Promoting enterprises in the wood products subsector in Ghana
Woodworking microenterprises and small businesses (MSEs) have not benefited from structural adjustment policies in Ghana where export orientation gives relatively few enterprises better access to the raw material base as well as the financial and enterprise support infrastructure. Thesubsector approach to small enterprise promotion is used in this article to explore the effects of export production and related factors on the emergence of opportunities and constraints facing MSEs. On this basis, it is determined that export production is a major factor influencing the supply
of wood to woodworking MSEs, that a large number of MSEs could partake in the opportunities presented by the production of value-added products for export overseas, and that policy and project intervention to promote enterprises in the subsector could be more effective if they fostered greater
links between enterprises producing for the domestic market and those producing for export.
subsector approach to small enterprise promotion is used in this article to explore the effects of export production and related factors on the emergence of opportunities and constraints facing MSEs. On this basis, it is determined that export production is a major factor influencing the supply
of wood to woodworking MSEs, that a large number of MSEs could partake in the opportunities presented by the production of value-added products for export overseas, and that policy and project intervention to promote enterprises in the subsector could be more effective if they fostered greater
links between enterprises producing for the domestic market and those producing for export.
Employment relations in small- and medium-sized enterprises: insights from Ghana
Debrah, Yaw A.
Mmieh, Fred
The International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol. 20 (2009), Iss. 7 P.1554 [Citations: 24]- Value chain financing: evidence from Zambia on smallholder access to finance for mechanization
- Developing agro-pastoral entrepreneurship: bundling blended finance and technology
- Building frontline market facilitators' capacity: the case of the ‘Integrating Very Poor Producers into Value Chains Field Guide’
- Boosting financial inclusion through social assistance reform: evidence-based approach in selecting a payment system
- Impact of COVID-19 on livestock exports from Somalia and the Horn of Africa