Developing commercial markets for Business Development Services - highlights of the Turin seminar, September 2001
A series of conferences on Business Development Services (BDS) led to the publication of Guiding principles by the Committee of Donor Agencies for SED; this document put forward the idea that many BDS arealready provided to small enterprises by the private sector, and proposed a framework within which this provision could be stimulated or enhanced. While being relatively clear about the final vision, the
Guiding principles were necessarily vague about how to get there, or what it might look like in practice. The BDS Seminar in Turin in September 2001 brought together many people who are working to flesh
out these ideas, and gave the basic approach considerable extra momentum.
already provided to small enterprises by the private sector, and proposed a framework within which this provision could be stimulated or enhanced. While being relatively clear about the final vision, the
Guiding principles were necessarily vague about how to get there, or what it might look like in practice. The BDS Seminar in Turin in September 2001 brought together many people who are working to flesh
out these ideas, and gave the basic approach considerable extra momentum.
Effectiveness of government's occupational skills development strategies for small- and medium-scale enterprises: A case study of Korea
Lee, Kye Woo
International Journal of Educational Development, Vol. 26 (2006), Iss. 3 P.278 [Citations: 9]Skills Training by Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Innovative Cases and the Consortium Approach in the Republic of Korea
Lee, Kye Woo
(2016) [Citations: 4]Exit, Voice, and Vouchers: Using Vouchers to Train Microentrepreneurs––Observations from the Paraguayan Voucher Scheme
Lepenies, Philipp H
World Development, Vol. 32 (2004), Iss. 4 P.713 [Citations: 21]Re-examining appropriate mechanization in Eastern and Southern Africa: two-wheel tractors, conservation agriculture, and private sector involvement
Baudron, Frédéric
Sims, Brian
Justice, Scott
Kahan, David G.
Rose, Richard
Mkomwa, Saidi
Kaumbutho, Pascal
Sariah, John
Nazare, Raymond
Moges, Girma
Gérard, Bruno
Food Security, Vol. 7 (2015), Iss. 4 P.889 [Citations: 110]- Value chain financing: evidence from Zambia on smallholder access to finance for mechanization
- Developing agro-pastoral entrepreneurship: bundling blended finance and technology
- Building frontline market facilitators' capacity: the case of the ‘Integrating Very Poor Producers into Value Chains Field Guide’
- Boosting financial inclusion through social assistance reform: evidence-based approach in selecting a payment system
- Impact of COVID-19 on livestock exports from Somalia and the Horn of Africa