2013) ‘Challenges of agro-food standards conformity: lessons from East Africa and policy implications’, European Journal of Development Research 25(3): 408–27 <>.
Chan, M-K. and Pound, B. (2009) Literature Review of Sustainability Standards and their Poverty Impact [pdf], London: Natural Resources Institute <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Chiputwa, B., Spielman, D.J. and Qaim, M. (2015) ‘Food standards, certification, and poverty among coffee farmers in Uganda’, World Development 66: 400–12 <>.
de Janvry, A., McIntosh, C. and Sadoulet, E. (2010) Fair Trade and Free Entry: Generating Benefits in a Disequilibrium Market [pdf], University of California at Berkeley <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Demont, M. and Ndour, M. (2015) ‘Upgrading rice value chains: experimental evidence from 11 African markets’, Global Food Security 5: 70–6 <>.
Dragusanu, R. and Nunn, N. (2014) The Impacts of Fair Trade Certification: Evidence From Coffee Producers in Costa Rica [pdf], Working Paper, Harvard University <> [accessed 1 December 2016].
Gadema, Z. and Oglethorpe, D. (2011) ‘The use and usefulness of carbon labelling food: a policy perspective from a survey of UK supermarket shoppers’, Food Policy 36(6): 815–22 <>.
Ghazoul, J., Garcia, C. and Kushalappa, C.G. (2009) ‘Landscape labelling: a concept for next-generation payment for ecosystem service schemes’, Forest Ecology and Management 258: 1889–95 <>.
Hansen, H. and Trifković, N. (2014) ‘Food standards are good – for middle-class farmers’, World Development 56: 226–42 <>.
Henson, S. and Humphrey, J. (2010) ‘Understanding the complexities of private standards in global agri-food chains as they impact developing countries’, Journal of Development Studies 46(9): 1628–46 <>.
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