Applying subsector analysis in Tanzania
Henri van der Land | Peniel Uliwa
This article results from field experiences in promoting MSEs in Tanzania during a transitional era from a controlled to a market-oriented economy. Subsector analysis (SSA) was applied to three subsectors, following the guidelines of the GEMINI manual for SSA. This article describesthe ways in which the promoting organization, FAIDA, adapted and reorganized these guidelines to take account of the shortage of data available. It is intended to make a contribution to the search for promotional methodologies which bring more value added at enterprise level, but also at the
meso and macro level.
the ways in which the promoting organization, FAIDA, adapted and reorganized these guidelines to take account of the shortage of data available. It is intended to make a contribution to the search for promotional methodologies which bring more value added at enterprise level, but also at the
meso and macro level.
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