Building financially sustainable incentives for environmental conservation into small enterprise development
The countries facing the largest challenges of unemployment, population growth and poverty are also those that contain the most important biological diversity. Many economic growth policies threaten theenvironment, through exploitation of natural resources and large industrial development that earns foreign exchange. These in turn increase poverty, as deforestation reduces soil quality, over-harvesting
the land and sea reduces food security and people lose access to traditional resources. The challenge is to identify approaches to development that conserve the environment. Recent initiatives demonstrate
that incentives can be created for small enterprises to invest in conservation in a financially sustainable way.
environment, through exploitation of natural resources and large industrial development that earns foreign exchange. These in turn increase poverty, as deforestation reduces soil quality, over-harvesting
the land and sea reduces food security and people lose access to traditional resources. The challenge is to identify approaches to development that conserve the environment. Recent initiatives demonstrate
that incentives can be created for small enterprises to invest in conservation in a financially sustainable way.
Mitigating Environmental Risks in Microenterprises
Allet, Marion
Business & Society, Vol. 56 (2017), Iss. 1 P.57 [Citations: 19]- Value chain financing: evidence from Zambia on smallholder access to finance for mechanization
- Developing agro-pastoral entrepreneurship: bundling blended finance and technology
- Building frontline market facilitators' capacity: the case of the ‘Integrating Very Poor Producers into Value Chains Field Guide’
- Boosting financial inclusion through social assistance reform: evidence-based approach in selecting a payment system
- Impact of COVID-19 on livestock exports from Somalia and the Horn of Africa