The Internal Learning System for participatory impact assessment of microfinance
In spite of the rhetoric of participation, most PRAs are one-off events used in the initial design of programmes, and community participants are less involved in the running of programmes. The InternalLearning System described in this article is a monitoring system dealing with five levels of an organization, starting at the level of microfinance clients. Clients record aspects of their lives in their
ILS diaries, from the construction of their houses to the incidence of domestic abuse, and are then encouraged to set priorities for goals they wish to achieve. Impact indicators relate to work and material
assets, consumption, empowerment, finances and group functioning. The diaries are designed to be used by illiterate people, and this article describes how they have been enthusiastically adopted by poor
women handloom operators in South India, for whom they are a symbol of their growing confidence. The diaries have been used to confirm the women's low-income status with government officials and reveal
to programme managers changes in income status and in empowerment. Recording is also carried out at the group level, the cluster level, management level and funding level, and the data recorded at all levels
are regularly analysed and fed into planning at the level concerned.
Learning System described in this article is a monitoring system dealing with five levels of an organization, starting at the level of microfinance clients. Clients record aspects of their lives in their
ILS diaries, from the construction of their houses to the incidence of domestic abuse, and are then encouraged to set priorities for goals they wish to achieve. Impact indicators relate to work and material
assets, consumption, empowerment, finances and group functioning. The diaries are designed to be used by illiterate people, and this article describes how they have been enthusiastically adopted by poor
women handloom operators in South India, for whom they are a symbol of their growing confidence. The diaries have been used to confirm the women's low-income status with government officials and reveal
to programme managers changes in income status and in empowerment. Recording is also carried out at the group level, the cluster level, management level and funding level, and the data recorded at all levels
are regularly analysed and fed into planning at the level concerned.
Springs of Participation
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Nagasundari, Sundaram
2007 [Citations: 2]Springs of Participation
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Archer, David
2007 [Citations: 16]Springs of Participation
4. Can an international NGO practise what it preaches in participation? The case of ActionAid International
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2007 [Citations: 0]Springs of Participation
12. Participatory village poverty reduction planning and index-based poverty mapping in China
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2007 [Citations: 0]Microfinance challenges: empowerment or disempowerment of the poor?
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11. Using numerical data from participatory research to support the Millennium Development Goals: the case for locally owned information systems
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Back matter - Springs of Participation
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Pettit, Jethro
2007 [Citations: 1]6. Assessing the Impact of PRADAN's Microfinance and Livelihoods Interventions:The Role of the Internal Learning System
Noponen, Helzi
IDS Bulletin, Vol. 34 (2003), Iss. 4 P.66 [Citations: 3]Springs of Participation
Prelims - Springs of Participation
Brock, Karen
Pettit, Jethro
2007 [Citations: 1]Springs of Participation
3. Training and facilitation: the propellers of participatory methodologies
Nandago, Maria
2007 [Citations: 12]Springs of Participation
14. Creating, evolving and supporting participatory methodologies: lessons for funders and innovators
Chambers, Robert
2007 [Citations: 3]Springs of Participation
1. Introduction
Brock, Karen
Pettit, Jethro
2007 [Citations: 1]- Value chain financing: evidence from Zambia on smallholder access to finance for mechanization
- Developing agro-pastoral entrepreneurship: bundling blended finance and technology
- Building frontline market facilitators' capacity: the case of the ‘Integrating Very Poor Producers into Value Chains Field Guide’
- Boosting financial inclusion through social assistance reform: evidence-based approach in selecting a payment system
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