China's township enterprises
Township enterprises (TEs) in China are undergoing rapid change. With drastic and sustained reduction in the incidence of poverty, the priority of TEs is shifting from income and employment generation for the poor to product-quality improvement and cost reduction. TEs in some strategicindustries such as automobiles and electronics, are to be recast by national industrial policy to function as group members with large enterprises as their nuclei in order to build competitive strength with an increasing focus on world markets. This article seeks to present an overview of
the growth of the TE sector and its place in China's industrial policy.
industries such as automobiles and electronics, are to be recast by national industrial policy to function as group members with large enterprises as their nuclei in order to build competitive strength with an increasing focus on world markets. This article seeks to present an overview of
the growth of the TE sector and its place in China's industrial policy.
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